13 best and worst foods for people with diabetes


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Ouch! I love bananas. Now you tell me they're bad for my diabetes?

At least it provides alternatives that make sense.

Read story @ 13 best and worst foods for people with diabetes Fox News
Count carbs instead of calories for a while. You can have that stuff but in small quantities after you get used to taking your blood sugars throughout the day to see how things affect you.
Automatic insulin pumps should be on the market within five years...

Scientists Make Progress Toward Better Diabetes Treatment, Cure
February 11, 2016 - Excess sugar, or glucose, in your blood is not good. But a healthy body regulates it through insulin, produced in the organ called the pancreas.
If the body fails to do that, either because of genetics or an unhealthy lifestyle, diabetics have to adopt a grueling routine of constant monitoring of blood sugar and injecting insulin for the rest of their lives. Both insulin monitors and delivery devices, called insulin pumps, are available, but so far, creating an automatic injector that does not require monitoring has proved to be a difficult problem.

After working on it for almost 20 years, scientists at Harvard University say they may be close to solving it. “In essence, we use a patient model, a computational model, a mathematical model, to forecast into the future," said Harvard's Frank Doyle, a professor of engineering and applied sciences. "So we get a sense of how past insulin affects future glucose, how the past trajectory of glucose is going to play out for the next hour or two.” Scientists say automatic insulin pumps should be on the market within five years.

What about a cure?

Finding a cure for diabetes would be even better, and laboratory mice at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology may hold the key. In the type of diabetes caused by genetic disposition, the human immune system kills pancreas cells that produce insulin. A gelatin-like substance engineered in an MIT lab shields those cells from the attack. “We can take these human islets from stem cells and actually cure these diabetic mice for months," said Daniel Anderson, a professor of applied biology at MIT. "We have also shown that in primates we can put these little balls of new material in the abdominal space of primates and see that they don't form scar tissue, which is an important step towards thinking of using them in people.” Scientists are optimistic that one way or another, or maybe with a combination of approaches, they will bring relief to diabetes sufferers within a few years.

Scientists Make Progress Toward Better Diabetes Treatment, Cure
dude by now you should know.....there is no list of foods we can all eat....eat one of us reacts differently to each food....you got to eat to your meter...in other words..test...then eat...then two hours later test to see how that food did...you will find that fruit smoothie will kick your ass most likely..

dont trust that portion shit either.....i am have a 5.3 a1c.....i am 'cured' lol till i eat a mother fucking biscuit....how would you like to be in the south and unable to eat biscuits? i want a bacon biscuit this morning...i tested out at 41.....okay we knew that was wrong...i was standing up and not cussing or shaking....and i had rice and ice cream last night.....retest told the true story at 113.....so its oatmeal for me....i fucking hate oatmeal lol
i cant eat white rice or pasta....i use dreamfields pasta.....cooked al dente.....i can eat that....most diabetics can....
If pasta is cooked like that it isn't very high on the glycemic index. Boil it until it is mush and it will more than double because overcooking it breaks down the fiber.
the dreamfields is made so you cant absorb as many carbs or some shit.....there is a chocolate festival in jonesboro today.....grumpy just ask me if i wanted to go......i do think he wants to get shed of me....expensive chocolates......
Automatic insulin pumps should be on the market within five years...

Scientists Make Progress Toward Better Diabetes Treatment, Cure
February 11, 2016 - Excess sugar, or glucose, in your blood is not good. But a healthy body regulates it through insulin, produced in the organ called the pancreas.
If the body fails to do that, either because of genetics or an unhealthy lifestyle, diabetics have to adopt a grueling routine of constant monitoring of blood sugar and injecting insulin for the rest of their lives. Both insulin monitors and delivery devices, called insulin pumps, are available, but so far, creating an automatic injector that does not require monitoring has proved to be a difficult problem.

After working on it for almost 20 years, scientists at Harvard University say they may be close to solving it. “In essence, we use a patient model, a computational model, a mathematical model, to forecast into the future," said Harvard's Frank Doyle, a professor of engineering and applied sciences. "So we get a sense of how past insulin affects future glucose, how the past trajectory of glucose is going to play out for the next hour or two.” Scientists say automatic insulin pumps should be on the market within five years.

What about a cure?

Finding a cure for diabetes would be even better, and laboratory mice at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology may hold the key. In the type of diabetes caused by genetic disposition, the human immune system kills pancreas cells that produce insulin. A gelatin-like substance engineered in an MIT lab shields those cells from the attack. “We can take these human islets from stem cells and actually cure these diabetic mice for months," said Daniel Anderson, a professor of applied biology at MIT. "We have also shown that in primates we can put these little balls of new material in the abdominal space of primates and see that they don't form scar tissue, which is an important step towards thinking of using them in people.” Scientists are optimistic that one way or another, or maybe with a combination of approaches, they will bring relief to diabetes sufferers within a few years.

Scientists Make Progress Toward Better Diabetes Treatment, Cure
As much as the ADA receives in donations, they should already have a cure. Same with the American Cancer Society and every other cancer group.
Diabetes runs in my family to one degree or another rampantly. I happen to run closer to the opposite end of the spectrum with borderline hypoglycemia (hyper?). Any media suggestions for or against certain foods are really more of 'guidelines' to follow, but aren't complete. In my book, everything is good in moderation and depends on many factors.
Bananas aren't a bad thing in and of itself. Neither is white rice or pasta or white flour based products such as biscuits or even alcohol or other fruits. Most everything has some type or even a small amount of sugars. Fruit really shouldn't be avoided because they are a natural sugar or fructose, our bodies need the nutrients they provide. Bananas are a new one on me and I can't figure out how they top the sugar bowl. They are also loaded with potassium that helps control muscle spasms & pains such as charley horses. Most carbs in the 'cereal group' of the food pyramid and some veggies as potatoes & especially corn are high in starches. Those starches are turned into sugars in the body, most are then used to fuel the many systems within the body and the liver will store extra sugars as fats in the blood creating triglycerides or bad cholesterol. It's not just one thing you put in your mouth, but everything and needs to be considered for what each can either give you or harm you
It more depends on how much of these items you eat or drink in relation to other lifestyle events. If you are under a lot of mental or emotional stress, going to run a 10K marathon, illness, or any other type of event that would put your whole system into overdrive, your body is going to need more 'sugars' to keep it running smoothly.
In that same context, if you live a more sedentary or stress free lifestyle then you need to keep as much of those carbs/sugars/etc down to the bare minimum overall.
If you're like most people, your life is a mix of both in any given timeframe. One day you may be more lazy & just kick back, life is good so no worries...you probably shouldn't over indulge in 'those' kinds of foods & keep it more to proteins & veggies with only a very small portion of carb/rice/pasta. The next day is all planned out for a round of golf with the guys, afterward a trip to the hardware store for lumber for a new yard project. Really no big deal as far as physical exertion or breaking a sweat like playing football or running a 5k, but you would still maybe choose a few more carbs in your diet to feed that fuel use or even treat yourself with a beer after the golf game.
If one morning your blood tests high (or higher than you think it should) for whatever unknown reason, you may want to stick with oatmeal especially if its going to be an easy next few hours. When you test later, just before eating lunch, and it's way too low and you're planning to go somewhere or do something, you may want to choose a 'heavier content' type lunch to carry you thru.

The real goal for those with diabetes or other blood sugar issues.....is the attempt to keep those levels as steady as possible throughout the day and to stay away from the hi & low roller coaster ride. Especially as we get older, our bodies don't respond as well as they used to, to dramatic changes we put them thru.

Another good idea is to have 6 or 8 small meals throughout the course of the day and stay away from the 3 meal a day that overloads our systems.
o hell no ..they changed all that....the small meals etc...now its eat breakfast like a king...lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper....i cant eat that much at breakfast and i will be damn if i am doing without dinner....

Medscape: Medscape Access


ok, but also keep in mind these people just keep changing their minds on what's good & what isn't. So called Experts don't always know everything and have been wrong before. Especially that not everyone falls in the same box, but hey...whatever.
I think I'll stick with paying attention to what my body is telling me it needs & try to make the healthier choice with some common sense mixed in. Not that I'm right or haven't been wrong before or that I have any common sense, but I keep trying to see what works for me.

genetics loads the gun....lifestyle pulls the trigger
Now that is about as true as it gets :iagree:
o hell no ..they changed all that....the small meals etc...now its eat breakfast like a king...lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper....i cant eat that much at breakfast and i will be damn if i am doing without dinner....

I've been thinking about this and it doesn't really make sense. The suggestion of having less in the stomach or system to carry the body thru the night or long rest period. Yes you're at rest, everything slows down, but still to go so long with little food in the system, seems more dangerous to me.
Then in the am, to overload the system, afternoon eat for maintenance, and then a small dinner to carry you thru?

I'm kinda like you in that I can't do breakfast, coffee is my breakfast, lunch can be toss up, but dinner is a must. I try to have some type of physical activity each day and I really try not to eat much more than just some snack just before bed. I don't think it's good to overload on food then go to bed & need some time (at least an hour or more) in between .

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