62% Claim They Favor Across-the-Board Spending Cuts


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
62% Claim They Favor Across-the-Board Spending Cuts​

by Bryan Preston
January 2, 2013

If this Rasmussen poll reflected reality, our politics would be entirely rearranged.

62% Favor Across-the-Board Spending Cuts, But 57% Think They’re Unlikely

That’s the headline. Here’s some of the write-up.

Even as official Washington signs off on a “fiscal cliff” deal with $1 in spending cuts to every $41 in new taxes, most voters continue to favor across-the-board spending cuts but doubt they are likely to happen. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 39% of Likely U.S. Voters think it is even somewhat likely that government spending will be significantly reduced over the next few years. Fifty-seven percent (57%) see significant spending cuts as unlikely. This includes 11% who believe such cuts are Very Likely in the near future and 20% who say they are Not At All Likely.

Put me in the 20%, because a large number, maybe a majority, of the 62% in the headline are lying.

If 62% really favored spending cuts, we would not have the miserable class of politicians that we have in Washington. Surely some in that 62% live in Sander Levin’s and Nancy Pelosi’s districts. Surely some of them even live in Charlie Rangel’s district.


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The PJ Tatler » 62% Claim They Favor Across-the-Board Spending Cuts
Count me in! Why should the rich have to pay more just because they were more ambitious? The poor needs to pay the same rate as well. The 50% that dont pay need to pay! After all, its FAIR :)
62% Claim They Favor Across-the-Board Spending Cuts​

by Bryan Preston
January 2, 2013

If this Rasmussen poll reflected reality, our politics would be entirely rearranged.

62% Favor Across-the-Board Spending Cuts, But 57% Think They’re Unlikely

That’s the headline. Here’s some of the write-up.

Even as official Washington signs off on a “fiscal cliff” deal with $1 in spending cuts to every $41 in new taxes, most voters continue to favor across-the-board spending cuts but doubt they are likely to happen. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 39% of Likely U.S. Voters think it is even somewhat likely that government spending will be significantly reduced over the next few years. Fifty-seven percent (57%) see significant spending cuts as unlikely. This includes 11% who believe such cuts are Very Likely in the near future and 20% who say they are Not At All Likely.

Put me in the 20%, because a large number, maybe a majority, of the 62% in the headline are lying.

If 62% really favored spending cuts, we would not have the miserable class of politicians that we have in Washington. Surely some in that 62% live in Sander Levin’s and Nancy Pelosi’s districts. Surely some of them even live in Charlie Rangel’s district.


Read more:
The PJ Tatler » 62% Claim They Favor Across-the-Board Spending Cuts

I live in Eric Cantor's district and support across the board cuts. Where is Cantor on this?
Everything the government spends money on should be cut by 10 to 15% - everything.
Spending cuts are no longer artificially tied to tax increases on the middle class, thanks to the Republican defacto win yesterday.

It is a whole new ballgame.

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