5 things you must avoid to achieve success


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2014
There are so many means of survival as a human being. Everyone has those high and low times in life, when you want to give up on everything. The main reason why you feel this way is because of the people you have around you, the people you choose to be friends with and the people you choose to have a say in your life. To achieve success, you have to give up a few bad traits. This article will give you an insight on what to cut off in life to achieve those goals.
1. Bad friends: We all know it is difficult to live a life without friends, how lonely and sad our lives would be to live alone. But the truth is, to achieve success and be happy, bad friends are the first set of people you cut off. Not all friends want you happy. I am sure you have that one friend who always discourages you when you mention that big leap you want to take. Send that friend packing. You will be fine without them.
2. Envy: You can never be successful if you are envious of other people’s success. It just never works out fine for you. Do not be the type of person who does things because Mr. A is doing it. He is making money from it so you think it might work the same way for you. Remove your eyes from other people’s success, be happy for them, find ways to improve yourself.
3. Negativity: Never say never. Never convince yourself that you cannot make it. If you believe that you will never make it in life, then maybe you would not. The words of the mouth are strong. Try it first and see for yourself before you jump into conclusion...
Source: 5 things you must avoid to achieve success - eReporter
(6) Prevarication.

(7) Gossip, empty criticism of others.

(8) Strong opinions without solid, logical, fact-based support.

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