5,000/y are forced to embrace islam in England

Ancient lion

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Nov 22, 2010
Edited- Copy Right Violation. 15 Post Minimum to Post Copy and Pastes-See Post #3
Converts to Islam are unexpected !

Hana Tajima, 23, fashion designer
Denise Horsley, 26, dance teacher
Dawud Beale, 23
Paul Martin, 27


I wonder, Who "force" them ?!
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The number of Britons choosing to become Muslims has nearly doubled in the past decade, according to one of the most comprehensive attempts to estimate how many people have embraced Islam.
Following the global spread of violent Islamism, British Muslims have faced more scrutiny, criticism and analysis than any other religious community. Yet, despite the often negative portrayal of Islam, thousands of Britons are adopting the religion every year.
Estimating the number of converts living in Britain has always been difficult because census data does not differentiate between whether a religious person has adopted a new faith or was born into it.

The Islamification of Britain: record numbers embrace Muslim faith - Sarah Morrison - Independent | Religion - Top News | Newsodrome
Eh, conversion goes back and forth with every major religion, only difference is one of them would kill those that convert... Care to guess which one?
What could possibly go wrong ?

Dawud Beale, 23

Dawud Beale was a self-confirmed "racist" two years ago who knew nothing about Islam and supported the BNP. Now a Muslim, he describes himself as a Salafi - the deeply socially conservative and ultra-orthodox sect of Islam whose followers try to live exactly like the Prophet did.
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

----------And that is without all you Prophet hating, pork eating Christians defaming it!:razz:

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