16 Demos that voted Yes Obamacare now say "NO"!!!

Maybe a few read it.
Maybe one understood it..
But they sure as hell own it now!!!

Some admitted they didn't read it. One Democrat admitted that he didn't have time to read it and wouldn't understand it no matter how much time he had. Yet these assholes voted on it anyway.

You're right: They own the thing - all of it.
No.. they didn't know these provisions were in it! Again Pelosi.. have to pass to know what's in it!
But more importantly... WHY didn't any of these 16 or for that fact even conservatives QUESTION WHY the need for Obamacare when the number of 50 million "uninsured" was phony in the first place! I mean the Census told us 10 million of 50 were not citizens!
Studies have shown 14 million are already covered but don't know it under Medicaid!
and using 18 million who DON"T NEED or WANTED are under 34 and make over $50K... counted as uninsured was totally bogus!

But what was known was health care costs of $650 billion was driven as the experts report, (physicians!!) they send duplicate tests, specialist referrals and why???
FEAR of lawsuits! Think about it! 10% tanning salon taxes because cancer caused by tanning.. YET not one effort to reduce $650 billion in fear of lawsuits!
Why couldn't they have taxed 10% on lawyers $100 billion a year and used to pay the claims of the truly 8 million uninsured?
Problem solved because the tax would be tied to declining $650 billion defensive medicine and THAT would also reduce the health care costs!
That and Medicare wouldn't be overbilled sometimes by 6,000% by hospitals making up for "unreimbursed" expenses that they cover by padding and passing on to Medicare/insurance!

Pelosi was correct...

Of course she didn't know what was going to be in the bill. There were two bills at the time, one in the House and one in the Senate. Until the bill passed reconciliation she had no way of knowing what was in it

Og course, Retard Republicans think it means you vote on bills you haven't read

Well, some admitted they voted on it even though they didn't read it, so there's no issue here.

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