4 Questions for Anyone Who Supports a Palestinian State


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
4 Questions for Anyone Who Supports a Palestinian State

November 29, 2012
By Daniel Greenfield


1. How can a place with no elected officials be considered a state?

2. How can Palestine be a state if it’s actually two mutually hostile states run by two different governments?

3. How can a place that is almost entirely subsidized by foreign aid qualify for statehood?

4. How can a place that has made no progress in 20 years qualify for statehood?


4 Questions for Anyone Who Supports a Palestinian State
1. How can a place with no elected officials be considered a state?
WTF are you talking about? They have elected officials.

That's what started the Gaza blockade!

2. How can Palestine be a state if it’s actually two mutually hostile states run by two different governments?
Everytime they try to reconcile their differences, Israel steps in to shake things up.

3. How can a place that is almost entirely subsidized by foreign aid qualify for statehood?
That's a direct result of the Gaza blockade and should be directed towards the Israeli's.

4. How can a place that has made no progress in 20 years qualify for statehood?
When you've been under a belligerant occupation for the last 45 years, change comes after they leave.

And now a final thought for Thursday's show:

You don't dictate the terms of becoming a state. So mind your own fuckin' business, bitch-boy!
If it okay for Israel to have a state, why is it not okay for the Palies?

That's what the questions where about, oh I forgot you can't read...

Tell loincloth to change, I can smell him from here...

later guber...:D
No way! I've been eating onions all week and sleeping in a pool of my own urine, waiting for the day when I could upload that post!
1. How can a place with no elected officials be considered a state?
WTF are you talking about? They have elected officials.

That's what started the Gaza blockade!

2. How can Palestine be a state if it’s actually two mutually hostile states run by two different governments?
Everytime they try to reconcile their differences, Israel steps in to shake things up.

3. How can a place that is almost entirely subsidized by foreign aid qualify for statehood?
That's a direct result of the Gaza blockade and should be directed towards the Israeli's.

4. How can a place that has made no progress in 20 years qualify for statehood?
When you've been under a belligerant occupation for the last 45 years, change comes after they leave.

And now a final thought for Thursday's show:

You don't dictate the terms of becoming a state. So mind your own fuckin' business, bitch-boy!

Daniel Greenfield has FB & Tweet here--> Daniel Greenfield

thats what you get -jihad, for getting your opinion from frontpagemag .com:lol:
1. How can a place with no elected officials be considered a state?
WTF are you talking about? They have elected officials.

That's what started the Gaza blockade!

2. How can Palestine be a state if it’s actually two mutually hostile states run by two different governments?
Everytime they try to reconcile their differences, Israel steps in to shake things up.

Exactly how are the Palestinians trying to "reconcile" their differences; By demanding they return to Borders that were never recognized by the Arabs plus demand " Right of Return?' It's never going to happen.
1. How can a place with no elected officials be considered a state?
WTF are you talking about? They have elected officials.

That's what started the Gaza blockade!

2. How can Palestine be a state if it’s actually two mutually hostile states run by two different governments?
Everytime they try to reconcile their differences, Israel steps in to shake things up.

Exactly how are the Palestinians trying to "reconcile" their differences; By demanding they return to Borders that were never recognized by the Arabs plus demand " Right of Return?' It's never going to happen.

Indeed, Abbas is out of step.
Exactly how are the Palestinians trying to "reconcile" their differences; By demanding the return to Borders that were never recognized by the Arabs plus demand " Right of Return?' It's never going to happen.

Indeed, Abbas is out of step.

We seem to agree that yesterday's UN actions were little more than an excuse to pass out candy and that by tomorrow all that will be left of it will be a few new cavities. So if Abbas is "out of step" what do you suggest to be the proper course for the "Palestinians" to take? 64 more years of the same old same old? Lob a few more rockets? :D
not much of an answer Codger as per "plaestine"----but it certainly does
describe ISRAEL as a STATE long
before 1948. As to your claim that
Israel is entirely subsidized by the USA
----nope ---not by a long shot---just
some military aid----it is the USA
that FEEDS the "palestinians" and it
is Israel that supplies its utilities and
lots of its medical care
Of course prior to 1948 the EXISTING
government and social insititutions of
THE LAND OF ISRAEL got no foreign aid
at all
not much of an answer Codger as per "plaestine"----but it certainly does
describe ISRAEL as a STATE long
before 1948. As to your claim that
Israel is entirely subsidized by the USA
----nope ---not by a long shot---just
some military aid----it is the USA
that FEEDS the "palestinians" and it
is Israel that supplies its utilities and
lots of its medical care
Of course prior to 1948 the EXISTING
government and social insititutions of
THE LAND OF ISRAEL got no foreign aid
at all

"Israel as a state long before 1948"????....NEWSFLASH Camille----Israel never existed in state-form before 48....you're hallucinating once again! But I dearly love the dismissive reference to U.S. aid....Israel is the leading recipient of financial aid in the world...does this register??? No one has an exact figure because most of the money deliberately flies under accounting radar---but the speculation is 7 pr 8 trillion....yeah...just a "little military aid'....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
1. How can a place with no elected officials be considered a state?

its structural adjustment nitwit...obviously a central government will emerge

2. How can Palestine be a state if it’s actually two mutually hostile states run by two different governments?

same question---same response....HELLLLLOOOOOOO

3. How can a place that is almost entirely subsidized by foreign aid qualify for statehood?

you mean like Israel?-----which is entirely subsidized by U.S. tax dollars

4. How can a place that has made no progress in 20 years qualify for statehood?

precisely for the reason that any minor"progress' was undermined by Israel idiot


4 Questions for Anyone Who Supports a Palestinian State
Ah, it looks like that busy, brilliant, supposedly well-paid writer in Manhattan has so much time in the world to read posts and then respond with his usual nonsense and his usual HELLLOOO like a broken record. It is such a fallacy that Israel is entirely subsidized by U.S. tax dollars when in comparison to Israel's budget a very small amount is given, and most of the money has to be spent here giving jobs to American workers -- workers who are happy they have jobs and don't want to collect benefits like some people who would rather sit home. Isn't it wonderful to see little Heinzie pull stuff out of thin air?
Do you think he cares that he pulls things out of thin air. Of course not, as long as it makes Israel look bad.Remember, Heinzie, you have to turn down anything coming out of Israel, whether medical, technological, etc. because you don't want to help the state of Israel earn money. If you do not turn down their products, then you are merely a hypocrite, which we knew right along anyway.
not much of an answer Codger as per "plaestine"----but it certainly does
describe ISRAEL as a STATE long
before 1948. As to your claim that
Israel is entirely subsidized by the USA
----nope ---not by a long shot---just
some military aid----it is the USA
that FEEDS the "palestinians" and it
is Israel that supplies its utilities and
lots of its medical care
Of course prior to 1948 the EXISTING
government and social insititutions of
THE LAND OF ISRAEL got no foreign aid
at all

"Israel as a state long before 1948"????....NEWSFLASH Camille----Israel never existed in state-form before 48....you're hallucinating once again! But I dearly love the dismissive reference to U.S. aid....Israel is the leading recipient of financial aid in the world...does this register??? No one has an exact figure because most of the money deliberately flies under accounting radar---but the speculation is 7 pr 8 trillion....yeah...just a "little military aid'....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Israel has always lived on the mooch.
"Israel as a state long before 1948"????....NEWSFLASH Camille----Israel never existed in state-form before 48....you're hallucinating once again! But I dearly love the dismissive reference to U.S. aid....Israel is the leading recipient of financial aid in the world...does this register??? No one has an exact figure because most of the money deliberately flies under accounting radar---but the speculation is 7 pr 8 trillion....yeah...just a "little military aid'....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Israel has always lived on the mooch.
1. How can a place with no elected officials be considered a state?

its structural adjustment nitwit...obviously a central government will emerge

2. How can Palestine be a state if it’s actually two mutually hostile states run by two different governments?

same question---same response....HELLLLLOOOOOOO

3. How can a place that is almost entirely subsidized by foreign aid qualify for statehood?

you mean like Israel?-----which is entirely subsidized by U.S. tax dollars

4. How can a place that has made no progress in 20 years qualify for statehood?

precisely for the reason that any minor"progress' was undermined by Israel idiot


4 Questions for Anyone Who Supports a Palestinian State
Ah, it looks like that busy, brilliant, supposedly well-paid writer in Manhattan has so much time in the world to read posts and then respond with his usual nonsense and his usual HELLLOOO like a broken record. It is such a fallacy that Israel is entirely subsidized by U.S. tax dollars when in comparison to Israel's budget a very small amount is given, and most of the money has to be spent here giving jobs to American workers -- workers who are happy they have jobs and don't want to collect benefits like some people who would rather sit home. Isn't it wonderful to see little Heinzie pull stuff out of thin air?
Do you think he cares that he pulls things out of thin air. Of course not, as long as it makes Israel look bad.Remember, Heinzie, you have to turn down anything coming out of Israel, whether medical, technological, etc. because you don't want to help the state of Israel earn money. If you do not turn down their products, then you are merely a hypocrite, which we knew right along anyway.

c'mon now...in the realm of willful ignorance Hoss---you reign!!! It is hardly a controversial issue that Israel receives the most foreign aid of any nation on earth...that stated it is mind-boggling that Jews can brag and boast about Israel's wondrous advances without paying homage to the trillions of U.S. dollars that artificially enrich their economy. We both know that you project the IQ of a carrot, so I won't belabor the point, but I should correctly add that you are to higher-learning what SPAM is to gourmet fare...:D[/QUOTE]

Yup, some of your tax money goes to Israel. Are you looking for some sort of acknowledgment?
Well then here you go: Thank you :)
There are populations amongst which it is not controversial to say "ISRAEL RECEIVES THE MOST FOREIGN AID OF ANY NATION IN THE WORLD" -------In fact I began reading the nazi literature long before 1970 when US aid to Israel began------way back circa---1960 the nazi literature made the same claim----but the IMMENSE AID they claimed was actually JOOOOOOOS draining the world of money and transferring it to Israel-----Prior to 1948 ----the issue was ZIONISTS doing the same via ROTHCHILD

I was amused when young professionals from Pakistan informed me-----in the 1990s ----that SADAAAM was right in invading KUWAIT-----because Kuwait does not SUPPORT THE MUSLIMS OF THE WORLD and THE PRO ISLAMIC PROGRAMS OF SADAAM (well known for his fervent support of islamic terrorism----a fact I kept to myself as the young docs LAUDED SADAAM)

I wonder if the people of the messageboard know about sadaam and ARABISM? The IMPERIALIST ARABIST CAUSE---so promoted by such notables as AL HUSSEINI , NASSER and SADAAM and---for that matter even genocidal Idi Amin-----in his own way Assad is also an "arabist" BAATHIST. Kurds are not "arabs" so they murder them. Iranians are not arabs either----but somehow an ALLIANCE OF FILTH has developed----probably because both worship ADOLF ABU ALI------and---well they also claim to "respect isa"
Ah, it looks like that busy, brilliant, supposedly well-paid writer in Manhattan has so much time in the world to read posts and then respond with his usual nonsense and his usual HELLLOOO like a broken record. It is such a fallacy that Israel is entirely subsidized by U.S. tax dollars when in comparison to Israel's budget a very small amount is given, and most of the money has to be spent here giving jobs to American workers -- workers who are happy they have jobs and don't want to collect benefits like some people who would rather sit home. Isn't it wonderful to see little Heinzie pull stuff out of thin air?
Do you think he cares that he pulls things out of thin air. Of course not, as long as it makes Israel look bad.Remember, Heinzie, you have to turn down anything coming out of Israel, whether medical, technological, etc. because you don't want to help the state of Israel earn money. If you do not turn down their products, then you are merely a hypocrite, which we knew right along anyway.

c'mon now...in the realm of willful ignorance Hoss---you reign!!! It is hardly a controversial issue that Israel receives the most foreign aid of any nation on earth...that stated it is mind-boggling that Jews can brag and boast about Israel's wondrous advances without paying homage to the trillions of U.S. dollars that artificially enrich their economy. We both know that you project the IQ of a carrot, so I won't belabor the point, but I should correctly add that you are to higher-learning what SPAM is to gourmet fare...:D

Yup, some of your tax money goes to Israel. Are you looking for some sort of acknowledgment?
Well then here you go: Thank you :)

What you should correctly be asking yourself is to what extent American tax-dollars sustain Israel's artificial economy...and why this irreducible component is never referenced when Jews boast of Israel's wondrous achievements ????[/QUOTE]
Ah, it looks like that busy, brilliant, supposedly well-paid writer in Manhattan has so much time in the world to read posts and then respond with his usual nonsense and his usual HELLLOOO like a broken record. It is such a fallacy that Israel is entirely subsidized by U.S. tax dollars when in comparison to Israel's budget a very small amount is given, and most of the money has to be spent here giving jobs to American workers -- workers who are happy they have jobs and don't want to collect benefits like some people who would rather sit home. Isn't it wonderful to see little Heinzie pull stuff out of thin air?
Do you think he cares that he pulls things out of thin air. Of course not, as long as it makes Israel look bad.Remember, Heinzie, you have to turn down anything coming out of Israel, whether medical, technological, etc. because you don't want to help the state of Israel earn money. If you do not turn down their products, then you are merely a hypocrite, which we knew right along anyway.

c'mon now...in the realm of willful ignorance Hoss---you reign!!! It is hardly a controversial issue that Israel receives the most foreign aid of any nation on earth...that stated it is mind-boggling that Jews can brag and boast about Israel's wondrous advances without paying homage to the trillions of U.S. dollars that artificially enrich their economy. We both know that you project the IQ of a carrot, so I won't belabor the point, but I should correctly add that you are to higher-learning what SPAM is to gourmet fare...:D

Yup, some of your tax money goes to Israel. Are you looking for some sort of acknowledgment?
Well then here you go: Thank you :)

What you should correctly be asking yourself is to what extent American tax-dollars sustain Israel's artificial economy...and why this irreducible component is never referenced when Jews boast of Israel's wondrous achievements ????[/QUOTE]
It's really a shame that Skitzo has been so unlucky that he hasn't been picked up by some Arab propaganda group by now who would pay him a few bucks. He has been trying and trying for so many years on this Internet for one of these groups to recognize how "brilliant" he is but to no avail. Meanwhile, little Heinzie, whatever help is given to Israel for their defense against your buddies is just 3 percent of their defense budget. Perhaps if Israel didn't give benefits to the Muslim men with their multiple wives and a slew of kids with each wife, they wouldn't even need anything from us. Did you miss the story of a few years ago where some Arab man was on his 54th kid and was hoping for a 100? And he is not the only one in this position with many kids who is receiving benefits from Israel. If I thought you actually had to pay taxes, Skitzo, I would send you the $3 that would have gone to Israel from your taxes. However, instead of paying taxes, you are probably collecting benefits yourself.

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