65% of Jerusalem's Arabs don't want to be Under "Palestinian" Control


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
A poll by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion this year indicated that Arab East Jerusalemites are split about who they want controlling the territory where they live.

Asked whether they preferred to become a citizen of a future Palestinian state, "with all the rights and privileges of other citizens of Palestine," or a citizen of Israel, with the rights and privileges of Israelis, 30% said they would choose Palestinian citizenship; 35% Israeli citizenship; and 35% either declined to answer or said they didn't know.

Arabs in East Jerusalem conflicted about Palestinian state
This is why I feel the people in west bank and gaza needed to be colonized, because they need to experience what its like to be part of a civilized culture, where people have freedom and liberty.

They need to be assimilated into civilized society. Same with Afghanistan. The laws they live under are unjust, and the people, especially women, are severely deprived. They need to acquire the basic human principal that all life is precious, because their culture doesn't promote that idea.

Edit: to clarify, if these people had to vote now, they'd elect hamas again, but give them a chance to live in a civilized society, with liberty and freedom, they will reject radicalism.
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This is why I feel the people in west bank and gaza needed to be colonized, because they need to experience what its like to be part of a civilized culture, where people have freedom and liberty.

They need to be assimilated into civilized society. Same with Afghanistan. The laws they live under are unjust, and the people, especially women, are severely deprived. They need to acquire the basic human principal that all life is precious, because their culture doesn't promote that idea.

Edit: to clarify, if these people had to vote now, they'd elect hamas again, but give them a chance to live in a civilized society, with liberty and freedom, they will reject radicalism.

The whole muslim world is disfunctional. Turkey was a secular society but now they are heading down the wrong path also.
This is why I feel the people in west bank and gaza needed to be colonized, because they need to experience what its like to be part of a civilized culture, where people have freedom and liberty.

They need to be assimilated into civilized society. Same with Afghanistan. The laws they live under are unjust, and the people, especially women, are severely deprived. They need to acquire the basic human principal that all life is precious, because their culture doesn't promote that idea.

Edit: to clarify, if these people had to vote now, they'd elect hamas again, but give them a chance to live in a civilized society, with liberty and freedom, they will reject radicalism.

The whole muslim world is disfunctional. Turkey was a secular society but now they are heading down the wrong path also.

What do you expect considering the sociopath that invented Islam whom Muslims call the Perfect Man to pattern their lives after?

Dr. Wafa Sultan, Among Time magazine's 100 men and women whose power, talent or moral example is transforming our world: THE BARBARIC TREATMENT OF WOMEN IN ISLAM
When it comes to speak about women in Islam, now I am free. But I cannot forget my niece. She was forced to marry her cousin when she was 10, he was over 40. Her marriage was valid and legalized under the Islamic shariah [law] because Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, married his second wife when she was 6, he was over 50.

I always remember my niece coming back to her father's house begging him not to send her back to her husband. He would say in Islam it is a shame for a woman to leave her husband's house. God will reward you for obeying him.

At the age of 25, my niece committed suicide by setting herself on fire She was burned to death leaving 4 children.

In 2002, the Saudi religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing the correct Islamic dress. There were about 800 female students in the school building when this tragedy took place and at least 15 girls were killed.

You must fight the brain-washing machine called Islam. In order to understand Islam, you have to read the biography of Muhammad. It is very traumatizing. It is very shocking. He married his second wife when she was 6 years old, he was over 50. He married his daughter-in-law. His son was adopted so he turned to his followers and said I was told by god that sdoption is forbidden to justify his marriage to his daughter-in-law.

Muhammad's third wife was Safiyah. He attacked her tribe, he killed her father, her brother and her husband. That same day, he slept with her. That's what I call Islam.

Muslims have only two choices: To change or to be crushed. Please, please don't let your civilized way of thinking interfere with your defending America. Please, please defend your values. Please defend your freedom.

In America, I enjoy just walking down the street in America by myself without being accused of being a whore is a blessing. Just chatting with my male next-door-neighbor without being accused of committing adulter is a blessing.

God bless America.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up3yuQDAWKQ]Wafa Sultan - YouTube[/ame]
98% of Palestinians prefer not to be in the Middle East and would rather be on a beach in Southern California.

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