28 million tax returns ave of $40,000 to $52,000 paid less 10% in TAXES!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
If you Obamatrons and Obama took the time to download from the IRS the following table:
Directly from the IRS tax analysis..

You'd find 28 million returns average $40,000to $52,000 adjusted income paid

less then 9.2% of their income in taxes to the IRS!

10% is LESS then Buffett's 17%

AND LESS then Obama's 20%!!

And don't give me the garbage about payroll taxes BECAUSE EVERYONE of those people will get social security PAYMENTS and Medicare from what they paid in!
This is INCOME TAXES apples to apples comparison with Obama's illustration which is a total lie when he says Buffett's secretary pays more then Buffett in taxes!
So where are you people to correct this?
I've looked at the IRS tables! I've done the calculations ... HAVE YOU???
Average payment of 28 million returns average $40 to $52,000 paid LESS then 10% in TAXES!

This is INCOME TAXES apples to apples comparison with Obama's illustration which is a total lie when he says Buffett's secretary pays more then Buffett in taxes!

Have you considered that you're moron? When Buffett points out that he pays less taxes than his secretory, he's not talking about just the income tax.
This is INCOME TAXES apples to apples comparison with Obama's illustration which is a total lie when he says Buffett's secretary pays more then Buffett in taxes!

Have you considered that you're moron? When Buffett points out that he pays less taxes than his secretory, he's not talking about just the income tax.

Have you considered that her social security and medicare will be returned to her dumb shit!!!
THAT is a return of her MONEY and then some you dummy!

I am showing what the IRS reports.. and 28 million people paid LESS % of their income then Buffett!
PLUS you dumb fu...k... explain how buffett writes a check for his income taxes of over $4 million while the 28 million write checks for $4,000???

Dumb sh..t which is the BIGGER amount can you tell me that???
I am amazed that there are so few people to contradict the current narrative that the Obama administration is foisting!
A) False narrative of the Buffett rule i.e. Buffet pays a lower tax rate then his secretary!
The facts are 28 million tax returns showing payments less then 10% while the "millionaires/billionaires paying nearly double that in percentages and billions more in actual taxes!
B) False Narrative of 47 million uninsured when of that 10 million are not citizens, 14 million ARE already covered by Medicaid and 17.5 million DoN'T want, NEED health insurance as the are under 34 and make over $50,000 so they can afford!

YET you people are totally ignoring the FACTS!!!
If you Obamatrons and Obama took the time to download from the IRS the following table:
Directly from the IRS tax analysis..

You'd find 28 million returns average $40,000to $52,000 adjusted income paid

less then 9.2% of their income in taxes to the IRS!

10% is LESS then Buffett's 17%

AND LESS then Obama's 20%!!

And don't give me the garbage about payroll taxes BECAUSE EVERYONE of those people will get social security PAYMENTS and Medicare from what they paid in!
This is INCOME TAXES apples to apples comparison with Obama's illustration which is a total lie when he says Buffett's secretary pays more then Buffett in taxes!

These people are not paying their fair share.
If you Obamatrons and Obama took the time to download from the IRS the following table:
Directly from the IRS tax analysis..

You'd find 28 million returns average $40,000to $52,000 adjusted income paid

less then 9.2% of their income in taxes to the IRS!

10% is LESS then Buffett's 17%

AND LESS then Obama's 20%!!

And don't give me the garbage about payroll taxes BECAUSE EVERYONE of those people will get social security PAYMENTS and Medicare from what they paid in!
This is INCOME TAXES apples to apples comparison with Obama's illustration which is a total lie when he says Buffett's secretary pays more then Buffett in taxes!

These people are not paying their fair share.

WHO are YOU to determine what a "FAIR SHARE " is?
I mean did you really look at the table?

People with under $1 million taxable iincome paid $7,674 per return in taxes.
People with taxable income of $1 million or more per year paid: $385,103 in taxes

5,018% MORE in taxes then those under $1 million!

FAIR... are you a communist? Do something to make a million instead of being jealous, being envious.. being STUPID!
If you Obamatrons and Obama took the time to download from the IRS the following table:
Directly from the IRS tax analysis..

You'd find 28 million returns average $40,000to $52,000 adjusted income paid

less then 9.2% of their income in taxes to the IRS!

10% is LESS then Buffett's 17%

AND LESS then Obama's 20%!!

And don't give me the garbage about payroll taxes BECAUSE EVERYONE of those people will get social security PAYMENTS and Medicare from what they paid in!
This is INCOME TAXES apples to apples comparison with Obama's illustration which is a total lie when he says Buffett's secretary pays more then Buffett in taxes!

These people are not paying their fair share.

WHO are YOU to determine what a "FAIR SHARE " is?
I mean did you really look at the table?

People with under $1 million taxable iincome paid $7,674 per return in taxes.
People with taxable income of $1 million or more per year paid: $385,103 in taxes

5,018% MORE in taxes then those under $1 million!

FAIR... are you a communist? Do something to make a million instead of being jealous, being envious.. being STUPID!
Oh yes...obviously an avowed commie....LOL
Nobody should have to pay even a dollar in taxes as long as the GSA is in existence.
Nobody should have to pay even a dollar in taxes as long as the GSA is in existence.

And GROW every other department.

The Government should be shrinking as the private sector is courtesy of Obama...

It isn't.

He'll destroy it finally IF he is re-elected.

Liberty won't be taking a holiday...Liberty will suffer DEATH.
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Only a fool would believe there is any rationale behind your nonsense. We have a progressive tax system. Do you understand that or is the concept too far over your head? You want to compare the taxes a person who takes home less than $1,000 a week, far less, to someone who takes home more than $1,000,000 a week and say that doing anything else is an apples to oranges comparison. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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Only a fool would believe there is any rationale behind your nonsense. We have a progressive tax system. Do you understand that or is the concept too far over your head? You want to compare the taxes a person who takes home less than $1,000 a week, far less, to someone who takes home more than $1,000,000 a week and say that doing anything else is an apples to oranges comparison. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Did YOU download this file from the IRS

FACTS that show that 86 million tax returns UNDER $200,000 adjusted taxable income:
paid 14.4% of their TAXABLE income WHILE:

4.3 million tax PAYERS with adjusting income over $200,000 adjusted taxable income:
PAID 26.1% of their income!


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Wow, I was told (by you I think) that the middle class pays no taxes.

"the middle class pays no taxes" because that is a flaw in idiots like you..i.e.
EXAGGERATIONS...gross GENERALIZATIONS and Especially with NO substantiation!

Why are you having a problem taking what the IRS reports as the REALITY of tax payers?
Why are you having a problem UnDERSTANDING the attached CHART..
That shows for example people with adjusted tax income between $15 to $20,000 paid
8.4% of their income in taxes..

WHILE tax returns with adjusted incomes between $1 million and $1.5 million PAID
28.63% of their taxable income in TAXES to the IRS!

AND don't give me that stupid unsubstantiated "well there are millionaires that pay no taxes"... OBVIOUSLY.. BUT it is Called the Buffett RULE which most people read to be the normal, i.e. happens more often then not... AND THAT IS A LIE!

MOST millionaires pay over 24% of their adjusted taxable income in TAXES!

YOU can't argue with the FACT that 13,338 tax payers with incomes over $10 million
paid an average of $6,264,673 in taxes!
EACH of the 13,338 taxpayers paid an average of 17,000% MORE in taxes then people making $10 to $15,000!

17,000% MORE and don't give me that CRAP about FAIRNESS!!!!!
DEaL with the FACTS!!!
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Have you considered that her social security and medicare will be returned to her dumb shit!!!
THAT is a return of her MONEY and then some you dummy!

You pagan shithead liberals think that taxes are investments. Wrong. Social Security and medicare are taxes, and huge amounts of these tax revenues are paid to people who didn't pay in, rather than to the people who paid in.

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