50 years later: has government dependency helped or hurt blacks?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
50 years ago Martin Luther King shared his dream of a nation where black and whites would seamlessly interweave in making a larger and better American fabric; where skin color was irrelevant.

That is perfectly in line with the American ideal: come here with an idea, with a talent, with a skill, with a mission and nurture it and tend to it until it blossoms.

Instead we heard yesterday blacks need more government programs and support

Was MLK's vision the path that's been followed, or is that the road not taken?
Depends on how you look at it. Government dependancy certainly helps blacks stay poor and at the bottom of the social latter so to speak. I guess if you're a racist Democrat that's a good thing.
Judge for yourself...​

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]
The problem with a government program is two fold: First, it tends to hand a man a fish instead of teaching him how to catch one. Second, it also tends to lead to dependency,although the design of the program had the best of intentions in my opinion.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDEKmI7qKKQ]Entitlement Mentality Gone Wild - YouTube[/ame]
The progressives/Democrats have enslaved the blacks community in generational poverty... 75% illegitimacy rates, 50% graduation rates, black high schoolers comprehend, compute and read at the same level as 7th grade whites..

Yeah, well done. But hey, let's talk about Trayvon Martin and Oklahoma rodeo clowns.
Racebaiting 101 --

actually this thread is starting to cross into the type of propaganda used by the nazi's against the jews.

--and that is not hyperbole -- I said "starting to" -- the OP is dancing around the edge, careful not to go too far and be exposed for the racist that she is.

Racebaiting 101 --

actually this thread is starting to cross into the type of propaganda used by the nazi's against the jews.

--and that is not hyperbole -- I said "starting to" -- the OP is dancing around the edge, careful not to go too far and be exposed for the racist that she is.


So, saying that the welfare state is harmful to blacks and trying to remove said state to improve on the black communities standing is racist?

Also Godwin's law is in effect. you lose the argument.
Racebaiting 101 --

actually this thread is starting to cross into the type of propaganda used by the nazi's against the jews.

--and that is not hyperbole -- I said "starting to" -- the OP is dancing around the edge, careful not to go too far and be exposed for the racist that she is.


Funny how you can't answer the OP question honestly, all you can do is scream "rrraaaaaaccciiiistttt nnnnnaaaaaaazzzzzzziiiiiiii"
50 years ago Martin Luther King shared his dream of a nation where black and whites would seamlessly interweave in making a larger and better American fabric; where skin color was irrelevant.

That is perfectly in line with the American ideal: come here with an idea, with a talent, with a skill, with a mission and nurture it and tend to it until it blossoms.

Instead we heard yesterday blacks need more government programs and support

Was MLK's vision the path that's been followed, or is that the road not taken?

MLK supported AA programs. Don't go being stupid

Four years later King's words in the 1967 tract "Where Do We Go From Here" were even clearer on the subject: "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for him."
Yes, Henry Payne, Martin Luther King Really Did Support Affirmative Action*?* Deadline Detroit

Will that change the way you feel about MLK? Yes it will but in order to keep lying to yourself you have to unsee what I just posted
Another fact most people on welfare are already working. So that "disincentive to work" bullshit is...well bullshit. Unless you consider working while on Welfare means they don't really want to work but are anyway or something..
Another fact most people on welfare are already working. So that "disincentive to work" bullshit is...well bullshit. Unless you consider working while on Welfare means they don't really want to work but are anyway or something..

No disincentive to work, or get better work.... yeah....

Another fact most people on welfare are already working. So that "disincentive to work" bullshit is...well bullshit. Unless you consider working while on Welfare means they don't really want to work but are anyway or something..

No disincentive to work, or get better work.... yeah....


You didn't disagree and snark is not a point. When someone cannot refute that's a sign of being correct and the snark is just anger
Racebaiting 101 --

actually this thread is starting to cross into the type of propaganda used by the nazi's against the jews.

--and that is not hyperbole -- I said "starting to" -- the OP is dancing around the edge, careful not to go too far and be exposed for the racist that she is.


Funny how you can't answer the OP question honestly, all you can do is scream "rrraaaaaaccciiiistttt nnnnnaaaaaaazzzzzzziiiiiiii"
That's EXACTLY what the left has been doing for years, and the problem has just gotten worse, for BLACKS and minorities. But, they LIKE it that way, because it keeps them in power. Problem is the candy store is going broke and the freebies are going to stop. Then the left won't have any more CRAP to talk or freebies to hand out to it's slaves. Their world will come crashing down, all in due time, and the time is drawing near.

Shit stains like hazlhack will be nothing more than a bad memory. They will be shunned and told to STFU in future society.
Why does AA only hold back blacks and not white women? And what did blacks go though that white women haven't that might be a contributing factor?

C'mon show me your cry face
Another fact most people on welfare are already working. So that "disincentive to work" bullshit is...well bullshit. Unless you consider working while on Welfare means they don't really want to work but are anyway or something..

No disincentive to work, or get better work.... yeah....


You didn't disagree and snark is not a point. When someone cannot refute that's a sign of being correct and the snark is just anger

The chart shows a disincentive to work or get better work, you cheap dime store hack.

Burying your head in the sand doesnt make the fact go away.
No disincentive to work, or get better work.... yeah....


You didn't disagree and snark is not a point. When someone cannot refute that's a sign of being correct and the snark is just anger

The chart shows a disincentive to work or get better work, you cheap dime store hack.

Burying your head in the sand doesnt make the fact go away.

If that's true dummy then why does reality disagree with your colorful chart?

Fact: most on welfare already have jobs
50 years ago Martin Luther King shared his dream of a nation where black and whites would seamlessly interweave in making a larger and better American fabric; where skin color was irrelevant.

That is perfectly in line with the American ideal: come here with an idea, with a talent, with a skill, with a mission and nurture it and tend to it until it blossoms.

Instead we heard yesterday blacks need more government programs and support

Was MLK's vision the path that's been followed, or is that the road not taken?

More whites than blacks are "dependent on government". Has that hurt whites?

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