2011 ice and sea ice thread


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

2011 ice and sea ice thread

Oh my gosh!!! We need to form a world government so we can stop this warming and save the ice!!

Lets call it.... Ummmm Global Warming. No wait..... Lets call it Climate Change so we can blame every single weather occurance on Climate Change.
Climate Change is much more "inclusive" to all types of weather. We can then set up a Carbon Trading Scheme to make billions $$$ by taxing the populace.
Then we can shut down all the light bulb factories by banning incandecent light bulbs and ship all those jobs to other countries so they will be more favorable to
us when we want to "influence" their government. Then we can establish a world government through the fear mongering of world destruction and finally
control all those "Homer Simpsons"

Then when all that is done and we have our billions $$$ we can then buy large property estates right on the beach at sea level... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
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Oh my gosh!!! We need to form a world government so we can stop this warming and save the ice!!

Lets call it.... Ummmm Global Warming. No wait..... Lets call it Climate Change so we can blame every single weather occurance on Climate Change.
Climate Change is much more "inclusive" to all types of weather. We can then set up a Carbon Trading Scheme to make billions $$$ by taxing the populace.
Then we can shut down all the light bulb factories by banning incandecent light bulbs and ship all those jobs to other countries so they will be more favorable to
us when we want to "influence" their government. Then we can establish a world government through the fear mongering of world destruction and finally
control all those "Homer Simpsons"

Then when all that is done and we have our billions $$$ we can then buy large property estates right on the beach at sea level... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I'm strongly against what you speak of above. I think going to mostly nuclear would be wise, but think that most of the trash that is tossed around is just that. I'm just a weather nut that enjoys watching severe events and what our earth can do.
Oh my gosh!!! We need to form a world government so we can stop this warming and save the ice!!

Lets call it.... Ummmm Global Warming. No wait..... Lets call it Climate Change so we can blame every single weather occurance on Climate Change.
Climate Change is much more "inclusive" to all types of weather. We can then set up a Carbon Trading Scheme to make billions $$$ by taxing the populace.
Then we can shut down all the light bulb factories by banning incandecent light bulbs and ship all those jobs to other countries so they will be more favorable to
us when we want to "influence" their government. Then we can establish a world government through the fear mongering of world destruction and finally
control all those "Homer Simpsons"

Then when all that is done and we have our billions $$$ we can then buy large property estates right on the beach at sea level... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I'm strongly against what you speak of above. I think going to mostly nuclear would be wise, but think that most of the trash that is tossed around is just that. I'm just a weather nut that enjoys watching severe events and what our earth can do.

I like the nuclear idea. I just don't want it in my back yard:lol:

Honestly nuclear is the way to go. Very cheap, very effective, and realitivley safe. Just got to figure out what to do with all the waste.

Blasting out to space would be best but doing that cheaply is another problem. I heard somewhere sometime ago that they were looking into shooting supplies/materials into space instead of using rockets. After that though you need to accelerate out past our gravitational field, otherwise it will just orbit around until it crashes back to earth.
Oh my gosh!!! We need to form a world government so we can stop this warming and save the ice!!

Lets call it.... Ummmm Global Warming. No wait..... Lets call it Climate Change so we can blame every single weather occurance on Climate Change.

Then when all that is done and we have our billions $$$ we can then buy large property estates right on the beach at sea level... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Well You guys showed up on the "Google radar" and I just had to join in...if you are interested what really goes on up at land`s end of this planet. I spent a lot of time up there and have never seen Al Gore or any other politician there, nor any Newspaper Reporter etc. but a whole lot of polar bears swimming and sunbathing, not drowning like in the Al Gore Movie.
Civilians haven`t been allowed there (and are still not) except for the odd "Climatologist" from Europe who like to smoke that stuff they smoke in Holland.
Where do I begin? Maybe the best is with how we actually measure CO2 content in the international "Climate Research Station"..."Next to the Pole" at C.F.S. Alert Ellesmere Island.
OOPs I just tried previewig and my pic`s have been rejected:
You are only allowed to post URLs to other sites after you have made 15 posts or more.
Christsake, how is a link to an album in this forum "a link to other sites"?????
So you I`ll try putting the URL inside the Quotes, that way You can just paste these in the address bar or just look in my Album...
Geeesus this editor puts the "URL" in front and back just as soon it sees http...so I had to drop that too .....no wonder the global warming preachers are winning the debate, everyone else is getting fed up!

If an increase of CO2 "warms the planet"...and "melts the ice caps" it has to be able to absorb a whole lot of infrared right?
Take a close look!..Doesn`t really matter where CO2 content is analysed it`s done that way anywhere. These are "GLC`s",...Gaschromathographs because it is simply impossible to see the difference of fractional CO2 %age points with infrared Spectroscopy.
Matter of fact You would be hard pressed to see the difference between 5 or 10 % CO2 with infrared when CO2 Concentration is lethal to humans!
Why izzat? Because ordinary moisture present in the atmosphere absorbs over the entire spectral range where CO2 has a few (weak ) absorption bands so much infrared that it is impossible to even detect CO2 at 100 X the concentration it is found in the Atmosphere...and that is why "climatologists" use Gaschromathographs although none of the ones I have seen knew how they function. They rely on a "Nuts and Bolts" Chemist like me, who of course has no right to comment about "climate change" to set these instruments up and calibrate them.
That`s just for starters.
Next, I am going to upload a few more pictures what else is around this Climate Research Station, as soon as I have my hi-speed Internet connection back.
But I think this will serve as an Example, how the "Climatologists" drive from where we house and feed them (we being the Military) to their Lab:


It gets almost 8 miles per Gallon...although in all fairness I must say that we can`t give them Diesel because we only have JP8. And that has to be flown in. The Herc that brings it to us burns 14 Gallons for every gallon delivered on site.
I should also add when one of "us guys" has to go to that Climate Lab, we just walk over there...it`s not far....far from our Power Plant where 6 CAT`s run full tilt 24/7 and exhaust ~ 30 tonnes of CO2 per 24 hours.
But the climate "experts" say, that doesn`t matter, because most of the time the wind "blows it away".
Well that may be, but none of them...we take them for fun rides with our Griffins from time to time,....wanted to explain all these tree stumps just a few hundred miles from the North Pole:


That`s near Fort Conger, but they are not the only ones, we find them near SAC Thule also. Yes we did dig in the sand and yes there are roots. (American & Canadian) Geologists tell us they are they are not sure how old they are, but no one actually ever looked into these, they are not as "sexy" as "global warming".
Well I`m new here and write some more at another time, but I could almost write a book here (if You let me) about the b.s that`s really going on up there.
Just one more Point, before I`ll call it a night...these "brown Greenland" satellite pictures they love showing in European Newspapers...one thing is certain, after You have seen entire landscapes peppered with these stumps You realize at once why Greenland was named that way.
The entire area up there Ellesmere/Northern tip of Greenland is a "low-precip" area.
With precipitation not much different from the Sahara...has been so since recorded history! Most of the snow we do have is blown in from the polar ice cap by the furious winter windstorms ...150klicks+!!...we have to use ropes to get from bldg to bldg for 6 Months every Year.
I lived till recently in the Yukon, our glaciers there are doing just fine...because it snows a lot there.
Same goes for Alaska. At Atigun Pass on the Dalton they wish there was some truth to global warming"...but they are being told "No we never said that,...it`s "climate change" and you are snowed under because of what comes out of your exhaust pipe.
If the sand dunes in the Sahara are for a few years lower than expected no one would dare say that is "climate change" because it didn`t snow enough sand.

Happy New Year You all
and Greetings from canada
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I uploaded about 100 pics of what`s going on up at the "Polar climate research lab" to a German Newspaper and to a (German) forum similar to this one, I`ll leave the header off and all You have to do ist add the header + the www to the link and you can see them.
The editor here will NOT allow me any way to give a complete link till I make 15 posts here!!!
The comments under the pictures are in German, which I am fluent in and I did try to discuss this subject, but was either not allowed to use the pictures or on occasion banned altogether. I also got a quick refresher course what the latest German terminology for North Americans is...could if they`ld let me link You to it...we are all Deppen ohne Kultur...(un-cultured imbeciles )...In "Der Spiegel" Magazine...something like Time Magazine, German style...Hope no one here reads German (lately I`m ashamed, I was born there!) and reads the Articles they write in German main stream newspapers about the U.S.A. or North America in general, but my God You should see how they applaud "China`s right to defend itself against American aggression" with their new ASB-Missiles and neither CNN,Reuters nor Fox has noticed. Nor have they noticed how every Paper in Germany applaud China`s newest trade war concerning rare earth Metals needed for hi-tech products...and how that stops China from "being looted by the U.S.
But the same papers preach almost daily about Germany`s "eco-friendly" Policies that Merkel advocates at every occasion she has contact with American Diplomats..and when these are not available then through U.N. Delegations

Well they do call the "Bundeskanzler" Angela Merkel the "Klima Kanzlerin" (the climate chancellor) and she was a former top graduate of the Soviet school for Propaganda and agitation in the former DDR....then as soon as she was elected Chancellor in the BRD (I have no Idea how she pulled that off!!!) a whole load of former Stasi officials were put in charge of the BSTu Archives, where the captured Stasi (Kommunist Staats "Sicherheits Polizei") Documents are kept ...and now all You can document about Angela Merkel is, that she is the daughter of an east German Pastor. But she did explain it : "The Stasi was not a criminal organisation and therefore should not be discriminated from such jobs in a newer, better and more tolerant Germany"
And Google has meanwhile rated German internet censorship as being second only to China
Lie by omission ist still a lie, so I`ll confess. After reading through the articles at "Der Spiegel" I had enough when I read the part about "uncultured imbeciles" and answered it with a link to Denis Leary`s A$$hole song on Youtube...and that`s why I got banned..nobody in Germany has a sense of humor any more either...they did not object to the "regular Jo, and the a$$hole part, but the baby seal eyes for headlights and the 1 mile per gallon caddy was just too much!
I guess I should have left foreign affairs diplomacy to Hillary Clinton, cause now there is a state of war!
My God, I can`t even imagine what Fox news or Glen Beck would do with Germany`s Wonder Woman, Angela Merkel... !
Anyway she`s all cuddled up tight with Obama about "climate change" politics....so fill up your tanks and buy your gas futures now!!!
...or learn to drive with electric cars made in Germany...just don`t try to use the cigarette or God forbid the windshield defroster unless you want to foot it right after you did.
And all I see in the press here or have seen during the presidential debates how wonderful Germany`s "eco- friendly", "low carbon foot print" Solar Cell/Windmill power system is...
Not a single newspaper on this side of the ocean wants to print, that You get a stiff fine if You get caught in Germany letting Your car idle while You get out to open Your yard gate, that`s already almost 5 years old...there are now laws which forbid You to use an ordinary light bulb in Your house. There are laws that stipulate how and with what You can heat your house, fireplace?...forget that!...that emits "greenhouse gases"... and another law is being debated which restricts every household to a peek power consumption of 2000 Watts. If You have been "clocked" over that You will get a stiff penalty!
So if You take a shower You better make sure Your wife doesn`t turn on the kitchen stove!!!
No sweat You say, my hot water tanks is Gas not electric...Then You have no idea what the fine for operating a gas fired hot water tank will soon be in Germany!
That`s how good the German solar and Wind Power grid really works! Merkel is phasing everything else out!
Of course if that would get published here that would deflate a lot of "Green Energy is the way of the Future" tall talk a tad...would`nt You think?
Leaves just the "dwindling ice caps" and the "rising sea level" which will drown us all.
Saw on National Geographic by sheer coincidence a piece about roman sea walls in England...my God a whole lot more ice will have to melt bevor the sea level is where it was then when the Romans built these.
You know how "climatologists" answer that in Europe?...They claim that the British isles have risen that much out of the sea, and it was not the sea level that fell as we went through a mini ice age and are coming out of just now!

But anyway, ultimately all this junk science, that`s what it leads to. We are still in the stupification stage and after You succumbed it`ll bury You under laws and restrictions and You have to buy what they are selling..will never happen here?
Think about it, make a list of what You could still do in the 60`s and compare it with today!...start with how much gas You could buy for 5 bucks.
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Posted for polarbear:




I find it very interesting that there are tree stumps were there should not be. Indicates that at sometime there was some global warming in an area a couple hundred miles from the north pole.

If an increase of CO2 "warms the planet"...and "melts the ice caps" it has to be able to absorb a whole lot of infrared right?
Take a close look!..Doesn`t really matter where CO2 content is analysed it`s done that way anywhere. These are "GLC`s",...Gaschromathographs because it is simply impossible to see the difference of fractional CO2 %age points with infrared Spectroscopy.
Matter of fact You would be hard pressed to see the difference between 5 or 10 % CO2 with infrared when CO2 Concentration is lethal to humans!
Why izzat? Because ordinary moisture present in the atmosphere absorbs over the entire spectral range where CO2 has a few (weak ) absorption bands so much infrared that it is impossible to even detect CO2 at 100 X the concentration it is found in the Atmosphere...and that is why "climatologists" use Gaschromathographs although none of the ones I have seen knew how they function. They rely on a "Nuts and Bolts" Chemist like me, who of course has no right to comment about "climate change" to set these instruments up and calibrate them.

With this above quote you are basically saying that in order for CO2 to be a "green house gas" it has to absorb infrared, correct?

Are you then saying that these "climatologists" are using these Gaschromathographs because it will show a large amount of infrared absorbtion only because of the water content of the air and not the CO2?

So are you basically saying that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas?

And if the "climatologists" are getting false results because of the moisture in the air then why not pull a deep vacuum on a container and then inject a small amount of pure CO2 into it.
Dumb ass, you posted almost exactly the same article from UnReal Science last year about how the ice was increasing in thickness and extent, and we had another year of very low ice. And we are still behind where we were at this date on ice in 2007. Hudsons Bay has a very large area of open water, and we are into January. There is little ice on the north shores of Norway. And we are in the midst of a very strong La Nina.
So if there is open water then what does that prove? That it is warmer than before? Why do we need to worry about it when there is nothing we can do about it.
So if there is open water then what does that prove? That it is warmer than before? Why do we need to worry about it when there is nothing we can do about it.

The more open water within the arctic and the longer period of time it is open=more water vapor=more clouds=warmer temperatures. Period.
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So if there is open water then what does that prove? That it is warmer than before? Why do we need to worry about it when there is nothing we can do about it.

Why do we need to worry about the North Polar ice cap melting?

Because it will effect all of us.

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