2013 Walk/Run Log


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
This thread is to post a daily log of walking, running, jogging, aerobics, calisthenics, weight lifting, or whatever is your favorite activity. If you are walking daily, keep an umbrella by the door, and wear comfortable, season-appropriate clothing. You can start logging any time from now to Dec. 31, 2013. We're adding the rest of the year for those who are already walking or want to start up any time.

Before I can log today, honestly, I have to bite the bullet. Off to the races! Back in a bit! :eek:

If you've already walked/run or done other stuff, please join in asap!

Let's get fit in 2013!
I'm of the opinion that Running is bad for you so I try not to do much of that and do HIIT instead.

But whatever you do, good luck and stay injury free in 2013!
.3 miles to mailbox and back.

We have a long driveway on our shotgun-shaped farm. What would be the approximate distance around our 2.5-acre man made lake that is shaped like a comma out back (if there are any mathematicians out there) You can walk all the way around it. If the concave side became a vector going outwardly, it would be a perfect pie top-shaped 3-acre lake. It looks bigger than a football field, and the path around the lake is 10 feet from the shore along half of it and the other half is about 4 feet from the water line.

I wouldn't know how to get 3 acres into a circle stated in square feet. Oh well. I'll just have to walk it and count steps.
It was 674 or 675 steps around the lake. Inside, personal gait was measured to be 24" (2 feet) so taking 674x2 = 1348 feet/5280 feet in a mile = .255 or roughly, a quarter of a mile. hm. It seems bigger than a football field track, but unless I made a major miscalculation or missed 100 steps... I'll have to count it again tomorrow and see if I miscounted steps, or it could be a gait issue... or not. It's hard to measure apples and oranges.

So .3 + ,25 = .55 of a mile rounded to a half mile the first day of walking. :)

That's just about right for a first workout, imho.
My little walk day before yesterday was greeted yesterday with an all-day nap it seems. :redface:

Today, though I was back and walked .6 miles, this time to the back fence, around the lake, and back and forth to the mailbox. Plus, I started and finished a quilt this morning. Exercise is good fer ya! (If you take it easy to start out with).

Come walk with me! Of course, you're there, not here, and remember, if you have a school near you that allows after-hours walkers around the football field or track area, start off with one or two laps, and add just a lap a day. If one lap tires you out, don't worry. Just take it easy every other day for a couple of weeks until you can handle more.

If you have a health issue, consult your physician first. He may have some guidelines that will actually improve your oxygen uptake and check out your ticker to make sure you're not in need of bipass surgery before risking too vigorous an exercise program.

Start off slow. Increase increments gradually. If you're over 35 or have a family history of heart attacks, get a doctor's advice on an exercise program that's right for you. Important.
Get with the program! :D

Anyone can!


Well, we can lessen the workout to your preferences... to avoid carpal tunnel, anyways, when hitting the enter key. Is this better, dear cyber pals?

[ame=http://youtu.be/Be0n0bQhM60]'UJJHULLAM' Finger Wave - YouTube[/ame]
Tell ya what, I'm gonna' run a 5K in May, yeah I know I said running is bad, but it's for a good cause. So here's what I'll do:

Weekly updates on HIIT training and I'll do the 100 Pushup Challenge, and maybe even the 100 Situp Challenge, until May. Howze that?

100 Pushup Challenge. I've done this before but I "hit the wall" at 65 reps:
one hundred push ups - welcome

100 Situp Challenge (I know it's 200 but you can just stop at 100):
two hundred sit-ups

It's a 6 week program but I'll just stretch it to 10-12 weeks because I know I'll have to re-do certain weeks.

I should probably do some sort of Squat program too.

For those who don't know what HIIT is:
Efficiency - 8 Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) - Shape Magazine

I'll be using a stationary bike for that (which I HATE with a PASSION!).

I'm going for Fitness and not Weight Loss. It's my opinion that you can't exercise away a bad diet and as proof of that, I lost 40 lbs on the Primal Blueprint with NO exercise! Google Primal Blueprint, it'll save your life!

Here's the 5K I'm planning on running. Anyone from the local area wanna' get in on this?

The OC Marathon | Half-Marathon | Wahoo's 5K | Kids Run the O.C. - Southern California's Premier Marathon and Half Marathon

I'll give updates on my progress on Saturday or Sunday whenever I do it.
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Good going, Mad Scientist. Hope you do post & let us know how it's going. Running used to be my second favorite activity next to playing basketball. :) I'm going for walking right now. They say it helps beat back fibromyalgia issues. I'm going to outsmart it by getting into it gradually. Maybe. :D

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