21st Century Privateers


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Even before our republic was founded, the Continental Congress issued letters of marque allowing private ship owners to sail against ships of foreign countries. It's even in the constitution in Article 1, Section 8.

Powers of Congress = To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

The reason I'm mentioning this is an article in The Captain's Journal blog dealing with PMCs - private military contractors. So, I did the good old Google search and discovered The 30 Most Powerful Private Security Companies in the World - modern privateers.

#1 is G4S - bet you've never heard of it. G4S employs more than 620,000 people, which makes it the third biggest employer in the private sector globally. In 2012 G4S turned over well over $12 billion. The company offers a range of services, including the supply of security personnel, monitoring equipment, response units and secure prisoner transportation. G4S also works with governments overseas to deliver security.

Surprising, the notorious Blackwater, now called ACADEMI is #30.

There are a lot of pros and cons about them and the details of each of the 30 can be found @ 30 Most Powerful Private Security Companies in the World | Security Degree Hub
More cost effective, less liability, less exposure, less restriction, small, if not nonexistent footprint...and HIGHLY expendable.
Washington's wet dream.
They have their limitations however. Yet their upside is huge when compared to a conventional force.
I wonder if a google search would reveal the relationship if any between G4S and the CIA. Private security companies operating on foreign soil don't survive without the support of a government agency.

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