41% of GOP: Obama foreign-born


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
41% of GOP: Obama foreign-born - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

On President Barack Obama’s birthday, a new CNN/Opinion Research released Wednesday shows 41 percent of Republicans believe Obama was “probably” or “definitely” born in another country.

The poll of 1,018 adults shows 27 percent of Americans believe the president was “probably” or “definitely” born in another country, compared with 71 percent who think he was born in the United States.

Among the 285 self-identified Republicans polled, however, the percentage who think Obama was born outside of the country spikes to 41 percent, with 57 percent believing he was born in the United States.

Nineteen percent of independents think Obama was “probably” or “definitely” born in another country, as do 15 percent of Democrats. CNN/Opinion Research surveyed 398 independents and 335 Democrats for the poll.

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh floated the theory during his show Tuesday, mentioning that the next day was the president’s birthday, though he hasn’t “seen any proof of that.”

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qe500eIK1oA]YouTube - Gnarls Barkley - Crazy[/ame]
self identified republicans? LOL something like 80% of Americans self identify as being Christian to. What does this poll prove? A) That most Americans can neither identify others or self identify B) That many Americans are in fact stupid and C) Bert is obsessed with trying to make the Republican party look bad so that his savior might look better than the dog shit he really is.
Everyone knows that Obamas real birthday isn't today. It was 2 weeks ago when he was actually born in Kenya. (or should I say spawned from the seed of Satan)
self identified republicans? LOL something like 80% of Americans self identify as being Christian to. What does this poll prove? A) That most Americans can neither identify others or self identify B) That many Americans are in fact stupid and C) Bert is obsessed with trying to make the Republican party look bad so that his savior might look better than the dog shit he really is.

Actually, this is consistent with other polls:

Thankfully, these numbers are down.

58 percent of GOP not sure/doubt Obama born in US - On Congress - POLITICO.com

Same source, a little less than a year ago.
another modbert bash on gop thread


Why haven't they been able to prove he was born in Kenya then? They bitch about there being no proof he was born here, but they have provided no proof, other than the word of his Grandmother he hardly knew, that he was born in Kenya.
41% of GOP: Obama foreign-born - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

On President Barack Obama’s birthday, a new CNN/Opinion Research released Wednesday shows 41 percent of Republicans believe Obama was “probably” or “definitely” born in another country.

The poll of 1,018 adults shows 27 percent of Americans believe the president was “probably” or “definitely” born in another country, compared with 71 percent who think he was born in the United States.

Among the 285 self-identified Republicans polled, however, the percentage who think Obama was born outside of the country spikes to 41 percent, with 57 percent believing he was born in the United States.

Nineteen percent of independents think Obama was “probably” or “definitely” born in another country, as do 15 percent of Democrats. CNN/Opinion Research surveyed 398 independents and 335 Democrats for the poll.

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh floated the theory during his show Tuesday, mentioning that the next day was the president’s birthday, though he hasn’t “seen any proof of that.”

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qe500eIK1oA]YouTube - Gnarls Barkley - Crazy[/ame]

Another B.S. poll. The overwhelming majority of Republicans believe Barrack Husein Obama to be born in the United States--and this includes the overwhelming majority of the tea party movement in this country.

And along with that--the overwhelming majority of Republicans and tea party members WISH he were born in another country--:lol:
Another B.S. poll. The overwhelming majority of Republicans believe Barrack Husein Obama to be born in the United States--and this includes the overwhelming majority of the tea party movement in this country.

And along with that--the overwhelming majority of Republicans and tea party member WISH he were born in another country--:lol:

Why haven't they been able to prove he was born in Kenya then? They bitch about there being no proof he was born here, but they have provided no proof, other than the word of his Grandmother he hardly knew, that he was born in Kenya.

I personally argue that he is a natural born US citizen. BUT for the sake of argument let me explain something to you.

When you run for President of the United States you have to prove conclusively that you are qualified. Specifically in this situation it means you have to conclusively prove that you are a natural born US citizen. No one is required to prove you are not one. Those who argue that he is from Kenya or what the fuck ever are making the claim that he didn't PROVE he is a natural born US citizen. It is not an "innocent until proven guilty" situation. The burden was on Obama to prove he was qualified.
When you run for President of the United States you have to prove conclusively that you are qualified. Specifically in this situation it means you have to conclusively prove that you are a natural born US citizen. No one is required to prove you are not one. Those who argue that he is from Kenya or what the fuck ever are making the claim that he didn't PROVE he is a natural born US citizen. It is not an "innocent until proven guilty" situation. The burden was on Obama to prove he was qualified.

And he did. Unless you believe his birth certificate to be a sham. Which from the start of your post, you don't.
41% of GOP: Obama foreign-born - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

On President Barack Obama’s birthday, a new CNN/Opinion Research released Wednesday shows 41 percent of Republicans believe Obama was “probably” or “definitely” born in another country.

The poll of 1,018 adults shows 27 percent of Americans believe the president was “probably” or “definitely” born in another country, compared with 71 percent who think he was born in the United States.

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh floated the theory during his show Tuesday, mentioning that the next day was the president’s birthday, though he hasn’t “seen any proof of that.”

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qe500eIK1oA]YouTube - Gnarls Barkley - Crazy[/ame]

Another B.S. poll. The overwhelming majority of Republicans believe Barrack Husein Obama to be born in the United States--and this includes the overwhelming majority of the tea party movement in this country.

And along with that--the overwhelming majority of Republicans and tea party members WISH he were born in another country--:lol:

And we should believe you just because you said so?
All this proves is that 41% of the GOP are complete morons. They believe what they like to believe - reality has no affect on them whatsoever.

Images of Obama's birth certificate have been made public. It is an established fact that he is American born. There is absolutely no evidence to the contrary.

This whole issue is a GOP fantasy.

Talk about grasping at imaginary straws!
When you run for President of the United States you have to prove conclusively that you are qualified. Specifically in this situation it means you have to conclusively prove that you are a natural born US citizen. No one is required to prove you are not one. Those who argue that he is from Kenya or what the fuck ever are making the claim that he didn't PROVE he is a natural born US citizen. It is not an "innocent until proven guilty" situation. The burden was on Obama to prove he was qualified.

And he did. Unless you believe his birth certificate to be a sham. Which from the start of your post, you don't.

I happen to agree with you , I was only addressing Luissa's post about why hasn't anyone proven he was born in Kenya and stating that they didn't have to.

Interesting side note. Obama is the 8th candidate and the 2nd man actually voted in who's eligibility as a natural born citizen were questioned. So it isn't as if the issue hasn't been raised before, it's rare, but nothing new.
It's a few months old, but here only 14% of Americans in general believe that Obama is a non citizen

New Poll Shows 14 Percent Believe Obama Was Born Outside the U.S.

Here's something else to consider. Pollsters spend a lot of time and money trying to figure out who to poll to get the results they desire. They really mean nothing.

This is patently untrue. Pollsters make money on their reputations. Pollsters with an agenda aren't pollsters - they're push-pollsters. And no one takes them seriously.

Polling is a lucrative business. Every campaign, every media organization always wants polls. If you don't have a good reputation, you don't get business. This is the same thing that I say to liberals who automatically shoot down anything that Rassmussen say - Scott Rassmussen uses different a different style of polling. He's an outlier usually, but Rassmussen polls aren't fixed.
Why haven't they been able to prove he was born in Kenya then? They bitch about there being no proof he was born here, but they have provided no proof, other than the word of his Grandmother he hardly knew, that he was born in Kenya.

I personally argue that he is a natural born US citizen. BUT for the sake of argument let me explain something to you.

When you run for President of the United States you have to prove conclusively that you are qualified. Specifically in this situation it means you have to conclusively prove that you are a natural born US citizen. No one is required to prove you are not one. Those who argue that he is from Kenya or what the fuck ever are making the claim that he didn't PROVE he is a natural born US citizen. It is not an "innocent until proven guilty" situation. The burden was on Obama to prove he was qualified.
Well he did prove he was qualified, and I am sure the background checks done did also.
My point is, none of the birthers have showed us actual proof he wasn't, and that he lied.
So since he has already proven he is a citizen, it is now their job to prove he isn't. :D
Clear enough for ya?

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