60 Percent of U.S. Military ‘Train and Equip’ Projects Failed

As a side note, the percent of children of those I was in JROTC with is rather high. I can count at least 30 of them that I am aware of and have kept in contact with. One I keep in regular contact with, he is a Squid, and we love joking back and forth about that.

It seems that many of them learned from their parents an appreciation of the military, even if their parents never actually served. And because many were children of 9-11, they have a much different impression of the military than those of the Vietnam era did (I even remember some toy stores in the 1970's pulling guns and GI Joe from shelves).

It is only when I go to places like California or Portland that I realize that it is generally a minority that looks down upon me for my career choice.

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