$200,000/yr Lifeguards Get $3 Million for Retirement at Age 50


Free Breast Exam
Oct 10, 2009
In your head
$200,000/yr Lifeguards Get Millions for Retirement at Age 50
Newport Beach, California has two groups of lifeguards. Seasonal tower lifeguards cover Newport’s seven miles of beach during the busy summer months. Part-time seasonal guards make $16 to $22 per hour with no benefits. They are the young people who man the towers and do the lion’s share of the rescues. Another group of highly compensated full-time staff work year-round and seldom, if ever, climb into a tower. According to the City Manager, the typical Daily Deployment Model in the winter for these lifeguards is 10 hours per day for four days each week, mainly spent driving trucks around, painting towers, ordering uniforms and doing basic office work—none are actually manning lifeguard towers.

Next week the city council will decide if cuts are needed to the full-time lifeguard force where last year the top earner received $211,000 in pay and benefits, including a $400 sun protection allowance. In 2010 all but one of the city’s full-time lifeguard staff had annual compensation packages worth over $120,000. Not bad pay for a lifeguard – but what makes these jobs most attractive is the generous retirements.

These lifeguards can retire at age 50 with full medical benefits for life. One recently retired lifeguard, age 51, receives a government retirement of over $108,000 per year—for the rest of his life. He will make well over $3 million in retirement if he lives to age 80. According to the City Manager, a new full-time guard costs less to hire than what is spent on this one retiree. The city now spends more taxpayer dollars on retired lifeguards than it does on those who are working.

Government Union Pensions are stealing all the tax money. There is nothing left to keep essential services running. We have been scammed. It is time to get out the pitchforks people & show these "Union Thugs" Who's the Boss.
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Good for them!

I'm always happy to hear stories about working people who get their piece of the pie.
Good for them!

I'm always happy to hear stories about working people who get their piece of the pie.

That's Extortion of Tax Payer Money & Cost US Jobs. Government must print money to pay this & that drives inflation, that hurts the poor the most.
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Any link that begins with "Andrew Breitbart presents" is a clear indication that there is more to this story than is being presented and that those $200,000 a year "lifeguards" probably have other management duties

Breitbart, as usual, only presents those facts which support his agenda
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This isn't a federal issue, it's local. My tax dollars (and yours) don't contribute to this. It isn't an example of bloated gov't spending that effects you; only those in that town or county. Errors like this are more likely to be found at a local level-if only because there are fewer controls and a larger sample group.

Frankly? not my business what Newport beach spends money on.
Good for them!

I'm always happy to hear stories about working people who get their piece of the pie.

That's Extortion of Tax Payer Money & Cost US Jobs. Government must print money to pay this & that drives inflation, that hurts the poor the most.

Follow the money CNN Money.com's bailout tracker The massive bailouts had little to do with banks. It went to bail-out Federal, State & Local Pensions, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac. We have been conned & scammed by our own government.

And you don't think these lifeguards spend their money on houses, cars, education for their kids and entertainment all of which stimulate the economy?

Or is it just tax cuts for the wealthy that do that?
Any link that begins with "Andrew Breitbart presents" is a clear indication that there is more to this story than is being presented and that those $200,000 a year "lifeguards" probably have other management duties

Breitbart, as usual, only presents those facts which support his agenda

care to present anything other than thermal exhalation?

if he glossed over facts, by all means please out them, it is what it is RW....I'll stand by for your rebut...:eusa_whistle:
Good for them!

I'm always happy to hear stories about working people who get their piece of the pie.

That's Extortion of Tax Payer Money & Cost US Jobs. Government must print money to pay this & that drives inflation, that hurts the poor the most.

Follow the money CNN Money.com's bailout tracker The massive bailouts had little to do with banks. It went to bail-out Federal, State & Local Pensions, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac. We have been conned & scammed by our own government.

And you don't think these lifeguards spend their money on houses, cars, education for their kids and entertainment all of which stimulate the economy?

Or is it just tax cuts for the wealthy that do that?

lets just pay them twice that then....hell, 3 times...:rolleyes:.
And you don't think these lifeguards spend their money on houses, cars, education for their kids and entertainment all of which stimulate the economy?

Or is it just tax cuts for the wealthy that do that?

I am not the one advocating tax cuts for the wealthy. They pay less tax now under Democrats than under Republicans.

It is the poor & middle class that must shoulder the burden of the massive State & Local sales & property tax hikes. You union liars always try to deflect blame with the slide of hand blame the rich for the Union Thugs Theft.
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Any link that begins with "Andrew Breitbart presents" is a clear indication that there is more to this story than is being presented and that those $200,000 a year "lifeguards" probably have other management duties

Breitbart, as usual, only presents those facts which support his agenda

care to present anything other than thermal exhalation?

if he glossed over facts, by all means please out them, it is what it is RW....I'll stand by for your rebut...:eusa_whistle:


Just learned from experience that any story that has Breitbarts name on it shouldn't be taken at face value.

Usually means there are more facts than are being reported

Does anyone have this same story from the LA Times? They should have reported it
Any link that begins with "Andrew Breitbart presents" is a clear indication that there is more to this story than is being presented and that those $200,000 a year "lifeguards" probably have other management duties

Breitbart, as usual, only presents those facts which support his agenda

care to present anything other than thermal exhalation?

if he glossed over facts, by all means please out them, it is what it is RW....I'll stand by for your rebut...:eusa_whistle:


Just learned from experience that any story that has Breitbarts name on it shouldn't be taken at face value.

Usually means there are more facts than are being reported

Does anyone have this same story from the LA Times? They should have reported it

so go dig it up, Jesus Christ we have to defend your blather? wtf?

and what other stories has he mangled that requires extra scrutiny, I mean other than the usual scrutiny the right gets anyway? Care to share?
3,090 retired California educators take home $100,000-plus pensions
Retired Capistrano Unified School District Superintendent James A. Fleming could face jail if convicted on a felony indictment charging him with using school resources to track his political enemies. But that won't stop his public pensions from rolling in.

Fleming collects $141,331 a year in California state teacher retirement funds, on top of the $64,068 pension he collects from Florida. Even if convicted on the 2007 charges, both his pensions totaling $205,399 annually will remain untouched.

Fleming is one of 3,090 educators in the California State Teachers' Retirement System who make at least $100,000 a year in taxpayer-guaranteed public pensions, according to a CalSTRS database obtained under the state Public Records Act. Most of the highly paid pensioners are superintendents and other district administrators. And some are pulling salaries from other jobs or pensions from other states.

US state pensions becoming federal issue
the state faces unfunded liabilities of about $78bn, the biggest pension hole in the US, and contributions of more than $4bn for 2011, the largest single element of its $13bn budget deficit.

Illinois is the poster child of unfunded pensions in the US. But state retirement systems could become a national concern, new research shows.

Joshua Rauh, associate professor of finance at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University said that, without reform, some state pensions might run out within the decade. By 2030, as many as 31 states may not have the money to pay pensions. And, if these funds exhaust their assets, the size of payments for the benefits they have promised will be too large to cover through taxes, putting pressure on the federal government for a bail-out that could potentially cost more than $1,000bn, he says.

“It is more than a local problem,” Mr Rauh said. “The federal government could be on the hook.”

Estimates put the unfunded liabilities at between $1,000bn and $3,000bn after years of states promising benefits but not contributing enough in both good times and bad to cover them.

Retired state workers get paid more annually than employed state workers. This is worse than the GM Union problem.
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Police Chief made $813,000 on retirement year.
- Richard Miranda. The ex-Tucson police chief is now the city's deputy city manager, whose responsibilities include overseeing the police department. He got $511,570 from DROP in June 2008. Salary: $166,941. Pension: $134,054.

- Jesse Locksa. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputy chief is now a dispatch commander. He received $576,463 from DROP in January 2007. Salary: $70,969. Pension: $97,890.

- Timothy Overton. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputy chief is now a forensics commander. He got $445,518 from DROP in August 2007. Salary: $70,969. Pension: $75,186.

- Gerard Sheridan. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office executive chief is now acting chief deputy. He got $440,441 from DROP in November 2008. Salary: $143,000. Pension: $77,239.

- Lawrence Black. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputy chief is now an administrator on paid leave amid an internal investigation. He received $386,955 from DROP in July 2007. Salary: $79,996. Pension: $64,089.

- Steven Werner. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputy chief is now an intelligence analyst. He received $365,272 from DROP in January 2008. Salary: $62,940. Pension: $62,261.

- Rollie Seebert. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputy chief is now a detention academy commander. He received $270,405 from DROP in November 2006. Salary: $82,894. Pension: $61,983.
care to present anything other than thermal exhalation?

if he glossed over facts, by all means please out them, it is what it is RW....I'll stand by for your rebut...:eusa_whistle:


Just learned from experience that any story that has Breitbarts name on it shouldn't be taken at face value.

Usually means there are more facts than are being reported

Does anyone have this same story from the LA Times? They should have reported it

so go dig it up, Jesus Christ we have to defend your blather? wtf?

and what other stories has he mangled that requires extra scrutiny, I mean other than the usual scrutiny the right gets anyway? Care to share?

Jackie Sherrod, ACORN pimps....

Not that he actually "lies"....he just provides selective information to support his agenda
This isn't a federal issue, it's local. My tax dollars (and yours) don't contribute to this. It isn't an example of bloated gov't spending that effects you; only those in that town or county. Errors like this are more likely to be found at a local level-if only because there are fewer controls and a larger sample group.

Frankly? not my business what Newport beach spends money on.

Bullshit! - It is all of our problem now since the Federal Government had to sell "Build America Bonds" in order to fund Local Pension Funds. This lowered the value of my savings, the US dollar, the US Governments Credit Rating & increased the Federal Debt & My Taxes.
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It's not their pie their eating, it's mine.

Only if you live in California.

And if you do and you personally are forking over that kind of money then you have my sympathies.

Still haven't seen a legitimate source on this

Breitbart says.....does not really cut it

The LA Times says local government must cut pensions by 40% in order to survive. Of course it will have a different spin on it.
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