24 Ways The United States Differs That People Immediately Notice


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
A study was done of things that foreigners most often notice and catch as rather strange to them upon visiting us:

1). Using money that is all the same size and color. Most countries the size and color represent the value.
2). Putting a lot of ice in our drinks. Most countries use little or no ice.
3). Using "America" or "Americans" to describes ourselves, our customs, and our country. We seem to think we have a monopoly over the rest of North and South America. Other countries call us "The States."
4). Writing the date beginning with the month.
5). Advertising prescription drugs all over the place. It's not like we tell the doctor what to prescribe.
6). Hanging American flags everywhere.
7). The fact that our pharmacies sell so many things. Most stuff in pharmacies has little to do with medicine.
8). Eating bread that almost always tastes sweet.
9). Using the imperial system of measurement instead of the metric system. We are one of only three countries.
10). The constant commercials on TV.
11). Expecting free refills everywhere we get a drink.
12). Using a lot of water in the toilet bowls.
13). Putting giant gaps in bathroom stall doors. You can often see almost up to a persons knees.
14). Drinking huge coffees while we walk around. They drink the stuff and go.
15). Taking leftover food home from a restaurant. Doggy bags are verboten most places.
16). Eating giant portions. We are gluttonous pigs.
17). Paying sales tax on pretty much everything we buy. Sales tax is built in elsewhere.
18). Tipping waiters and waitresses and other service professionals. Tipping is considered rude many places.
19). Chatting with strangers and making small talk. Strange, but many foreigners like it.
20). Using red cups to drink alcohol out of. We have an infatuation with red plastic cups.
21). Wearing swimsuits to the beach. We have a hang up with the nude body.
22). Going into massive debt in order to go to college. The giant scam: We spend more than anyone else in the world and most places it is totally free.
23). Throwing baby showers.
24). Working constantly with very little rest or vacation time. Working long hours, taking work home. You are being worked to death. Elsewhere, people work shorter hours, get longer breaks and longer vacations. 6 weeks paid average.

For more information:
24 things that are considered 'normal' in the US but the rest of the world finds weird
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A study was done of things that foreigners most often notice and catch as rather strange to them upon visiting us:

1). Using money that is all the same size and color. Most countries the size and color represent the value.
2). Putting a lot of ice in our drinks. Most countries use little or no ice.
3). Using "America" or "Americans" to describes ourselves, our customs, and our country. We seem to think we have a monopoly over the rest of North and South America. Other countries call us "The States."
4). Writing the date beginning with the month.
5). Advertising prescription drugs all over the place. It's not like we tell the doctor what to prescribe.
6). Hanging American flags everywhere.
7). The fact that our pharmacies sell so many things. Most stuff in pharmacies has little to do with medicine.
8). Eating bread that almost always tastes sweet.
9). Using the imperial system of measurement instead of the metric system. We are one of only three countries.
10). The constant commercials on TV.
11). Expecting free refills everywhere we get a drink.
12). Using a lot of water in the toilet bowls.
13). Putting giant gaps in bathroom stall doors. You can often see almost up to a persons knees.
14). Drinking huge coffees while we walk around. They drink the stuff and go.
15). Taking leftover food home from a restaurant. Doggy bags are verboten most places.
16). Eating giant portions. We are gluttonous pigs.
17). Paying sales tax on pretty much everything we buy. Sales tax is built in elsewhere.
18). Tipping waiters and waitresses and other service professionals. Tipping is considered rude many places.
19). Chatting with strangers and making small talk. Strange, but many foreigners like it.
20). Using red cups to drink alcohol out of. We have an infatuation with red plastic cups.
21). Wearing swimsuits to the beach. We have a hang up with the nude body.
22). Going into debt in order to go to college. We spend more than anyone else and most places it is free.
23). Throwing baby showers.
24). Working constantly with very little vacation time. You are being worked to death. Elsewhere, people work shorter hours, get longer breaks and longer vacations. 6 weeks paid average.

For more information:
24 things that are considered 'normal' in the US but the rest of the world finds weird
Seems normal to me.
A study was done of things that foreigners most often notice and catch as rather strange to them upon visiting us:

1). Using money that is all the same size and color. Most countries the size and color represent the value.
2). Putting a lot of ice in our drinks. Most countries use little or no ice.
3). Using "America" or "Americans" to describes ourselves, our customs, and our country. We seem to think we have a monopoly over the rest of North and South America. Other countries call us "The States."
4). Writing the date beginning with the month.
5). Advertising prescription drugs all over the place. It's not like we tell the doctor what to prescribe.
6). Hanging American flags everywhere.
7). The fact that our pharmacies sell so many things. Most stuff in pharmacies has little to do with medicine.
8). Eating bread that almost always tastes sweet.
9). Using the imperial system of measurement instead of the metric system. We are one of only three countries.
10). The constant commercials on TV.
11). Expecting free refills everywhere we get a drink.
12). Using a lot of water in the toilet bowls.
13). Putting giant gaps in bathroom stall doors. You can often see almost up to a persons knees.
14). Drinking huge coffees while we walk around. They drink the stuff and go.
15). Taking leftover food home from a restaurant. Doggy bags are verboten most places.
16). Eating giant portions. We are gluttonous pigs.
17). Paying sales tax on pretty much everything we buy. Sales tax is built in elsewhere.
18). Tipping waiters and waitresses and other service professionals. Tipping is considered rude many places.
19). Chatting with strangers and making small talk. Strange, but many foreigners like it.
20). Using red cups to drink alcohol out of. We have an infatuation with red plastic cups.
21). Wearing swimsuits to the beach. We have a hang up with the nude body.
22). Going into massive debt in order to go to college. The giant scam: We spend more than anyone else in the world and most places it is totally free.
23). Throwing baby showers.
24). Working constantly with very little rest or vacation time. Working long hours, taking work home. You are being worked to death. Elsewhere, people work shorter hours, get longer breaks and longer vacations. 6 weeks paid average.

For more information:
24 things that are considered 'normal' in the US but the rest of the world finds weird

I also do 2 and 4, wish I could do 18 more often but I always do when served.
I immediately noticed that the foreigners assumed they were doing the normal stuff.
A study was done of things that foreigners most often notice and catch as rather strange to them upon visiting us:

1). Using money that is all the same size and color. Most countries the size and color represent the value.
2). Putting a lot of ice in our drinks. Most countries use little or no ice.
3). Using "America" or "Americans" to describes ourselves, our customs, and our country. We seem to think we have a monopoly over the rest of North and South America. Other countries call us "The States."
4). Writing the date beginning with the month.
5). Advertising prescription drugs all over the place. It's not like we tell the doctor what to prescribe.
6). Hanging American flags everywhere.
7). The fact that our pharmacies sell so many things. Most stuff in pharmacies has little to do with medicine.
8). Eating bread that almost always tastes sweet.
9). Using the imperial system of measurement instead of the metric system. We are one of only three countries.
10). The constant commercials on TV.
11). Expecting free refills everywhere we get a drink.
12). Using a lot of water in the toilet bowls.
13). Putting giant gaps in bathroom stall doors. You can often see almost up to a persons knees.
14). Drinking huge coffees while we walk around. They drink the stuff and go.
15). Taking leftover food home from a restaurant. Doggy bags are verboten most places.
16). Eating giant portions. We are gluttonous pigs.
17). Paying sales tax on pretty much everything we buy. Sales tax is built in elsewhere.
18). Tipping waiters and waitresses and other service professionals. Tipping is considered rude many places.
19). Chatting with strangers and making small talk. Strange, but many foreigners like it.
20). Using red cups to drink alcohol out of. We have an infatuation with red plastic cups.
21). Wearing swimsuits to the beach. We have a hang up with the nude body.
22). Going into massive debt in order to go to college. The giant scam: We spend more than anyone else in the world and most places it is totally free.
23). Throwing baby showers.
24). Working constantly with very little rest or vacation time. Working long hours, taking work home. You are being worked to death. Elsewhere, people work shorter hours, get longer breaks and longer vacations. 6 weeks paid average.

For more information:
24 things that are considered 'normal' in the US but the rest of the world finds weird

You beat me to the punch on posting this! :(

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