2 Port-O-Potties at Trump Rally...TWO!

Thousands and thousands of people are lining up for blocks and blocks to get into the Trump rally and the filth puts TWO port-O-potties for public use out there.

And they are placed in an area that will be roped off soon.

I'm sure CNN will report that Trump supporters are pissing in the streets!

I'm writing it down...it's number 4,893 on the list of things to do to the next democrat president!
I guess the Trumpsters will just have to shit themselves.

I've already been to TWO of the rallies and they were great. Nice polite generous hardworking people wearing patriotic apparel, clean, no trash, no freaks or weirdos, no green hair, and everyone had brains to take a dump at home. Things ran smoothly usually until some idiot would show up trying to disrupt the place and cause trouble and they always look like they sleep under a bridge with no job, no bath, no manners, in disheveled cloths. Yep, a leftard. Smelly, unshaven, violent and rude, they always get thrown out in short order after they get their ass kicked a little (or a lot).

Then Trump comes out and the place goes totally ballistic. :banana:

Those guys were paid by the hilary campaign during the election, they caught Jan Shakowski's husband, she is a chicago politician, bob craemer paying people to start fights at Trump rallies......they obviously have continued the tactic....

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