5 reasons Republicans shot down an international treaty to protect the disabled

The UN has evolved as nothing more than a political forum where men and women can pick their nose and feel good about themselves for accomplishing nothing. Designed to relieve tensions in the world and settle international disputes with frivolous bluster and spineless resolutions. I know this will piss off those in New York but is it not time that another country step to the plate and host this exercise in futility?
Its bad enough we have our own dimwitted politicians ruining the country, we also need european socialists, third world dictators, and communist totalitarians wanting to regulate us.........

Have you read the treaty? If not you can't intellegently comment on it. It requries member nations to allow disabled people to immigrate that have no means of caring for themselves. It also requires member nations to conduct studies and make reports that require money and man power, is it really worth borrowing 42% of every dollar to pay for it? I say no.

Translation for the slow. Send all of your disabled which pretty well can include anybody to the USA so they can live here on our welfare programs.
Another strawman from the left?
.....And, gutless-pussies, in the Senate!

"One by one, Senators of both parties approached [Dole], with former colleagues gently resting their hands on his shoulder or reaching out to his left hand. … Then, one by one, after Dole was wheeled off the floor, most Republicans voted against the measure. Many members did not register their “nay” votes verbally, instead whispering their opposition directly to the clerk or gesturing their hands from their chairs."

The UN was established in the 50s as an anti-US body. Don't believe me? Remember that it was established during the cold war we had with Russia. How many votes does the US get? How many votes does Russia get?

Look it up, educate yourself. The UN has always been anti-US, and recently Anti-Israel. Nothing good comes out of any decision by the UN.

Indeed look it up. 1945. We were one of the founding memebers.

Fear the UN much?

History of the United Nations Charter

• to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
• to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and
• to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
• to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

Charter of the United Nations

I had a suspicion that it was the 40s but I wasn't sure, so I said 50s. Meh, insignificant, it still occurred during US/Russia hostilities.

Like all the Pub dupe views here, total Pubcrappe. We were allies winning WWII...

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