2 dead 9 wounded.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Two dead, nine wounded in shooting near the Empire State Building | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Golly last I checked New Yorkers almost universally are disarmed legally. It is VERY hard to get a permit to license a hand gun. So tell us gun grabbers how are those laws working out? Further it is unclear who exactly shot the 9 wounded all not seriously wounded, some at least were probably shot by the cops.

The 2 dead are the shooter and his former supervisor.

Now before you insist if no one was allowed to own firearms this wouldn't have happened, explain how with a porous southern border that most of you support we would stop guns from coming in for illegal sale?
Not only the southern border Gunny, but the number of firearms in circulation at present would last for a century or more. I for one will be among the ranks of illegal gun owners if firearms are ever outlawed. Being out-gunned by thugs ain't cool.

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