2012 predicted end date

Pre-millennial dispensationalism is a pretty standard belief in many of the modern fundamentalist churches. A belief I see as errant. Modern english translations of the bible such as the NIV have a definite bias towards that view. So much so that I view the NIV as more an interpretation than a translation of the scripture.

There is a wealth of divine knowledge in the Torah, but, I don't see any scriptural support for the view that evil will be "winked out of existence".

Fifty years ago as a child, over lent, I was taught an oral tradition by the most scripturally knowledgeable man I ever met. Though he never used the term in reference to himself, I know now that he was a Methodist Teacher of the Law. Everything he taught me faded from my surface memory for 45 years, then I walked into a church and said an alter prayer.

Go to the Universal Torah website and watch any number of the programs. There is a synopsis of each one, so you can find what you're looking for.

Incidentally, that site has been putting on several programs a week for a couple of years now. Sam Peak is probably the best one to watch if you're a Christian, as he transitions between Judaic theology and Christianity pretty well.

God's Learning Channel has a program called Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harel. I recommend that one as well.

It's not in the NT, it's in the Torah (first 5 books of the OT).

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