5 million anchor babies


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

There are 5 million anchor babies in this country all because their parents broke the law and entered this country illegally. Then they brought an unknown number of children with them. How many of those 5 million anchor babies and others are special need children, handicap and disabled, a ward of the system for life at the expense of the American tax payers.

How many illegal aliens have become disabled and depend on the system for survival at the expense of the American tax payers.

Immigration Reform supporters as asking too much from the American people to be burdened with this expense. Mexico and other counties should share the responsibility.

Obama should have asked President, what is his responsibility for his people?

Can anyone is the House and Senate read and do simple math?
If born in the US they are US citizens.

The women knowingly come here when ready to deliver so their kids are born on US soil. Once born they are Americans and entitled to Welfare. Of course Mom and everyone else benefits.

There needs to be an ammendment to the Constitution to stop this. This Ammendment should state that in order to be an American Citizen at least one parent has to be an American.

I do believe that would put a stop to the free ride for the illegals and their anchor babies. If they aren't US citizens they should be entitled to nothing. Just like they would get in their own country.
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You mean 5 million American citizens?

They are only American Citizens by default. If the 14th Amendment were correctly applied, they would be the illegall aliens their parents are.
I do not recognize them as Americans and hope the 14th Amendment will be rescended retroactive. Enough is enough.:clap2:
If born in the US they are US citizens.

The women knowingly come here when ready to deliver so their kids are born on US soil. Once born they are Americans and entitled to Welfare. Of course Mom and everyone else benefits.

There needs to be an ammendment to the Constitution to stop this. This Ammendment should state that in order to be an American Citizen at least one parent has to be an American.

I do believe that would put a stop to the free ride for the illegals and their anchor babies. If they aren't US citizens they should be entitled to nothing. Just like they would get in their own country.

This simply points up the enormity of the problem, because it makes it seem that we need comprehensive immigration reform before doing the obvious; stop the influx at the border.

Here's a variation of the Bush plan: If the workforce of the same people who enforce job safety (OSHA) on employers was expanded, and then given the added responsibility to go to the job-sites, with the announced and certain purpose to not arrest the illegal immigrants but make them legal, that would allow us deal with it at the point of demand.

They would hand out registration documents that would, within a period limited of time, and with a deadline require them to provide personal information for the purpose of obtaining a tamper proof ID badge which they would be required to wear anytime they were at the place of employment. Eventually, any person not working at jobsites which were predominantly using properly credentialed employees would stand out like a sore thumb and would merit closer scrutiny, because the employer, not the employed would be breaking the law.

That employer should then be given a modest fine; something like $1,000, with a daily re-occurrence of maybe $250. It would be important to not make the fine too high, because that is an excuse to not enforce the law because of it being too burdensom. We need to just make the use of illegals operating outside the system more costly then any benefit to them to use that employee.

Taxes would be paid into a separate SS type account which would remain theirs, and they could take back home if the chose to go there and draw benefits with a reasonable accrual of interest. With their Work-ID they could apply for driver licenses with a "flag" on that license which would signify their status.

To become “naturalized citizens” they would have to go through all the same procedures as any other, and those procedures need to be bucked up, for instance requiring the learning of the English language.

Going back to first priorities; if we stop the flow at the border, then the chaos of crime could be stopped. More legal entry points could be added and people could go back and forth daily, and legally. We need to give those who aren't sufficiently interested in US citizenship a reason and the facility to return.

BTW we are the only country that provides for citizenship to the infants of aliens at birth. As I understand it, it was originally passed into law at the end of the Civil War to ensure the citizenship of former slaves and their children (but I’m not at all sure how that would have worked)
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If born in the US they are US citizens.

The women knowingly come here when ready to deliver so their kids are born on US soil. Once born they are Americans and entitled to Welfare. Of course Mom and everyone else benefits.

There needs to be an ammendment to the Constitution to stop this. This Ammendment should state that in order to be an American Citizen at least one parent has to be an American.

I do believe that would put a stop to the free ride for the illegals and their anchor babies. If they aren't US citizens they should be entitled to nothing. Just like they would get in their own country.

Absolutely agree. However I think that the mother must be the one that is the citizen.

Delivery room to detention to both sent back home.

I think its time to take it out now Horse.

How bout you??
I do, but in the present atmospherics I believe it is not possible.

Perhaps after 2012, but I think that is the earliest. Meanwhile the problem grows in scale every day. Obama might agree to some new policy like I outlined, even though it pretty much mirrors the outline of the Bush plan. Problem is, he would find some way to skew it, so even that is going to have to wait until after next January with the new Congress.
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Now is the right time to tackle immigration reform. It will be taken down faster then the previous two times. Three strikes and they are out. Amnesty now is suicide for anyone of takes it on.
You mean 5 million American citizens?

Because the founding fathers didn't foresee this problem when they wrote the Constitution. That loophole should have been closed years ago.

Now you have the overwhelming majority of Mexican Americans related to an illegal alien, and the entire community in cahoots with them against their fellow citizens and the law. It's very frustrating.
If born in the US they are US citizens.

The women knowingly come here when ready to deliver so their kids are born on US soil. Once born they are Americans and entitled to Welfare. Of course Mom and everyone else benefits.

There needs to be an ammendment to the Constitution to stop this. This Ammendment should state that in order to be an American Citizen at least one parent has to be an American.

I do believe that would put a stop to the free ride for the illegals and their anchor babies. If they aren't US citizens they should be entitled to nothing. Just like they would get in their own country.

Absolutely agree. However I think that the mother must be the one that is the citizen.

Delivery room to detention to both sent back home.

Reminds me of when a mother had to be white (free) for the child to be considered white (free).
You mean 5 million American citizens?

They are only American Citizens by default. If the 14th Amendment were correctly applied, they would be the illegall aliens their parents are.
I do not recognize them as Americans and hope the 14th Amendment will be rescended retroactive. Enough is enough.:clap2:
I'd like to see it truly ratified first, without cheap tricks like refusing to recognize the States that didn't vote 'yea'.

Not to mention that it was intended to protect newly freed slaves, not to undermine our soverignty
I do not recognize them as Americans
You don't have a choice. Luckily not everyone is as xenophobic as you are.
The solution is to have our best sharpshooters stop their parents from getting here in the first place.

Get in line or turn around- or you will be shot as a suspected enemy combatant or terrorist.

If they weren't terrorists, enemy soldiers, or criminals, why would they be so loathe to come here through legal channels?
So it's Fuck the rest of the World that wants to legally comes here? These morons just prefer to give Mexicans a free pass, while others get in line and respect the rule of law. What a bunch of assholes. Repeal this Law too, it only breaks up families. ~BH

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