5.4%: That's How Many Of Iowa's Voters Turned Out To GOP Caucus

You do realize that the very nature of Caucuses which requires voters to be physically present and stick around for a period of time precludes a high turn out to begin with right?

Or are you too busy spinning this to pay attention to the context of the vote?

I would also point out that not all voters are Republican. Should be obvious, but i think its being conveniently ignored.
as you all know , Yobama has an approval rate of about 44/45% in Iowa. Obama is old news, Santorum and Romney are the Media Hypes now!!
You do realize that the very nature of Caucuses which requires voters to be physically present and stick around for a period of time precludes a high turn out to begin with right?

It doesn't necessaily "preclude" it.

It would be possible to accomodate EVERY republican if they wanted to be there.

But you are deifnitely right that party caucuses tend to have very small turnouts compared to primary party elections.

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