14 year old learns the color of his skin is more important than the content of his character

These are the same points being rehashed over and over. I keep coming back to -- (a) where does that suspicious atmosphere come from,
Apologies for the repetitive mention, but are you consciously ignoring the 9/11 attack and what ethnic category was responsible for it?

It would be impossible to "ignore" since there is no such thing. "Ethnic categories" aren't responsible for actions of individuals. Were that the case we should have herded the entire German population into their own gas chambers on the basis that Hitler and his actions represent the whole.

They do not. That's a Composition Fallacy, without which this Islamophobe argument CANNOT be made. That makes the whole theory --- a fallacy.

I don't know what's obscure about this. Again, if a drunk gets in a Toyota and runs somebody over, that does not make Toyota the responsible party. It just doesn't.

and (b) is it not valid to challenge it as specious?
Reference to 9/11, the Tsarnaev (pressure cooker) brothers, the televised beheadings and the vows of numerous shahids to kill all infidels is specious? It would be specious if none of it ever happened. But it did happen and there is no reason to think it won't continue.

See above.

Eric Rudolph, Scott Roeder, Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins, Reverend Paul Jennings Hill, John Salvi, Martin Uphoff, Patricia Hughes, Jeremy Dunahoe, Paul Ross Evans, Bobby Joe Rogers, Francis Grady and the rest of that lot don't make Christianism a "killer religion" do they?

Well, why not? Those bombings and shootings did happen too. Should we not then be eyeing all Christians with suspicion, locking them up for investigation, declaring they can't be Presidential candidates? It's the same logic.

Again it's impossible -- literally, impossible -- to make this bullshit argument that some religion flew planes into buildings, without employing a Composition Fallacy. Can't be done.

Not that that's what Achmed was doing here, we're still speculating on that motive.
What Achmed did provoked exceptional suspicion, which prompted an investigation.

We know that. We're speculating on what his motive could have been.

The fact remains that in order to come up with "bomb", somebody externally had to plug in an element that isn't there. The question comes down to-- are they justified in plugging that element in? Do they have sufficient grounds to run around hair-on-fire when they already know full well that it ain't a bomb?

I say they do not.
It appeared to quite possibly be the primary component of a timed explosive device, which calls for investigation.

You are entitled to your opinion. My opinion is Achmed knew exactly what he was doing.

Again, we don't disagree, the speculation is a worthy one. I'm just saying if his motive is to call out a fallacious hypocrisy, that callout deserves consideration. We don't simply dismiss a callout of hypocrisy because the hypocrisy is a popular one or because it's one we like.

"Investigation" is fine, and according to this theory would have been what he was seeking. My question above is --- HOW do they go on with the ruse after they already know full well it's not a bomb? What's the point of pretending a condition exists that they know perfectly well does not?
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What concession, Princess?

That would be the concession you committed when you failed to offer a sustainable defense, thus yielding to the standing points, Precious.
I am under no obligation to defend a position I do not hold, or an argument I have not made, Princess.

Your concession is Duly Noted and Summarily Accepted.
Your admission of intellectual dishonesty is accepted.

CONGRATULATIONS! Your Retard credentials are intact!

OH! A Re-Concession, aren't you sweet!

Your Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
You're just too retarded to realize this on your own Pumpkin, but all this time it been you who has been submitting your own "concessions".

While you have been congratulating yourself on how very clever you are, to the rest of us you are just a transparent retard.

In every instance that you've had your argument irretrievably refuted; every time you've encountered a position or argument you are unequipped to refute, you have simply assigned an argument or position to your opponent--a position or argument that they do not hold or make--and when they don't defend the fatous position or argument you assign, you just declare that they concede.

It's pathetic, really. You're the poster child for not mainstreaming retards. It's just ridiculous the way you think your thinking cap magically makes your arguments valid.

What you really are Princess, is a coward, and a liar, and a cretin of the very first order.

Let's just be clear. You have been proven wrong. Mathematically proven to be wrong.

If you actually had the superior position, you'd make your case rather than illegitimately declare surrender for your opponent.

Your strategy of resolute denial of reality failed on your first posting, Princess. Your concession was acknowledged and accepted long ago.
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A clock with no explosives or detonator circuits is just a clock.

LOL! I guess I will NEVER get my fill of watching feminized Leftist Males (pardon the redundancy) speak of things they feel that they SHOULD know something about, but do NOT.

Here's a clue Sis... A "detonator circuit" is otherwise called a 'switch'... Clocks are used to alert people of the time... often they're used to alert people that it is a certain time... which it does so through an "ALARM", where a switch sends a current down a wire to a Speaker... sending the 'alarm'.

Now... take a guess what is used in an IED to 'detonate' explosives. (Here's another clue: We call that thing a 'switch', which sends a current down the line to a point which is adjacent to another line that is connected to ground, causing an arc... which detonates the explosive.)

Tell ya what... let's go back over the elements that the US Government 'CLAIMS' comprise an IED:

IEDs consist of a variety of components that include an initiator, switch, main charge, power source, and a container. " http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/prep_ied_fact_sheet.pdf

Now... in your clock, you have... The Power Source, Switch and Initiator.

Ahmed, modified the Clock, wherein he included the Container.

Anything gettin' through here, ladies?
Yes. According to your retarded argument, EVERY ALARM CLOCK IS AN IED!


Mathematical proof that you're wrong, and a retard, right there, Princess.
A clock with no explosives or detonator circuits is just a clock.

LOL! I guess I will NEVER get my fill of watching feminized Leftist Males (pardon the redundancy) speak of things they feel that they SHOULD know something about, but do NOT.

Here's a clue Sis... A "detonator circuit" is otherwise called a 'switch'... Clocks are used to alert people of the time... often they're used to alert people that it is a certain time... which it does so through an "ALARM", where a switch sends a current down a wire to a Speaker... sending the 'alarm'.

Now... take a guess what is used in an IED to 'detonate' explosives. (Here's another clue: We call that thing a 'switch', which sends a current down the line to a point which is adjacent to another line that is connected to ground, causing an arc... which detonates the explosive.)

Tell ya what... let's go back over the elements that the US Government 'CLAIMS' comprise an IED:

IEDs consist of a variety of components that include an initiator, switch, main charge, power source, and a container. " http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/prep_ied_fact_sheet.pdf

Now... in your clock, you have... The Power Source, Switch and Initiator.

Ahmed, modified the Clock, wherein he included the Container.

Anything gettin' through here, ladies?
Yes. According to your retarded argument, EVERY ALARM CLOCK IS AN IED!


Mathematical proof that you're wrong, and a retard, right there, Princess.

Every alarm clock is a potential IED... Along with every cell phone and any other device that can be improvised to send a switched current to an explosive charge.

That you think that such isn't true,
Doesn't make it less than truth.

Just as every improvised clock set into a container by a Young Muslim Male is not a clear and present danger to the people around them. It's just that most are ... . And that you choose to subjectively reject that truth, does not alter that truth.
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You're wrong. An IED without explosive material....is nothing but a gun without bullets.

So if Billy Ray wanted to bring his AR15 to class....but without bullets....would you say it's OK since the gun is INCAPABLE of shooting without bullets?

Or....maybe Bubba can wrap a watch around the stock of his rifle and call it a "cool clock".
So now it's equivalent to a gun.......:lol: You guys crack me up with all your stretching.

A gun with no bullets is a paperweight.
Retard. A gun with no bullets is still a gun. It just has no bullets.

You...and all liberals....know damn well that if anyone of any race was trying to carry that "clock" onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base....they would be stopped.
1) So what?

2) He didn't bring his clock onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base.

3) If he did, once having established that it was JUST A FUCKING CLOCK, they would have let him by.

The device confiscated and thoroughly inspected. Right? Yes....right. Because at a minimum it looked weird.
No one thought it looked weird, Cupcake. Every teacher, every school administrator, and every cop that examined the thing saw IMMEDIATELY that it was harmless--that it was only what the boy said it was: A CLOCK!

If they had any GENUINE suspicion that the clock was something dangerous, they'd have IMMEDIATELY evacuated the school and called the bomb squad.
Are you retarded or something? Your arguments are fucking awful.
Yet you seem unable to refute them.

Why is that, Cupcake?
Sorry, but your points are just too fucking dumb to discuss seriously.
A clock with no explosives or detonator circuits is just a clock.

LOL! I guess I will NEVER get my fill of watching feminized Leftist Males (pardon the redundancy) speak of things they feel that they SHOULD know something about, but do NOT.

Here's a clue Sis... A "detonator circuit" is otherwise called a 'switch'... Clocks are used to alert people of the time... often they're used to alert people that it is a certain time... which it does so through an "ALARM", where a switch sends a current down a wire to a Speaker... sending the 'alarm'.

Now... take a guess what is used in an IED to 'detonate' explosives. (Here's another clue: We call that thing a 'switch', which sends a current down the line to a point which is adjacent to another line that is connected to ground, causing an arc... which detonates the explosive.)

Tell ya what... let's go back over the elements that the US Government 'CLAIMS' comprise an IED:

IEDs consist of a variety of components that include an initiator, switch, main charge, power source, and a container. " http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/prep_ied_fact_sheet.pdf

Now... in your clock, you have... The Power Source, Switch and Initiator.

Ahmed, modified the Clock, wherein he included the Container.

Anything gettin' through here, ladies?
Yes. According to your retarded argument, EVERY ALARM CLOCK IS AN IED!


Mathematical proof that you're wrong, and a retard, right there, Princess.

Every alarm clock is a potential IED... Along with every cell phone and any other device that can be improvised to send a current to an explosive charge.

That you think that such isn't true,
Doesn't make it less than truth.
And here we have impeachable evidence that fully validates my point regarding your bullshit tactics.

I never said or implied what you say my position is regarding alarm clocks and such.

This is proof, with mathematical certainty, that you are a dishonest, and desperate retard, Princess.

You can't refute my actual position, so you fabricate one you can refute, and assign it to me.

You're a coward.... and an imbecile.

Just as every improvised clock set into a container by a Young Muslim Male is not a clear and present danger to the people around them. It's just that most are ... . And that you choose to subjectively reject that truth, does not alter that truth.
Again, you indict yourself.

Your concession is duly noted and accepted.

CONGRATULATIONS! Your dishonorable retard credentials remain intact!
So now it's equivalent to a gun.......:lol: You guys crack me up with all your stretching.

A gun with no bullets is a paperweight.
Retard. A gun with no bullets is still a gun. It just has no bullets.

You...and all liberals....know damn well that if anyone of any race was trying to carry that "clock" onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base....they would be stopped.
1) So what?

2) He didn't bring his clock onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base.

3) If he did, once having established that it was JUST A FUCKING CLOCK, they would have let him by.

The device confiscated and thoroughly inspected. Right? Yes....right. Because at a minimum it looked weird.
No one thought it looked weird, Cupcake. Every teacher, every school administrator, and every cop that examined the thing saw IMMEDIATELY that it was harmless--that it was only what the boy said it was: A CLOCK!

If they had any GENUINE suspicion that the clock was something dangerous, they'd have IMMEDIATELY evacuated the school and called the bomb squad.
Are you retarded or something? Your arguments are fucking awful.
Yet you seem unable to refute them.

Why is that, Cupcake?
Sorry, but your points are just too fucking dumb to discuss seriously.
Said every intellectual coward when faced with an argument they could not refute; the validity of which their lack integrity prevents them from acknowledging.

I never said or implied what you say my position is regarding alarm clocks and such.

Then what are you here bitching about?

I'm not here correcting what you didn't say, I'm here correcting what ya did say.
The coolest part of that rant was you could not even tell the reader what it was you claim Was mistakenly
Represented as you position.

In truth the only thing you've claimed you did not say that Inmistakenly quoted you on was where another contributor said a gun with no bullets is a paperweight to which you ascended with some comment regarding a clock being just a clock.

There's nothing relevant about your claim.

Because an improvised clock in a case sufficient to hold explosives contains 4 out of 5 elements of an IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE...

A student with an unloaded firearm in a public school is a felony... The left's own zero tolerance laws have landed numerous kids expelled and in jail... .

An UNLOADED IED, is ALSO A FELONY... where the law is objectively enforced.

And that the law was subjectively enforced because the kid is a YOUNG MUSLIM MALE IS ABSOLUTELY LUDICROUS, given that Young Muslims Males and IEDs are synonymous with MASS MURDER!
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Again Reader, remember that the key to defeating Leftist Los in debate rests upon two
Key fundamentals:

1- Find a Leftist.
2- Get them to Speak.
So now it's equivalent to a gun.......:lol: You guys crack me up with all your stretching.

A gun with no bullets is a paperweight.
Retard. A gun with no bullets is still a gun. It just has no bullets.

You...and all liberals....know damn well that if anyone of any race was trying to carry that "clock" onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base....they would be stopped.
1) So what?

2) He didn't bring his clock onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base.

3) If he did, once having established that it was JUST A FUCKING CLOCK, they would have let him by.

The device confiscated and thoroughly inspected. Right? Yes....right. Because at a minimum it looked weird.
No one thought it looked weird, Cupcake. Every teacher, every school administrator, and every cop that examined the thing saw IMMEDIATELY that it was harmless--that it was only what the boy said it was: A CLOCK!

If they had any GENUINE suspicion that the clock was something dangerous, they'd have IMMEDIATELY evacuated the school and called the bomb squad.
Are you retarded or something? Your arguments are fucking awful.
Yet you seem unable to refute them.

Why is that, Cupcake?
Sorry, but your points are just too fucking dumb to discuss seriously.

Yeah he's an idiot.

I said that no one would be allowed onto a plane, military base or court room with Hockmeds device. His answer was "so what?"

Yeah...that's kinda a big detail...because it looked suspicious.
A gun with no bullets is a paperweight.
Retard. A gun with no bullets is still a gun. It just has no bullets.

You...and all liberals....know damn well that if anyone of any race was trying to carry that "clock" onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base....they would be stopped.
1) So what?

2) He didn't bring his clock onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base.

3) If he did, once having established that it was JUST A FUCKING CLOCK, they would have let him by.

The device confiscated and thoroughly inspected. Right? Yes....right. Because at a minimum it looked weird.
No one thought it looked weird, Cupcake. Every teacher, every school administrator, and every cop that examined the thing saw IMMEDIATELY that it was harmless--that it was only what the boy said it was: A CLOCK!

If they had any GENUINE suspicion that the clock was something dangerous, they'd have IMMEDIATELY evacuated the school and called the bomb squad.
Are you retarded or something? Your arguments are fucking awful.
Yet you seem unable to refute them.

Why is that, Cupcake?
Sorry, but your points are just too fucking dumb to discuss seriously.

Yeah he's an idiot.

I said that no one would be allowed onto a plane, military base or court room with Hockmeds device. His answer was "so what?"

Yeah...that's kinda a big detail...because it looked suspicious.
I know, and then he struts around when you refuse to discuss his retarded points with him. It's more appropriate to just call him a fucktard and move on.

I never said or implied what you say my position is regarding alarm clocks and such.

Then what are you here bitching about?

I'm not here correcting what you didn't say, I'm here correcting what ya did say.
The coolest part of that rant was you could not even tell the reader what it was you claim Was mistakenly
Represented as you position.

In truth the only thing you've claimed you did not say that Inmistakenly quoted you on was where another contributor said a gun with no bullets is a paperweight to which you ascended with some comment regarding a clock being just a clock.

There's nothing relevant about your claim.

Because an improvised clock in a case sufficient to hold explosives contains 4 out of 5 elements of an IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE...

A student with an unloaded firearm in a public school is a felony... The left's own zero tolerance laws have landed numerous kids expelled and in jail... .

An UNLOADED IED, is ALSO A FELONY... where the law is objectively enforced.

And that the law was subjectively enforced because the kid is a YOUNG MUSLIM MALE IS ABSOLUTELY LUDICROUS, given that Young Muslims Males and IEDs are synonymous with MASS MURDER!
Made up nonsense. Again.

There is no handsome Prince to save your point, Princess.

Your fairy tale ain't real. There was no IED.
A gun with no bullets is a paperweight.
Retard. A gun with no bullets is still a gun. It just has no bullets.

You...and all liberals....know damn well that if anyone of any race was trying to carry that "clock" onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base....they would be stopped.
1) So what?

2) He didn't bring his clock onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base.

3) If he did, once having established that it was JUST A FUCKING CLOCK, they would have let him by.

The device confiscated and thoroughly inspected. Right? Yes....right. Because at a minimum it looked weird.
No one thought it looked weird, Cupcake. Every teacher, every school administrator, and every cop that examined the thing saw IMMEDIATELY that it was harmless--that it was only what the boy said it was: A CLOCK!

If they had any GENUINE suspicion that the clock was something dangerous, they'd have IMMEDIATELY evacuated the school and called the bomb squad.
Are you retarded or something? Your arguments are fucking awful.
Yet you seem unable to refute them.

Why is that, Cupcake?
Sorry, but your points are just too fucking dumb to discuss seriously.

Yeah he's an idiot.

I said that no one would be allowed onto a plane, military base or court room with Hockmeds device. His answer was "so what?"
That was not my entire answer now was it, Sis?

If you can't make your point honestly, then you can't make your point legitimately.

Yeah...that's kinda a big detail...because it looked suspicious.
Well, it didn't look too terribly suspicious now did it? Not suspicious enough to evacuate the school; not suspicious enough to call the bomb squad; ... but just suspicious enough to rationalize the harassment and bullying of a Muslim boy with brown skin. Ain't that right, Sis?
A gun with no bullets is a paperweight.
Retard. A gun with no bullets is still a gun. It just has no bullets.

You...and all liberals....know damn well that if anyone of any race was trying to carry that "clock" onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base....they would be stopped.
1) So what?

2) He didn't bring his clock onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base.

3) If he did, once having established that it was JUST A FUCKING CLOCK, they would have let him by.

The device confiscated and thoroughly inspected. Right? Yes....right. Because at a minimum it looked weird.
No one thought it looked weird, Cupcake. Every teacher, every school administrator, and every cop that examined the thing saw IMMEDIATELY that it was harmless--that it was only what the boy said it was: A CLOCK!

If they had any GENUINE suspicion that the clock was something dangerous, they'd have IMMEDIATELY evacuated the school and called the bomb squad.
Are you retarded or something? Your arguments are fucking awful.
Yet you seem unable to refute them.

Why is that, Cupcake?
Sorry, but your points are just too fucking dumb to discuss seriously.

Yeah he's an idiot.

I said that no one would be allowed onto a plane, military base or court room with Hockmeds device. His answer was "so what?"

Yeah...that's kinda a big detail...because it looked suspicious.

It looks suspicious to retards who can't seem to understand that without explosives it's simply a clock.
Made up nonsense. Again.

"Made up"?
Yes. Precisely.

ROFLMNAO! Well, go figure... the would be LOki, is a child.

Your Re-re-re-re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted, scamp.
Listen Princess, I'm not the one fabricating IEDs where none existed. There is no disagreement that the device was a clock.

I haven't conceded... I literally can't concede to your default. It's not possible, Princess.
A clock with no explosives or detonator circuits is just a clock.

LOL! I guess I will NEVER get my fill of watching feminized Leftist Males (pardon the redundancy) speak of things they feel that they SHOULD know something about, but do NOT.

Here's a clue Sis... A "detonator circuit" is otherwise called a 'switch'... Clocks are used to alert people of the time... often they're used to alert people that it is a certain time... which it does so through an "ALARM", where a switch sends a current down a wire to a Speaker... sending the 'alarm'.

Now... take a guess what is used in an IED to 'detonate' explosives. (Here's another clue: We call that thing a 'switch', which sends a current down the line to a point which is adjacent to another line that is connected to ground, causing an arc... which detonates the explosive.)

Tell ya what... let's go back over the elements that the US Government 'CLAIMS' comprise an IED:

IEDs consist of a variety of components that include an initiator, switch, main charge, power source, and a container. " http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/prep_ied_fact_sheet.pdf

Now... in your clock, you have... The Power Source, Switch and Initiator.

Ahmed, modified the Clock, wherein he included the Container.

Anything gettin' through here, ladies?
Yes. According to your retarded argument, EVERY ALARM CLOCK IS AN IED!


Mathematical proof that you're wrong, and a retard, right there, Princess.

Every alarm clock is a potential IED... Along with every cell phone and any other device that can be improvised to send a switched current to an explosive charge.

That you think that such isn't true,
Doesn't make it less than truth.

Just as every improvised clock set into a container by a Young Muslim Male is not a clear and present danger to the people around them. It's just that most are ... . And that you choose to subjectively reject that truth, does not alter that truth.

This has just reached top level goofyness. Now anything that has been used in a bomb might be a bomb even if it isnt a bomb.
Retard. A gun with no bullets is still a gun. It just has no bullets.

1) So what?

2) He didn't bring his clock onto a plane...or into a court room....or onto a military base.

3) If he did, once having established that it was JUST A FUCKING CLOCK, they would have let him by.

No one thought it looked weird, Cupcake. Every teacher, every school administrator, and every cop that examined the thing saw IMMEDIATELY that it was harmless--that it was only what the boy said it was: A CLOCK!

If they had any GENUINE suspicion that the clock was something dangerous, they'd have IMMEDIATELY evacuated the school and called the bomb squad.
Are you retarded or something? Your arguments are fucking awful.
Yet you seem unable to refute them.

Why is that, Cupcake?
Sorry, but your points are just too fucking dumb to discuss seriously.

Yeah he's an idiot.

I said that no one would be allowed onto a plane, military base or court room with Hockmeds device. His answer was "so what?"
That was not my entire answer now was it, Sis?

If you can't make your point honestly, then you can't make your point legitimately.

Yeah...that's kinda a big detail...because it looked suspicious.
Well, it didn't look too terribly suspicious now did it? Not suspicious enough to evacuate the school; not suspicious enough to call the bomb squad; ... but just suspicious enough to rationalize the harassment and bullying of a Muslim boy with brown skin. Ain't that right, Sis?

Zero tolerance policy needs to be addressed and changed, what about the 11 year old boy who was dragged from his home by police because he made a stick figure drawing in his class? He wasn't a Muslim.
Its more about anti- violence policies in our schools, and teachers not being allowed to use common sense, or they have now forgotten how to. They are just about required to call the police

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