14 Trillion how to wrap your head around this


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2010
Our Debt is 14 trillion dollars.
It seems we are all having a problem with getting this amount of money into our heads, in order to understand this amount of money.
Here goes - If you spent 1,000.00 per second (60,000.00 per hour) it would take you 444 years to blow through it.
Shakespeare was born in 1564, if he started spending 1,000.00 dollars per second when he turned 2 ys old he would just now have spent 14 trillion. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Now maybe we can get some perspective into this. Our government spending is totally out of control.
If you placed dollar bills end to end and stretched them to the moon and back......well $14 trillion dollars is enough paper to do that 40,000 times. or 10 times to the Sun and back.
Well like every one is saying it is not a tax problem, it's a spending problem and both parties are to blame.
Well like every one is saying it is not a tax problem, it's a spending problem and both parties are to blame.

It is both. Whenever revenues < expenditures you have a problem.

Yeah but you don't get to just have expenditures be off the fucking charts and say 'it's ok, we'll just tax more!" and think that makes everything ok.
Well like every one is saying it is not a tax problem, it's a spending problem and both parties are to blame.

It is both. Whenever revenues < expenditures you have a problem.

Yeah but you don't get to just have expenditures be off the fucking charts and say 'it's ok, we'll just tax more!" and think that makes everything ok.

OK, I admit that would be a far more horrible evil.

Believe me I am all for cutting spending a LOT! But the majority of America is NOT! So somebody is gonna have to pay the bills.

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