24yo can have sex with a 15yo in Colorado


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Wait what? In retrieving aoc info for the Canon City thread I caught site of just below what was pasted more info. Wasn't pertinent to the thread so left it out. But it began swirling around in my head and think it's worth its own thread.

Colorado Age of Consent Lawyers | LegalMatch Law Library

"What Is the Age of Consent in Colorado?

In Colorado, the age of consent for sexual activity is 17 years old. Like many other states, where a minor is concerned, the age difference between the two parties becomes a big focus.
Are There Any Exceptions?

Close-in-age: In Colorado, a person who is under 15 can legally consent to have sex with someone who is no more than 4 years older.

Additionally, a person under 17 can legally consent to sex with a person who is no more than 10 years older. This is quite a liberal age difference, particularly when compared to other states. Under this law, an individual who is 24 could legally have sex with a 15 year old, provided it is consensual."

While I'm all for Romeo and Juliet laws, a 10 year spread is a bit much. 4 years is reasonable, 10 years is curious.
I blame beer, whiskey, loose women, greed and generational potheads.....:dunno:
Wait what? In retrieving aoc info for the Canon City thread I caught site of just below what was pasted more info. Wasn't pertinent to the thread so left it out. But it began swirling around in my head and think it's worth its own thread.

Colorado Age of Consent Lawyers | LegalMatch Law Library

"What Is the Age of Consent in Colorado?

In Colorado, the age of consent for sexual activity is 17 years old. Like many other states, where a minor is concerned, the age difference between the two parties becomes a big focus.
Are There Any Exceptions?

Close-in-age: In Colorado, a person who is under 15 can legally consent to have sex with someone who is no more than 4 years older.

Additionally, a person under 17 can legally consent to sex with a person who is no more than 10 years older. This is quite a liberal age difference, particularly when compared to other states. Under this law, an individual who is 24 could legally have sex with a 15 year old, provided it is consensual."

While I'm all for Romeo and Juliet laws, a 10 year spread is a bit much. 4 years is reasonable, 10 years is curious.

If you can kill children in the womb, why should you not be able to screw them when they pop out?
Technically, I could go out and have 'sex' with a five-year-old girl, but there's this little thing called the law, part of which is designed and enforced to protect people who haven't quite matured enough to make big decisions or "consent" to actions that could result in a rather big and life-changing responsibility, thus I'd be looking at 15 to 20 years in prison.
As little as a hundred years ago, an unmarried sixteen year old girl was considered an old maid. The men they married were at least in their mid twenties. Old enough to be established and able to support a wife and family.
In our modern society, Joseph would be arrested for marrying Mary.
Our modern attitudes are antichrist.
In many more primitive cultures once a girl started menstruating she was marriageable. A 5 year old girl would be child rape and the rapist dispatched by the male relatives of the child. No trial necessary.
Leave it to Delta... How much is the move setting you back? If you don't mind my asking...

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