248 Terrorists demanded for capture


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Turkey asks Iraq, US to hand over PKK members - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

Last week, General Basbug gave long TV interview to Can Dündar (very respected journalist). Basbug said, that we are on the point where words end.
Journalists report here, that 3 options were given to the related parties:
- KRG removes PKK from North-Iraq
- USA does it
- Turkey will

Incidents with PKK have become more intense in recent time
List of incidents in the Turkey ? Kurdistan Workers' Party conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2008, the Gunes Operation in Winter
2008 Turkish incursion into northern Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Turkey did not target HQ of PKK in Kandil mountains, but cleaned terrorist camps on Iraq that were near to Turkish border and served as logistical go-through for PKK.

This time HQ of PKK would be target. Region is Afghanistan type topograhy. It would be a large incursion and it would happen not in Winter as Sun Operation, but Summer. So this time around.

Parliament has already given authority to fight PKK in foreign territory in 2007 and thereby incursion rights to Army, authorization is every year renewed.
This authorization covers more "hot-pursuit" subject.

Interior Ministry now has signed documents to give authorization to target HQ of PKK.

Turkish Interior Minister has signed a major military operation into Northern Iraq to eradicate camps of outlawed PKK that has stepped up its attacks in Turkish military outposts, killing scores of soldiers.

Turkish Interior Minister (...) :
"They must be destroyed. Turkey is determined to this end," he said.
Turkey hints major offensive against PKK in N. Iraq [ WORLD BULLETIN- TURKEY NEWS, WORLD NEWS ]

Iraq and USA now have a list with 248 leading cadre of PKK to be captured and given to Turkey. If this does not happen, and operational goal is to eradicate HQ of PKK an incursion would resemble incursions of the 1990's where several ten-thousands of soldiers were involved.

2008 Sun Operation was limted to 8.000-10.000 soldiers, with Special Forces and Mountain-Soldiers targeting the imeediate border area.
Unfortunately the HQ of PKK in Kandil Mountains are full of caves and elevation without any infrastructure, it would be ging from cave to cave with Air support being limited in effectiveness.
Probably around 30.000 to 60.000 soldiers would be involved for the operational goal to eradicate PKK from its HQ.
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When will the outlaw Islamic Entity of Turkey recognize the basic human rights of Kurds?

The HQ of PKK was not targeted since 1990's. Since then firepower of Turkish Army has remarkably risen with various new equipment being in the inventory.
But topograhy is Afghanistan-Pakistan border style rendering most quipment useless.

We have currently shortage in Attack Helicopters, that can operate in altitudes above 4000+ meters. Our 91 T-129 Attack Helicopters will not be ready before 2013/14
TAI/AgustaWestland T-129 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Probably the Kandil mountains would be carpet-bombed with limited effectivess and then cleaned hill by hill, cave by cave. Paralelly from different starting points. This means also Turkish Army would need to relatively go deep into Iraq, as Kandil Mountains is most distant camp of PKK from Turkish border.
Camps near border, except Nr.4, were targeted in 2008.
Nr. 8 (Mahmur) is an UN camp, these are no terrorists there.

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Syria detains 400 people in operations against PKK
July 1, 2010
Syria detains 400 people in operations against PKK - People's Daily Online

Thanks Syria.
Now we'll see if our so-called ally with the list of 248 leading Terrorists will be able to capture them as de-facto occupation force in Iraq.
If not, interests of USA in that particular area will be pushed aside and Turks will do an attack themselves.
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When will the outlaw Islamic Entity of Turkey recognize the basic human rights of Kurds?

The HQ of PKK was not targeted since 1990's.

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