5 million potential carriers have left Wuhan as coronavirus appears to mutate into more transmissabl


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
5 Million Potential Carriers Have Left Wuhan As Coronavirus Appears To Mutate Into ‘More Transmissable’ Form
Over the weekend, there were numerous media reports published in hopes of easing fears that the coronavirus spread was uncontained, and informing the general public just how seriously China takes its quarantine of no less than 17 cities and roughly 60 million people. Take this report from AFP, according to which Police at a roadblock on the outskirts of Wuhan turned away cars trying to leave the virus-stricken epicenter on Saturday, as other anxious residents trapped inside spent the Lunar New Year stocking up on masks and medical supplies.

Like we said fools they will wait until million drop dead before telling you asses then freak you out then tell you you need a shot lmfao.....

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