22 Stats that that prove

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
That there is something seriously wrong with young men in America.

How much better off would our society be if we had trained this generation of young men to love, honor, protect and take care of others?
How much better off would our society be if we had nurtured the manhood of our young men instead of teaching them to be ashamed of it?
How much better off would our society be if we had disciplined our young men and taught them morality when they were getting off track instead of just letting them do whatever they wanted?
The following are 22 stats that prove that there is something seriously wrong with young men in America today...
#1 Males account for approximately 70 percent of all Ds and Fs in U.S. public schools.
#2 About two-thirds of all students in "special education programs" are boys.

22 Stats That Prove That There Is Something Seriously Wrong With Young Men In America
I'd like to see the proof to back up those figures.

And, I'd like to point out that roughly 2.3 million of those males you so readily denigrate are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States by choice. Nobody forces them to be there.
I'd like to see the proof to back up those figures.

And, I'd like to point out that roughly 2.3 million of those males you so readily denigrate are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States by choice. Nobody forces them to be there.

i was prepared to say 'oh yeah, i'm sure the 'economiccollapseblog' is really reliable' :rolleyes:

but the truth is, from what i know, those statistics are pretty dead on.

but it doesn't prove there's something seriously wrong with young men. young men are as fine as they always were. there is something seriously wrong with the economy. old people who were displaced from their jobs are now taking the jobs that young men would have traditionally used to gain experience. and because they don't have money, they're marrying later. that also has to do with the fact that women are in college and getting post graduate degrees as well... and THEY do not choose to marry until later.

as for us being in the bottom half of the international community in terms of math and science, i believe we're something like number 25... i could be off by a number or two... and.. that correlates very heavily with the fact that a huge percentage of our population isn't being taught science, doesn't believe in evolution, thinks the earth is 6,000 years old... you can't compete with other countries under circumstances like that.

there is also something that those of us who are parents to boys already know... boys and girls learn differently. and schools direct their methods to the girls because they are the traditional, sit still and learn, models... boys need more.. or at least something different.

so now that we know there's a problem of some sort... what is the solution?
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I'd like to see the proof to back up those figures.

And, I'd like to point out that roughly 2.3 million of those males you so readily denigrate are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States by choice. Nobody forces them to be there.

Follow the links.

By the way, pointing out statistics only denigrates people that don't like statistics.
I'd like to see the proof to back up those figures.

And, I'd like to point out that roughly 2.3 million of those males you so readily denigrate are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States by choice. Nobody forces them to be there.

i was prepared to say 'oh yeah, i'm sure the 'economiccollapseblog' is really reliable' :rolleyes:

but the truth is, from what i know, those statistics are pretty dead on.

but it doesn't prove there's something seriously wrong with young men. young men are as fine as they always were. there is something seriously wrong with the economy. old people who were displaced from their jobs are now taking the jobs that young men would have traditionally used to gain experience. and because they don't have money, they're marrying later. that also has to do with the fact that women are in college and getting post graduate degrees as well... and THEY do not choose to marry until later.

as for us being in the bottom half of the international community in terms of math and science, i believe we're something like number 25... i could be off by a number or two... and.. that correlates very heavily with the fact that a huge percentage of our population isn't being taught science, doesn't believe in evolution, thinks the earth is 6,000 years old... you can't compete with other countries under circumstances like that.

there is also something that those of us who are parents to boys already know... boys and girls learn differently. and schools direct their methods to the girls because they are the traditional, sit still and learn, models... boys need more.. or at least something different.

so now that we know there's a problem of some sort... what is the solution?

I wasn't particularly thrilled about the source myself. It was easier to use it than cite all the separate studies needed to make all the same points though.

Blaming an economy that, up until a few years ago, was booming, seems pretty stupid. Unless, that is, you think the booming economy was responsible for Columbine.

The specific claim the author made is that 15 year olds attending public schools do not rank in the top half of industrialized nations. Not actually disagreeing wiht you here, just pointing out that you are not specifically disagreeing with the blog, you just seemed to have misread it.

Personally, I think the solution is to segregate classes by sex. That will enable teachers to tailor their methods to teach boys differently, and might even reduce the tendency to dose normal boys that can't sit still in class.
I'd like to see the proof to back up those figures.

And, I'd like to point out that roughly 2.3 million of those males you so readily denigrate are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States by choice. Nobody forces them to be there.

i was prepared to say 'oh yeah, i'm sure the 'economiccollapseblog' is really reliable' :rolleyes:

but the truth is, from what i know, those statistics are pretty dead on.

but it doesn't prove there's something seriously wrong with young men. young men are as fine as they always were. there is something seriously wrong with the economy. old people who were displaced from their jobs are now taking the jobs that young men would have traditionally used to gain experience. and because they don't have money, they're marrying later. that also has to do with the fact that women are in college and getting post graduate degrees as well... and THEY do not choose to marry until later.

as for us being in the bottom half of the international community in terms of math and science, i believe we're something like number 25... i could be off by a number or two... and.. that correlates very heavily with the fact that a huge percentage of our population isn't being taught science, doesn't believe in evolution, thinks the earth is 6,000 years old... you can't compete with other countries under circumstances like that.

there is also something that those of us who are parents to boys already know... boys and girls learn differently. and schools direct their methods to the girls because they are the traditional, sit still and learn, models... boys need more.. or at least something different.

so now that we know there's a problem of some sort... what is the solution?

I wasn't particularly thrilled about the source myself. It was easier to use it than cite all the separate studies needed to make all the same points though.

Blaming an economy that, up until a few years ago, was booming, seems pretty stupid. Unless, that is, you think the booming economy was responsible for Columbine.

The specific claim the author made is that 15 year olds attending public schools do not rank in the top half of industrialized nations. Not actually disagreeing wiht you here, just pointing out that you are not specifically disagreeing with the blog, you just seemed to have misread it.

Personally, I think the solution is to segregate classes by sex. That will enable teachers to tailor their methods to teach boys differently, and might even reduce the tendency to dose normal boys that can't sit still in class.

i wasn't particularly disagreeing with the blog.

and young men ARE living with their parents because of the economy. you seem to have missed the point that there are different factors and different variables... each affecting the different stats.

i think boys and girls classes is better for both boys and girls. but girls, in particular, thrive in an all-girl environment.

it still won't affect the marriage rates and the numbers of unemployed and those who returned to the parental nest. to fix those, we DO have to fix the economy. so the only thing 'stupid' is not acknowledging that.

and to get our science and math levels up, you actually have to teach things like evolution.... and carbon dating.. and all of the other things that science brings and the religious right hates.
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not all of those stats are male specific, neither are they all unique.

for instance, i have a hard time blaming teen pregnancy and stds solely on males, and i don't believe that stating the same thing two different ways (such as the the average number of hours a male will play video games in a week and the total number they'll play in a given set of years) should really be considered two unique statistics.
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i was prepared to say 'oh yeah, i'm sure the 'economiccollapseblog' is really reliable' :rolleyes:

but the truth is, from what i know, those statistics are pretty dead on.

but it doesn't prove there's something seriously wrong with young men. young men are as fine as they always were. there is something seriously wrong with the economy. old people who were displaced from their jobs are now taking the jobs that young men would have traditionally used to gain experience. and because they don't have money, they're marrying later. that also has to do with the fact that women are in college and getting post graduate degrees as well... and THEY do not choose to marry until later.

as for us being in the bottom half of the international community in terms of math and science, i believe we're something like number 25... i could be off by a number or two... and.. that correlates very heavily with the fact that a huge percentage of our population isn't being taught science, doesn't believe in evolution, thinks the earth is 6,000 years old... you can't compete with other countries under circumstances like that.

there is also something that those of us who are parents to boys already know... boys and girls learn differently. and schools direct their methods to the girls because they are the traditional, sit still and learn, models... boys need more.. or at least something different.

so now that we know there's a problem of some sort... what is the solution?

I wasn't particularly thrilled about the source myself. It was easier to use it than cite all the separate studies needed to make all the same points though.

Blaming an economy that, up until a few years ago, was booming, seems pretty stupid. Unless, that is, you think the booming economy was responsible for Columbine.

The specific claim the author made is that 15 year olds attending public schools do not rank in the top half of industrialized nations. Not actually disagreeing wiht you here, just pointing out that you are not specifically disagreeing with the blog, you just seemed to have misread it.

Personally, I think the solution is to segregate classes by sex. That will enable teachers to tailor their methods to teach boys differently, and might even reduce the tendency to dose normal boys that can't sit still in class.

i wasn't particularly disagreeing with the blog.

and young men ARE living with their parents because of the economy. you seem to have missed the point that there are different factors and different variables... each affecting the different stats.

i think boys and girls classes is better for both boys and girls. but girls, in particular, thrive in an all-girl environment.

it still won't affect the marriage rates and the numbers of unemployed and those who returned to the parental nest. to fix those, we DO have to fix the economy. so the only thing 'stupid' is not acknowledging that.

and to get our science and math levels up, you actually have to teach things like evolution.... and carbon dating.. and all of the other things that science brings and the religious right hates.

Nice of you to focus one one thing out of the 22 that you think will provide a magical solution to the other 21.

Last time I looked, schools do teach evolution. What they don't teach, and the one thing they really should, is critical thinking. The simple fact is that there is no way to successfully teach evolution at anything below the past graduate level. That applies even in countries with high math and science scores. I was pretty science in school, but the one guy in school that always outscored me could argue rings around me about why I shouldn't believe in evolution.

In other words, belief in, or not believing in, evolution has little to do with math and science scores in school. In fact, I am willing to state categorically that it has nothing to do with the math scores.
This whole thing is just another variation of the Old Timer's Lament: "This younger generation is going to hell!"

No it's not. That's never been true before and it's not true now. The upcoming generation is one of the finest we've ever produced and it will be THEY who write the future of America.

I'm not the least bit worried about that. You shouldn't be either.

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