13 ways for active LDS to show their Christian love for LGBT peoples

Letter: Two suggestions for LDS leadership

If the top 15 men of the LDS Church leadership are truly the Earth's prophets, seers and revelators, and if they are committed to enlisting all of God's children for their betterment and blessings, they might consider two suggestions:

First, apologize and rescind — as a lamentable error — the recent handbook rules regarding same-sex marriages, and the penalties inflicted on the innocent children of such families.

Second, immediately instruct the bishop of each of the 12,000 LDS wards existing in the United States to accept one family fleeing the horrors of the wars in Syria. Use the power of your worldwide organization to bring one family at a time to the Saints' table of economic and religious plenty. These two actions would prove not only stunningly effective public relations moves, but they would be equally important as examples of unconditional love.

John Gary Maxwell

Salt Lake City
Sorry you do not get to dictate to the Church what it should do. I personally find the Muslim religion offensive until such time as it has a reformation. It teaches hate and murder which is against God's will. As for those in Sin unlike you the Prophets receive divine knowledge directly from God and his Angels. What they say is Divinely inspired and should be followed as all of God's commandments should be.
Your 15 have made a horrible mistake.

They have turned their back on God's children, in direct violation of "suffer the little ones to come unto me."
A Regional Representative sent this to LDS hqs yesterday.

He testified that the proclamation against the LGBT children was "as a test to the members of the Church. Those who reject it as the revealed will of God would be blessed; while those who accepted it will be rejected by the Almighty and others would stand in their places."
A Regional Representative sent this to LDS hqs yesterday.

He testified that the proclamation against the LGBT children was "as a test to the members of the Church. Those who reject it as the revealed will of God would be blessed; while those who accepted it will be rejected by the Almighty and others would stand in their places."
Wrong as usual. Once again for ohh so slow and amazingly STUPID... A child with gay parents that are living in active sin have a problem if they belong to a church that properly teaches and supports God and Jesus. They are faced with conflicting authorities on what is right and proper. You would let that stand and subject those children to trauma of the worst kind. One authority , their parents, are teaching them that to sin is not only acceptable but desirable , while the other, the Church, is teaching that while it is proper to love a sinner it is NOT proper to support defend or assist an active sinner in the continued commission of sinning.
You are saying, RGS, that baptized children, including those who have been ordained to the Priesthood, have put "on hold" by your leaders. Your leaders are allowing sin to fill their hearts and souls, to infect their decisions. These children cannot interact with their peers, while the children of killers and felons and abusers, all sinners, can. Your leaders have placed a mill stone around their own neck.

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