22 donors give half the Super PAC money


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Stephen Colbert continued his one-man crusade against "super PACs" on Thursday night with an ironic salute to 22 of their biggest backers.

Tuesday was the deadline for presidential super PACs to disclose their donors to the Federal Election Commission, and the reports underscored the increasingly influential role of money in electoral politics.

"To all the worrywarts out there who said that super PACs were going to lead to a cabal of billionaires secretly buying democracy: Wrong. They are publicly buying democracy," Colbert (sort of) joked.

As he explained, approximately half of all super PAC money -- some $67 million dollars -- came from just 22 donors.

"I am sure that the good government goo-goos out there are saying this is just handing all the power to the 1% when in fact 22 people in a population of 300 million: That’s 7 one-millionths of 1 percent," Colbert said, tapping away on his trusty calculator until it spewed smoke. "So Occupy Wall Street, you’re going to want to change those signs."

Colbert insisted that there was nothing alarming about this statistic: "This is what the Supreme Court intended with their Citizens United ruling: Twenty-two billionaires deciding who our next leader would be. I’m sure it’s the way that the 22 billionaires who chose our Founding Fathers would want it."

He then cut to a patriotic montage, set to Romney's tin-eared rendition of "America the Beautiful," of the "22 people selecting our next president." (Of course, by "people," Colbert means both actual humans and corporations.)

"Join me in honoring these 22 patriots who have given so much, and expect so much in return," he said.

Late Night: Colbert says super PACs are 'publicly buying democracy' - latimes.com
How many Marxist liberoidal dickweeds are throwing money at 527s, hack boy?

You kind of missed the point there, didn't you sport?

22 donors, half the Super PAC money donated.

No one said anything about party affiliation.
The #1 527 in 2010 was the Republican Governor's Association and it raised twice as much money as the next on the list.

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