24 Roomks in <350 ft^2


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Gary Chang, an architect, designed his 344 square foot apartment in Hong Kong to be able to change into 24 different designs, all by just sliding panels and walls.
He calls this the “Domestic Transformer.”

When I was living in Japan we called those small apartments "rabbit hutches".

Interesting idea to have moveable walls, unless you're 70 years old or have back problems. The bed is no great innovation as well call those "murphy beds". I see he has a washing machine, but unless it doubles as a dryer he has to do what we did in Japan: Hang the laundry out to dry. Opps! He has no balcony so guess what he has to do? Hang it up inside! Washers and dryers are horrible energy hogs in Asia too.

Small living spaces are cool for a little while then cabin fever sets in. You live in a small apartment, take a crammed bus or train to work which is usually a cubicle. Then back home to a small apartment. Multiply that times the number of years you live there and after awhile you go bat shit crazy and slit your wrists or quit and go back home. Or stay and just become an alcoholic like most people who live there. (In Asia they call alcoholism "being sociable")

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