5 Election Day lessons for the GOP


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
5 Election Day lessons for the GOP - The Week

1. The GOP has a huge Latino problem
Latino voters account for 10 percent of the electorate, and their share is growing every year, says Chris Cillizza at The Washington Post. The GOP's harsh positions on immigration helped Obama win 69 percent of Latinos' votes. Romney got just 29 percent. The GOP's "huge Hispanic problem" was the reason Florida was a tossup, and it will be enough to make once deep-red Arizona a swing state in 2016. "Texas could even be a swing state by 2020 unless Republicans" see the writing on the wall and find a way to make inroads with Latinos

2. Conservatives must soften their rhetoric on abortion
The biggest lesson "from this debacle," says Joe Battenfeld at The Boston Herald, is that the GOP needs to start winning back women. The GOP also has to shed policies that fuel charges that "the party is unfriendly toward women," and one way to do that is to "reassess their hard-line position against abortion rights." At the very least, staunchly anti-abortion Republicans need to stop pushing "the rhetorical envelope" when they talk about banning abortion, and whether there should be exceptions in cases of rape.

3. The GOP nominee has to be more aggressive
The thing that sank Mitt Romney, says William A. Jacobson at Legal Insurrection, was that "instead of playing to win, he appeared much of the time — as did Paul Ryan — to play not to lose." Nowhere was this more visible than in the third and final debate, "when Romney let Obama slide on Benghazi."

4. Lying doesn't work
The Romney campaign's "most shocking strategy" was acting like "winning was more important than truth," says Robert L. Cavnar at The Huffington Post. Romney "freely lied about the president, the economy, welfare reform, the auto bailout, major companies, history, and even Americans themselves. He flipped on every single social issue that he had advocated as governor of Massachusetts and stridently concealed his own tax records."

5. Republicans need to stop ripping each other apart in primaries
Republicans, says Battenfeld at The Boston Herald, must "stop engaging in ridiculous primary fights." Everybody knew from the get-go that Romney was going to be the Republican nominee. He was clearly the most electable candidate in the field. But that didn't stop "ego-driven Republicans like Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum" from viciously tearing him apart for months.
Romney tried to lie his way into the White House and lost.



Mittwitt was a lying piece of shit.
I see little chance the GOP will learn a thing. I see a double down on stupid and conspiracy theories.
I'm still laughing my ass off about how the tea baggers lost the low hanging fruit in taking over the Senate. How'd that purge of Dick Lugar work out?
I see little chance the GOP will learn a thing. I see a double down on stupid and conspiracy theories.

It's still the same old circle jerk belief that they're losing because they're not conservative enough.
I see little chance the GOP will learn a thing. I see a double down on stupid and conspiracy theories.

It has already started

I heard Rush Libaughs response to people who say the GOP has an hispanic problem. How can we have a problem in appealing to minorities? Didn't you see all the minorities we had at our convention? Condi Rice, Susan Martinez, Allan West, Marco Rubio, Hermann Caine, Clarence Thomas...we appeal to minorities
IDK, I guess we can hope the Fox news Rush talking head extraordinar types are a lost cause. Perhaps the more moderate Republicans will stand up.

Im listening to the the House speaker in Fox right now actually making sense and not taking a hyper partisan angel. We shall see.
I'm still laughing my ass off about how the tea baggers lost the low hanging fruit in taking over the Senate. How'd that purge of Dick Lugar work out?

I loved the crucifixion of Olympia Snowe during the healthcare debate. The personal insults, old hag, RINO, traitor....

How did her deciding not to run again work out?
5 Election Day lessons for the GOP - The Week

1. The GOP has a huge Latino problem
Latino voters account for 10 percent of the electorate, and their share is growing every year, says Chris Cillizza at The Washington Post. The GOP's harsh positions on immigration helped Obama win 69 percent of Latinos' votes. Romney got just 29 percent. The GOP's "huge Hispanic problem" was the reason Florida was a tossup, and it will be enough to make once deep-red Arizona a swing state in 2016. "Texas could even be a swing state by 2020 unless Republicans" see the writing on the wall and find a way to make inroads with Latinos

2. Conservatives must soften their rhetoric on abortion
The biggest lesson "from this debacle," says Joe Battenfeld at The Boston Herald, is that the GOP needs to start winning back women. The GOP also has to shed policies that fuel charges that "the party is unfriendly toward women," and one way to do that is to "reassess their hard-line position against abortion rights." At the very least, staunchly anti-abortion Republicans need to stop pushing "the rhetorical envelope" when they talk about banning abortion, and whether there should be exceptions in cases of rape.

3. The GOP nominee has to be more aggressive
The thing that sank Mitt Romney, says William A. Jacobson at Legal Insurrection, was that "instead of playing to win, he appeared much of the time — as did Paul Ryan — to play not to lose." Nowhere was this more visible than in the third and final debate, "when Romney let Obama slide on Benghazi."

4. Lying doesn't work
The Romney campaign's "most shocking strategy" was acting like "winning was more important than truth," says Robert L. Cavnar at The Huffington Post. Romney "freely lied about the president, the economy, welfare reform, the auto bailout, major companies, history, and even Americans themselves. He flipped on every single social issue that he had advocated as governor of Massachusetts and stridently concealed his own tax records."

5. Republicans need to stop ripping each other apart in primaries
Republicans, says Battenfeld at The Boston Herald, must "stop engaging in ridiculous primary fights." Everybody knew from the get-go that Romney was going to be the Republican nominee. He was clearly the most electable candidate in the field. But that didn't stop "ego-driven Republicans like Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum" from viciously tearing him apart for months.

You're fucken high.

We don't have a Hispanic problem.....we have a Democrat problem.

I'll agree on the abortion issue, but I think Democrats need to soften their rhetoric.

I agree we have to be more aggressive. We need to learn how to lie effectively like Democrats.....but that would mean making the media honest. Figure the odds.

This election proves once again that the only thing that works is lying.

And the purpose of the primaries is to rip each other apart. The Dems did it in 08' and they didn't suffer from it. But then again that brings us back to the corrupt media.

This post tells me that you haven't a friggen clue. Basically you bought an E ticket to fantasyland. Hope you enjoy the ride.
5 Election Day lessons for the GOP - The Week

1. The GOP has a huge Latino problem
Latino voters account for 10 percent of the electorate, and their share is growing every year, says Chris Cillizza at The Washington Post. The GOP's harsh positions on immigration helped Obama win 69 percent of Latinos' votes. Romney got just 29 percent. The GOP's "huge Hispanic problem" was the reason Florida was a tossup, and it will be enough to make once deep-red Arizona a swing state in 2016. "Texas could even be a swing state by 2020 unless Republicans" see the writing on the wall and find a way to make inroads with Latinos

2. Conservatives must soften their rhetoric on abortion
The biggest lesson "from this debacle," says Joe Battenfeld at The Boston Herald, is that the GOP needs to start winning back women. The GOP also has to shed policies that fuel charges that "the party is unfriendly toward women," and one way to do that is to "reassess their hard-line position against abortion rights." At the very least, staunchly anti-abortion Republicans need to stop pushing "the rhetorical envelope" when they talk about banning abortion, and whether there should be exceptions in cases of rape.

3. The GOP nominee has to be more aggressive
The thing that sank Mitt Romney, says William A. Jacobson at Legal Insurrection, was that "instead of playing to win, he appeared much of the time — as did Paul Ryan — to play not to lose." Nowhere was this more visible than in the third and final debate, "when Romney let Obama slide on Benghazi."

4. Lying doesn't work
The Romney campaign's "most shocking strategy" was acting like "winning was more important than truth," says Robert L. Cavnar at The Huffington Post. Romney "freely lied about the president, the economy, welfare reform, the auto bailout, major companies, history, and even Americans themselves. He flipped on every single social issue that he had advocated as governor of Massachusetts and stridently concealed his own tax records."

5. Republicans need to stop ripping each other apart in primaries
Republicans, says Battenfeld at The Boston Herald, must "stop engaging in ridiculous primary fights." Everybody knew from the get-go that Romney was going to be the Republican nominee. He was clearly the most electable candidate in the field. But that didn't stop "ego-driven Republicans like Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum" from viciously tearing him apart for months.

You're fucken high.

We don't have a Hispanic problem.....we have a Democrat problem.

I'll agree on the abortion issue, but I think Democrats need to soften their rhetoric.

I agree we have to be more aggressive. We need to learn how to lie effectively like Democrats.....but that would mean making the media honest. Figure the odds.

This election proves once again that the only thing that works is lying.

And the purpose of the primaries is to rip each other apart. The Dems did it in 08' and they didn't suffer from it. But then again that brings us back to the corrupt media.

This post tells me that you haven't a friggen clue. Basically you bought an E ticket to fantasyland. Hope you enjoy the ride.

Dude...you got a big time hispanic problem. 29% of the vote. Cost you Florida, New Mexico, Nevada. Arizona and Texas are next

The anti-hispanic rhetoric, Arizona and Alabama immigration bills, English as an official language bills, Sherrif Joe all lead hispanic voters away from your party

Hispanics were historicaly conservative until the GOP sold them out to pander to the extreme right of the party
5 Election Day lessons for the GOP - The Week

1. The GOP has a huge Latino problem
Latino voters account for 10 percent of the electorate, and their share is growing every year, says Chris Cillizza at The Washington Post. The GOP's harsh positions on immigration helped Obama win 69 percent of Latinos' votes. Romney got just 29 percent. The GOP's "huge Hispanic problem" was the reason Florida was a tossup, and it will be enough to make once deep-red Arizona a swing state in 2016. "Texas could even be a swing state by 2020 unless Republicans" see the writing on the wall and find a way to make inroads with Latinos

2. Conservatives must soften their rhetoric on abortion
The biggest lesson "from this debacle," says Joe Battenfeld at The Boston Herald, is that the GOP needs to start winning back women. The GOP also has to shed policies that fuel charges that "the party is unfriendly toward women," and one way to do that is to "reassess their hard-line position against abortion rights." At the very least, staunchly anti-abortion Republicans need to stop pushing "the rhetorical envelope" when they talk about banning abortion, and whether there should be exceptions in cases of rape.

3. The GOP nominee has to be more aggressive
The thing that sank Mitt Romney, says William A. Jacobson at Legal Insurrection, was that "instead of playing to win, he appeared much of the time — as did Paul Ryan — to play not to lose." Nowhere was this more visible than in the third and final debate, "when Romney let Obama slide on Benghazi."

4. Lying doesn't work
The Romney campaign's "most shocking strategy" was acting like "winning was more important than truth," says Robert L. Cavnar at The Huffington Post. Romney "freely lied about the president, the economy, welfare reform, the auto bailout, major companies, history, and even Americans themselves. He flipped on every single social issue that he had advocated as governor of Massachusetts and stridently concealed his own tax records."

5. Republicans need to stop ripping each other apart in primaries
Republicans, says Battenfeld at The Boston Herald, must "stop engaging in ridiculous primary fights." Everybody knew from the get-go that Romney was going to be the Republican nominee. He was clearly the most electable candidate in the field. But that didn't stop "ego-driven Republicans like Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum" from viciously tearing him apart for months.

You're fucken high.

We don't have a Hispanic problem
.....we have a Democrat problem.

I'll agree on the abortion issue, but I think Democrats need to soften their rhetoric.

I agree we have to be more aggressive. We need to learn how to lie effectively like Democrats.....but that would mean making the media honest. Figure the odds.

This election proves once again that the only thing that works is lying.

And the purpose of the primaries is to rip each other apart. The Dems did it in 08' and they didn't suffer from it. But then again that brings us back to the corrupt media.

This post tells me that you haven't a friggen clue. Basically you bought an E ticket to fantasyland. Hope you enjoy the ride.

CNN highlighted that voter gap as one of the top reasons Mitt lost.

Romney lost embarrassingly among young people, African-Americans and Hispanics -- a brutal reminder for Republicans that their party is ideologically out of tune with fast-growing segments of the population.

Obama crushed Romney among Hispanic voters by a whopping 44-points, a margin of victory that likely propelled the president to victories in Nevada, Colorado and possibly Florida.

Analysis: Why Romney lost - CNN.com
It's the Democratic Party way......

Maybe that's the lesson learned.......act like Democrats.

nice deflection. Still no clue as to how the GOP can gain more than a few House seats and a Governor in a very important election. The GOP got whooped real good last night.
The GOP should have never snuffed the Libertarians out of the party. They paid the consequences.

Jim DeMint: Why Republicans Must Become More Libertarian | Libertarian News

Yet the libertarians got ~1% of the vote... actually less than other elections...

The libertarian contingent was not the reason... though it sounds good to a rabid libertarian to say so

Youre forgetting the thousands of Ron Paul write-ins and the Paul fans who settled for Romney.

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