25,000,000 Reward for Obama's Birth Certificate

His Notorized Hawaiian Certification of Birth, STATES that Honolulu, Hawaii IS HIS PLACE OF BIRTH.

the Hawaii Certification of Birth, is equal to the Original Birth Certificate for ALL LEGAL PURPOSES is what the Law says?

it is only prima facie evidence of the portion of the original. it is does not contain all information contained in the original, thus, it is absolutely false to claim that the certification proves everything in the certificate.

the only thing missing from the State of Hawaii's computer generated, then NOTORIZED certificate of Birth is the hospital in which the child was born.

False... It's missing the Hospital, it's address, the name and signature of the attending physician and the name, signature and seal of the person who certified the documents resulting from the birth.

The hospital is PRIVATE information and NONE of your business. Everything on the Hawaiian notorized certificate of birth to verify LEGAL birth and citizenship IS ON the Certificate of Birth....I don't know how else to put it...?


Hussein's birth status is dubious and his sealing the information only amplifies that doubt.
What is it on the original that you want? Do you want the name of the hospital? Do you want to see the signatures on it? WHAT is it on the original that you believe will be the smoking gun on Obama being born in Kenya?

Are you just frivolously throwing out a bunch of crud and hoping something will stick?

[I know they don't. But it sure would help to see some of you smack these morons down sometime, instead of leaving it up to the rest of us. Your silence might as well be agreement. And I KNOW most of you aren't that stupid. In fact, didn't Gunny say that this subject was destined for The Lame Zone?

Gunny says what the lame zone is for:

Everyone can read it so they can see how fucking lame it is, but only staff can post in the forum.

I'm sick of threads that say "Bush lied ..." or "Obama is a Muslim and wasn't born in the US."

And believe it or not, I am MORE offended by so-called conservatives acting like leftwingnuts than I am leftwingnuts acting like themselves. I don't expect better of THEM.


It's a new category, listed just below The Flame Zone. You can't post there once it lands there, but you can read all the prior comments. It's USMB's too-absurd-to-fit-anywhere-else wastebasket.

It's a dumbass notion, created by a dumbass... Those who CAN DEBATE DO.. those who can't create asinine little threads to impart control. It's a classic reaction of the impotent, which only tends to amplify their flaccid means.
I've got a certified copy of my original Birth Cert... It list the exact, time, date and location of my birth and bears the public seal of the State, a notary witness and bears the name and signature of the attending physician.

What Hussein has provided is NOT a certified copy of the original...

Now all I am asking for is a document which simply PROVES through the customary format, that this individual was BORN ON US SOIL AND MEETS THE CONSTITUTIONAL PREREQUISITE FOR THE OFFICE HE NOW HOLDS.

That is NOT an unreasonable request, by ANY stretch of the leftist imagination...

If he is a naturally born Citizen of the US... FINE BY ME!

Just produce the document which demonstrates such; and the tortured attempts of the sychophants who would attest to a 'record of live birth' or that THEY'VE SEEN THE DOCUMENT, wherein they DO NOT SAY THAT THE DOCUMENT THAT THEY'VE SEEN IS A US BIRTH CERTIFICATION... is not IT.


THAT is the long form... notice the distinction... location, time, attending physician... Name of Hospital, location of hospital and so on...

I'm looking right at it PI and ONLY the hospital information is not available on the short form, which is something that is personal and none of anyone else's business other than the State's to verify his birth?

There is absolutely NOTHING on that original form that is not certified on the short form....there is no place to list the birth in a foreign country on the long form??? SO WHAT IS IT that you are freaking out over?


Well, there's the hopsital, the attending physician and the notary who originally certified it...

As far as it being personal, ITS ALL PERSONAL... and one is entitled to keep such private, RIGHT UP TO THE POINT THAT THEY RUN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE... particularly where the facts surrounding their birth is restricted by Constitutional thresholds...

Such is my business, as I am a citizen who will be governed by this individual.

That such is sufficient for you, is fine with me... but that is IRRELEVANT TO MY CLAIM.

I do not believe that it is reasonable for the President of the US to withhold such information; particularly given that most of his young life was spent overseas; and where he was identified with and trained in the religion which has in large measure declared war with and is presently AT WAR with the US...

Frankly, Care, your argument is absurd on its face. You've not a damn thing to offer accept a computer generated form which can be created by ANYONE with a couple of hours... and that The Lord of the Idiots: King Hussein of the US has had his birth records SEALED, is all ANYONE needs to recognize that PRESIDENT HUSSEIN AND THE GOVERNOR OF HAWAII HAVE CONSPIRED TO WITHOLD THE BIRTH-RECORDS OF THE KING FROM THE PUBLIC.

As Yurt has pointed out ad nauseum, all the boy has to do is to produce the records and that would be it.

The fact is that HE has created the issue... NO ONE ELSE, is responsible for this. And there is NOTHING UNREASONABLE about wanting to know that the man who feels that he is entitled to change the entire economic construct of the US is CONSTITUTIONAL QUALFIED TO DO SO!

But is if VERY TELLING that you feel that innuendo and inferences drawn from that innuendo is sufficient to qualify the boy.

obama certainly did not create this ABSURD issue PI, the ''people'' that LEAD the people like you, a blind follower of them, created this issue out of thin air...i'm sorry, after all that has been presented to you, that you no longer seem able to do some critical thinking, with deductive reasoning.

The State Dept of the USA government is responsible for the intelligence vetting of all presidential candidates and they are responsible for "clearing" a candidate for presidency, including the verification of the candidate's natural born citizenship.

Obama's legal birth certificate issued by the Hawaiin Department of Health, what is called the short form or computer generated form, is also NOTORIZED, confirming that this information on the short form matches the original form precisely.

This means that Obama WAS BORN IN HONOLULU, HAWAII....the governor of the state of Hawaii and the Director of the hawaii Dept of Health, also reverified that Obama's birth certificate is valid and accurate. this means the information on it, matches the original.

There is no valid reason for you to want the name of the hospital or the name of the doctor. At the time of the original birth certificate, these people swore that they were telling the truth and unless you or the parties causing this needless trouble have some sort of valid reason to need this information, there is NO REASON to gove it to you.

And you have shown NO TYPE OF VALID PROOF OF ANY KIND to even suggest that someone forged this information on obama's original birth certificate.

It is NOT a conspiracy that his original certificate is being held back, IT IS THE LAW that has held it back for every citizen born there, the short, computer generated, NOTORIZED form, IS THE LEGAL certification of birth for the State of Hawaii.

You have no proof of NOTHING....you have dreams, and wishes of something being amiss but you have nothingwith any substance to even warrant a bypassed thought.

All the facts are against you....

go search the 2 hospitals they may have had on honolulu if you want to find his place of birth and the doctor...the Lord only knows what THAT will tell ya?

NOTHING AT ALL about all of the giberish crapola you have been rambling on about...like the birth certificate would show that he was born in another country or that Anne dunham was forced to stay in Kenya and not allowed to fly home to deliver her baby...JUST ALL MADE UP LIES and conjecture and speculation and downright loony conspiracy accusations with absolutely nothing at all of substance.

Obama was listed by the dept of Health as a baby born in hawaii with all other children born the same day in hawaii....they had this printed in the sunday paper, as they did every week back then.

Obama's original birth certificate was registered at the Hawaii Department of Health Registrar on August 8th, just 4 days after his birth....you KNOW, THERE IS NO WAY POSSIBLE, if obama were born in kenya, that his mother could have gotten him back to honolulu, get a Doctor to lie and a hospital to lie about his birth or fill out the paperwork and get approval by the department of health Director if he was born overseas, in the less than 4 days that there were between his birth and his birth being registered with the official vital statistic office....for goodness sakes, i'm sorry but this DOES put an end to your silly speculations...no matter what you continue to regurgitate.

Why all the wrist ringing? There are some that are very bitter that the horse they bet on lost the race. Now they howl foul! There is no contraversy over the birth cirtificate or those in position of power and standing in the opposing minority party would be making official protest. They are not above doing so especially when looking at thier record. Remember how many neo cons wanted a peek at willy's willy?

We don't have to waste time on this conspiracy unless you enjoy buying in to every scam you run into.

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