666 - What does it mean?


Senior Member
May 9, 2004
Tomorrow is 06-06-06, and with it comes a lot of talk of the Devil and so on.

What is the significance of 666?

In the Book of Revelations, the Apostle John describes a person that arises during the last days who is the epitome of evil. That person is called the "anti-christ". God revealed the name of the person to John, but forbade him to reveal the name. So John tells us in an indirect way, he gives us the number of the name of the person.

Number of the name? That is, the number of the name as in "numerology"...

The ancients believed that your name influenced your fate and to predict your fate, they assigned each letter of your name to a number

A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4,..., J=10, K=20, L=30, ...., S=100, T=200, U=300, ... Z=700


According to the Book of Revelation, during the final days, no one will be able to buy or sell without the "mark of the beast" which is thought by some to be the number 666.

The Book of Revelation also states that those who take the "mark" of the beast on their head or on their hand will be condemned to Hell.

Over the centuries, there has been a controversy as to what this all means. Some contend that the "final days" have happened. That is, that the Book of Revelation describes the persecution of the Church by the Romans and that the Beast is one of the Roman Emperors. Others contend that the final days are yet to be.

Some believe that the mark of the beast is a chip implant, a bar code, perhaps a credit card?

P.S. If you're concerned, I did the math, no, it can't be a major credit card... VISA =510, MasterCard = 534, Discover = 671, American Express = 1,169, and Diner's Club= 593 so don't burn those credit cards!

P.P.S. And eBay users, you're in the clear, too, PayPal = 872.
Adam's Apple said:
One thing's for sure--we know it didn't mean Ronald (6) Wilson (6) Reagan
(6). :)
When in doubt
the answer is always 42...

remember that, the answer is 42...

and the lucky numbers for today are 1, 8, 28, 80, 9000000, 792892898299982987772, 0, -1.22222222, 4, 440.444, and 5
Adam's Apple said:
O.K., Karl, I'll ask the obvious question. What does 42 mean?
It's a perfect number!!!!

42 is the multiple of 7x3x2

Seven is a lucky number... three is the number of the Holy Trinity and two makes it all twice as good!!!
You've obviously never read Robert A. Heinlein's "<i>The Number of the Beast</i>". 666 is 6 to the 6th power to the 6th power...the number of alternate universes based upon the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Bullypulpit said:
You've obviously never read Robert A. Heinlein's "<i>The Number of the Beast</i>". 666 is 6 to the 6th power to the 6th power...the number of alternate universes based upon the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Wait.. I know what it really is.... it's not "six six six", it's "sex sex sex"!!!!
Adam's Apple said:
O.K., Karl, I'll ask the obvious question. What does 42 mean?

It is the answer propounded by Deep Thought to the question of life, the universe, and everything....
Why don't we look at the scripture about 666:

Revalation 13:18 (NASB): "Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six."

So, through some sort of calculation, we are to come up with the number 666. Not three sixes, or 6^6^6 (which is 10,314,424,798,490,535,546,171,949,056, or 10.3 octillion), but six hundred sixty-six. To be honest, I've got no idea how one would calculate that number, but that's apparently what it will be.
How serious are they? In the book,Creating a Government that Works Better & Costs Less by Vice President Al Gore. Vice President Gore, (p.114), calls for ". . . the rapid development of a nationwide system to deliver government benefits ELECTRONICALLY. . . develop an implementation plan for electronic benefits transfer by March 1994." According to Gore, the process is well under way (p.114), "There are test sites in Iowa, Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wyoming."

In 1974, a strange, new mark began appearing on products. Until today, virtually every product is now marked with that familiar UPC barcode. And there are three embedded numbers on every UPC barcode.

What are the three hidden numbers?


All of the marks, or bars are associated with numbers at the bottom, except the marks at the first, middle, and end. Notice the marks for the number "6" are "||". And these marks are the same marks at the first, in the middle and at the end!

Here's the other numbers removed.
The number "666" is hidden in every UPC bar code!
(If you don't believe it, get a bar code and look at it!.)

Something else mysterious has appeared. In the last few years, some UPC codes have appeared with additional boxes underneath the bar code. Beside the boxes are 2 letters - the letter F and the letter H! According to researchers, they stand for forehead or hand. And the purchaser must have the required mark in their forehead or hand before purchasing.

You say it'll never happen! SOME ARE ALREADY OUT!

Bar codes, such as these, have already appeared in some Midwestern stores. According to researchers: the F - is for FOREHEAD, and the H - is for HAND! And according to researchers, the purchaser must have a mark in their right hand or forehead before purchasing!

One party moving rapidly in bar-code identification is the Federal Government. Automatic I.D. News, April 1991, says, (p.46) "Everything that is being used in the military system has been-or will be-marked with a bar code. . . EVEN DOWN TO INDIVIDUAL SOLDIERS. . . EVERYONE GETS A BAR CODE."

At least 15 high schools in New York City are participating in a pilot program using bar- coded identification and scanners to "keep careful tabs on the students"

Esquire magazine of March 1990, (p.89) asked the obvious question, ". . .will we all be tagged in the end?"
rtwngAvngr said:

snopes.com said:
Claim: The infamous number '666' appears in all product barcodes.

Status: False.

Origins: "No one could buy or sell unless he had this mark, that is, the beast's name or the number that stands for his name." -- Revelation 13:17-18

THE EAN-13 barcode system is used in 85 countries, making it the most popular product scanning system of its kind in the world. It works by representing numbers as a series of seven vertical lines. Each of the seven lines is either black or white, and the sequence of lines forms a pattern which is recognized as a particular digit when scanned by a computer. Every product is assigned a unique thirteen-digit number (ten digits for the product itself, a check digit, and a couple of flag characters to indicate which organization assigned the number).

Contrary to popular myth, no bar code includes the number 666. This belief arose because the number six is represented by a pattern similar to that of the guard bars used to mark the beginning, middle, and end of every bar code. Since the guard bars always appear three times in a given bar code, people who mistakenly read them as sixes claimed that the pattern 6-6-6 was embedded in every bar code. However, if you look closely at the '6' in a bar code, you will see that there is a wide white bar either to the left or the right of its pattern (depending upon where within the bar code the number is positioned), which is not the case with the guard bars. The only numbers on the bar code which are scanned are those shown in the conventional numerals underneath it.

However, if you look closely at the '6' in a bar code, you will see that there is a wide white bar either to the left or the right of its pattern (depending upon where within the bar code the number is positioned), which is not the case with the guard bars. The only numbers on the bar code which are scanned are those shown in the conventional numerals underneath it.

So the REAL sixes have more whitespace on each side. I understand your need to buy this lame "rebuttal" so you can sleep at night.

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