$30b. small buiness loan package passes


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
WASHINGTON--Overcoming months of gridlock, the Senate approved a small business bill on Thursday that hands President Obama an election-year victory but shows just how difficult it has become for lawmakers to agree on the best way to help the sluggish economy and create jobs.

The measure passed by a 61-38 vote, with just two Republicans crossing party lines to support the bill, which would create a $30 billion small business lending fund and provide $12 billion tax breaks to help companies invest and hire. The bill now heads to the House where it is expected to swiftly pass.

Democrats estimate the legislation could create 500,000 jobs.

Senate Approves Small Business Bill - chicagotribune.com

$60,000 per job. Any guesses how much the jobs actually pay?

By comparision:

More than 100,000 Bangladeshis, half of them women, will benefit from a new $57.8 million fund that helps small businesses.

The borrowers - whose businesses are crucial for the growth of the rural economy - are also expected to create some 200,000 jobs for extremely poor people.

Read more: Loans For Small Business To Create 200,000 Jobs In Bangladesh | AHN

Read more: Loans For Small Business To Create 200,000 Jobs In Bangladesh | AHN
I believe that is the case Trajan. I think the figure is $12b.
Prediction - 10 or so private sector jobs created... maybe. Bundles of cronies get rich.
Uncertainty is the largest determinor in job creation at this point. Obama created the uncertainty.
is this the one with the R&D tax exemptions?

No that is a seperate 200 Billion dollar plan.
This 30 Billion is suppose to be in the form of Low interest Government loans. Which I guess at least is not spending as theoretically we will be paid back.

I still think however it would be more efficient simply to tax the small businesses less than to give them loans. Simply promise you will not let their taxes go up when the Bush Tax cuts expire and you would do a lot to spur on investment and job Growth. IMO anyways.
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Wow another Stimulus plan...What do we do when this money runs out?....Libs answer as is their answer for everything..SPEND MORE.
is this the one with the R&D tax exemptions?

No that is a seperate 200 Billion dollar plan.
This 30 Billion is suppose to be in the form of Low interest Government loans. Which I guess at least is not spending as theoretically we will be paid back.

I still think however it would be more efficient simply to tax the small businesses less than to give them loans. Simply promise you will not let their taxes go up when the Bush Tax cuts expire and you would do a lot to spur on investment and job Growth. IMO anyways.

How does that further the socialist agenda to control business? If you give them a loan, they have to comply with your rules and strings.
is this the one with the R&D tax exemptions?

No that is a seperate 200 Billion dollar plan.
This 30 Billion is suppose to be in the form of Low interest Government loans. Which I guess at least is not spending as theoretically we will be paid back.

I still think however it would be more efficient simply to tax the small businesses less than to give them loans. Simply promise you will not let their taxes go up when the Bush Tax cuts expire and you would do a lot to spur on investment and job Growth. IMO anyways.

How does that further the socialist agenda to control business? If you give them a loan, they have to comply with your rules and strings.

Like I said, I rather simply see us tax them less than give out loans.
Uncertainty is the largest determinor in job creation at this point. Obama created the uncertainty.


Bush handed over an ecomy to Obama that was loosing 750K jobs per month and climbing on Nov. 2.

What did HE do that brought any more uncertaintly that wasn't already there?
Uncertainty is the largest determinor in job creation at this point. Obama created the uncertainty.


Bush handed over an ecomy to Obama that was loosing 750K jobs per month and climbing on Nov. 2.

What did HE do that brought any more uncertaintly that wasn't already there?

Uncertainty about what will happen with the Bush Tax cuts. Uncertainty because thinking people know all this spending has to at some point lead to much higher taxes.

Little things like that are what are keeping 5 trillion in Capital on the side lines as we speak.
Watch, recovery will start in November after Dems are blasted from the House in record numbers
Uncertainty is the largest determinor in job creation at this point. Obama created the uncertainty.


Bush handed over an ecomy to Obama that was loosing 750K jobs per month and climbing on Nov. 2.

What did HE do that brought any more uncertaintly that wasn't already there?

Healthcare reform and poor choices in stimulus spending.
Uncertainty is the largest determinor in job creation at this point. Obama created the uncertainty.


Bush handed over an ecomy to Obama that was loosing 750K jobs per month and climbing on Nov. 2.

What did HE do that brought any more uncertaintly that wasn't already there?

Uncertainty about what will happen with the Bush Tax cuts. Uncertainty because thinking people know all this spending has to at some point lead to much higher taxes.

Little things like that are what are keeping 5 trillion in Capital on the side lines as we speak.
The "uncertainty" was already there bub...thats why the economy was TANKING for the last year to two under Bush.

Any further "uncertainty" is simply made up by those who will prosper from it at this time.

Bush handed over an ecomy to Obama that was loosing 750K jobs per month and climbing on Nov. 2.

What did HE do that brought any more uncertaintly that wasn't already there?

Uncertainty about what will happen with the Bush Tax cuts. Uncertainty because thinking people know all this spending has to at some point lead to much higher taxes.

Little things like that are what are keeping 5 trillion in Capital on the side lines as we speak.
The "uncertainty" was already there bub...thats why the economy was TANKING for the last year to two under Bush.

Any further "uncertainty" is simply made up by those who will prosper from it at this time.

The last 2 years under Bush? Why only the last two? Did something change?

Oh yeah!


That's right! The Progressive took Congress and the markets responded like their hair was on fire
The last 2 years was when it REALLY tanked even to the DUMBEST MFer on the planet.

The economy was never hot for a long time since Bush started spending liking a drunken sailor for HIS made up war.

Clinton gave the jackass a perfectly in tact economy and in no time flat the jackass broke it.


Bush handed over an ecomy to Obama that was loosing 750K jobs per month and climbing on Nov. 2.

What did HE do that brought any more uncertaintly that wasn't already there?

Uncertainty about what will happen with the Bush Tax cuts. Uncertainty because thinking people know all this spending has to at some point lead to much higher taxes.

Little things like that are what are keeping 5 trillion in Capital on the side lines as we speak.
The "uncertainty" was already there bub...thats why the economy was TANKING for the last year to two under Bush.

Any further "uncertainty" is simply made up by those who will prosper from it at this time.

Wrong, the uncertainty the Obama Admins lack of a clear message and clear polices were not already there. Bub.

You can keep claiming Obama has only done good for the economy, but you are part of an ever shrinking minority. The idea that this is all Bushes fault, and Obama who has been in the WH for nearly 2 years, and the Dems who have been in charge of the agenda for 4 Years. Have nothing to do with it is laughable to most Americans.

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