Excellent article, it nails it.

Scary. The left has been engaged in all 12 of these subversive activities...

Washington Times op-ed details 12 steps ‘to destroy a society’ — and they’re happening now

This is surprisingly spot on.

From your article:

1. I would destroy the religious ideals that built the country and held it together, allowing it to thrive and be exceptional. In short, I would destroy Christianity in the West.

The several centuries long ongoing atheist movement to bury our God has within the last sixty years intensified into an all out assault on Christian speech, intellectualism, education and rights. Three generations and counting of young Americans think it's hip to deny the existence of God.

2. I would destroy the family, the fabric of society. I would tear apart the nuclear family, that produced stable children, future contributors to the nation’s wealth and power. … A society that does not reproduce is a dying society.

Began as far back as the 20's with the nascence of the sexual revolution, intensified and proliferated with the advent of radical feminism and became an all out "shooting" war of ideologies during the 1960's cultural revolution. Today it's ceaseless mass artillery bombardment against the nuclear family by the LGTBQ movement leaders and the radical American Left.

3. I would promote the concept “toxic masculinity” and extremist feminism. What better way to make the society less masculine, less able to field a strong military? …. In short, I would feminize the male population, making it less effective in battle.

See the sexual revolution--all based on falsified "science"--and the radical feminist movement. Nowadays men are so confused they cheer their woman's right to ***king kill their unborn son or daughter.

4. I would destroy the education system. I would plant Marxist professors throughout the university system, teaching new generations nothing about American history, but filling their heads full of communist propaganda. They would know nothing of Washington, Lincoln, or Jefferson, but of Malcolm X and Lenin.

Gleaned from recent first hand experience: the social sciences and humanities departments are 20 foot thick rampart enclosed postmodernist radical Leftist intellectual enclaves the nation over. Our university departments have become postmodern politically correct ideologue automaton factories. Conservative and Christian or even viewpoints simply skeptical of the ideologue party line are unwelcomed with hostility.

5. I would divide the races. What better way, what better method of “dividing and conquering,” than to foster a race war, filling minorities’ heads full of lies of police brutality, and developing a culture of hate towards law enforcement?

Many decades of identity politics practiced by the Democratic party have laid to waste the ideological and political fruit of civil rights movement achievements. Blacks are indoctrinated to hate whites; whites are indoctrinated to hate themselves. Race warfare.

6. I would corrupt the federal government. I would fill the intelligence and security services with traitors to the nation’s founding. When any political figure arose which threatened my diabolical agenda, I would use these corrupt agencies to target and frame any rising star who loved America, even if he was a duly-elected president of the United States.

See Peter Strzok, Rod Rosenstein and the rest of the warlocks and witches of D.C.

7. I would take away the population’s means to defend itself – meaning, I would take away their guns. The fear of an armed population would stop any invasion. I would get rid of this problem.

Evident, long ongoing attempts to politicize key shootings across the U.S. for many years, for the purpose of doing just that.

8. I would destroy self-reliance and ingenuity by making over half of the population dependent on the government, unable to take care of themselves.

Behold the platforms mainstreamed winnable Democratic Socialists hope to run on in November and 2020. And tens of millions of ignoramuses are begging for that teat to suckle from.

9. I would use big-tech to completely remove any viewpoints or ideas that were associated with the “old America.” I would ban them from the internet. Heck, I’d take over the internet. I would work with other tyrannical powers to develop internet censorship to eventually prevent any opposing views to
be heard by anyone.

Active and ongoing. Don't believe it? Hop on Twitter and spew your conservative or pro-Trump opinions. Find out.

10. I would corrupt the nation’s leadership with money, finding those who would sell out the country for pieces of silver. I’d make sure they were strategically placed in powerful positions. I’d shell out money throughout the legislature to make sure no laws were passed that opposed my agenda.

Elected and appointed officials answering to "hey, Judas" abound.

11. I would promote the disrespect of the nation’s symbols. I would have people kneel during the national anthem, burn the flag, tear down statues of the nation’s history. I would make people hate the very fabric of the nation that gave them such wealth and power.

Observe the rampant and popular pastime of burning our Flag. Witness the immediate manifestation of anti-patriotic symbology USMB members the moment a thread emerges condemning the desecration of our most hallowed symbols of patriotism. How many Democrat assholes have publicly spoke against out nation and its symbols?

12. I would find a straw man, a country who is also a malicious adversary to America, though much less powerful, and I would focus all the negative energy and recriminations towards this straw man country. In this manner, the targeted nation would be ignorant of my true intentions.

Russia and Russia; a bit a NK and Iran on the side with a spritz of Syria. O. Welles what about the Martians?
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Liberal Democrats and Stalin .. it's so obvious they no longer even deny it..

1. I would destroy the religious ideals that built the country and held it together, allowing it to thrive and be exceptional. In short, I would destroy Christianity in the West.
Yep. I would start by putting a serial adulterer at the head of government. A pathological liar. A man who bears false witness against others every single day. A man who made his living from contests of the flesh. A man who made his living from gambling. A man who has donated millions to pro-abortion Democrats. A man who is worshiped by the Rube Herd for his adultery. A man who is worshiped for his lies.

That's how I would start to undermine Christianity. I would get Christians to vote for such a man, and get them to defend and admire him.
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Written in 1834 about Europe, this prescient passage applies today to the so-called "Moral Majority" or "Christian Right":

The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 17
1. I would destroy the religious ideals that built the country and held it together, allowing it to thrive and be exceptional. In short, I would destroy Christianity in the West.
Yep. I would start by putting a serial adulterer at the head of government. A pathological liar. A man who bears false witness against others every single day. A man who made his living from contests of the flesh. A man who made his living from gambling. A man who has donated millions to pro-abortion Democrats. A man who is worshiped by the Rube Herd for his adultery. A man who is worshiped for his lies.

That's how I would start to undermine Christianity. I would get Christians to vote for such a man, and then defend and admire him.

All true.

And Americans knew most of that before November 8, 2016.

How crappy does a Party Agenda and Candidate have to be, to lose to that?
From the kkk to antifa to blm to ecoterrorism, Democrats inspire domestic violence and death.

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I read Alinsky's Rules For Radicals years ago then sat and watched it all come true. Ever since the Thirties the progressive liberals and RINOS practiced up on all those points and finally got their man into office when the Golden Kenyan was elected.For 8 years that evil SOB did as much damage as he could and he and everyone in his coven were devastated when the baton wasn't passed on to the evil witch Hillary. Now that people are starting to see and understand what is happening and could happen, they are going to get off their butts and squelch this plague. And with extreme prejudice.
1. I would destroy the religious ideals that built the country and held it together, allowing it to thrive and be exceptional. In short, I would destroy Christianity in the West.
Yep. I would start by putting a serial adulterer at the head of government. A pathological liar. A man who bears false witness against others every single day. A man who made his living from contests of the flesh. A man who made his living from gambling. A man who has donated millions to pro-abortion Democrats. A man who is worshiped by the Rube Herd for his adultery. A man who is worshiped for his lies.

That's how I would start to undermine Christianity. I would get Christians to vote for such a man, and then defend and admire him.

The American Left, particularly the radicalized intelligentsia, has zero moral ground on which to stand. Whatever tiny island of morality the Democratic party once used to dry its feet from the surrounding oceans of moral relativism, has since been meteorically sent down to rest beside Davy Jones bones. The depths of immortality displayed for many decades on the American Left is bathymetrically unmeasurable. Our President's escapades cannot hold a candle to that level of debauchery and sadism.
1. I would destroy the religious ideals that built the country and held it together, allowing it to thrive and be exceptional. In short, I would destroy Christianity in the West.
Yep. I would start by putting a serial adulterer at the head of government. A pathological liar. A man who bears false witness against others every single day. A man who made his living from contests of the flesh. A man who made his living from gambling. A man who has donated millions to pro-abortion Democrats. A man who is worshiped by the Rube Herd for his adultery. A man who is worshiped for his lies.

That's how I would start to undermine Christianity. I would get Christians to vote for such a man, and then defend and admire him.

All true.

And Americans knew most of that before November 8, 2016.

How crappy does a Party Agenda and Candidate have to be, to lose to that?
No, the American people did not know all that before the election. That was the whole point of silencing his mistresses right when the pussy grabber was caught on tape bragging about abusing his celebrity to sexually assault women.

Trump would have been toast.
1. I would destroy the religious ideals that built the country and held it together, allowing it to thrive and be exceptional. In short, I would destroy Christianity in the West.
Yep. I would start by putting a serial adulterer at the head of government. A pathological liar. A man who bears false witness against others every single day. A man who made his living from contests of the flesh. A man who made his living from gambling. A man who has donated millions to pro-abortion Democrats. A man who is worshiped by the Rube Herd for his adultery. A man who is worshiped for his lies.

That's how I would start to undermine Christianity. I would get Christians to vote for such a man, and then defend and admire him.

The American Left, particularly the radicalized intelligentsia, has zero moral ground on which to stand. Whatever tiny island of morality the Democratic party once used to dry its feet from the surrounding oceans of moral relativism, has since been meteorically sent down to rest beside Davy Jones bones. The depths of immortality displayed for many decades on the American Left is bathymetrically unmeasurable. Our President's escapades cannot hold a candle to that level of debauchery and sadism.
The Left has always been depraved.

And now, thanks to Trump's submissive supporters, neither does the Right.

After supporting and defending and covering for a piece of shit like Trump, the Right will never have a moral leg to stand on again.
Trump's defenders have not only excused his multiple adulteries, they have celebrated them.

Trump's defenders have even excused his millions of dollars of donations to pro-abortion Democrats. They have excused the support of the murder of the unborn because Donald needed to make money!

Profit from the murders of the innocent.

It just doesn't get more non-Christian, more evil, than that.

Trump's twisted sick supporters will never wash that stain off themselves. Ever.
1. I would destroy the religious ideals that built the country and held it together, allowing it to thrive and be exceptional. In short, I would destroy Christianity in the West.
Yep. I would start by putting a serial adulterer at the head of government. A pathological liar. A man who bears false witness against others every single day. A man who made his living from contests of the flesh. A man who made his living from gambling. A man who has donated millions to pro-abortion Democrats. A man who is worshiped by the Rube Herd for his adultery. A man who is worshiped for his lies.

That's how I would start to undermine Christianity. I would get Christians to vote for such a man, and then defend and admire him.

The American Left, particularly the radicalized intelligentsia, has zero moral ground on which to stand. Whatever tiny island of morality the Democratic party once used to dry its feet from the surrounding oceans of moral relativism, has since been meteorically sent down to rest beside Davy Jones bones. The depths of immortality displayed for many decades on the American Left is bathymetrically unmeasurable. Our President's escapades cannot hold a candle to that level of debauchery and sadism.
The Left has always been depraved.

And now, thanks to Trump's submissive supporters, neither does the Right.

After supporting and defending and covering for a piece of shit like Trump, the Right will never have a moral leg to stand on again.

Unfortunately for the Democratic party, its ideologues have been unable to separate the character flaws from the efficacy of the leader to achieve very positive results beneficial to the American people. Character assassination is the game of the day; as is denial of evident results. Former President Obama's prime agency of conduct was a cool, collected and close to cybernetically cut professional demeanor which belied the Trojan Horse in a suit he turned out to be. Had the Democrat voters been capable of objectively examining Obama's actions-- primarily in their deleterious end user results for a majority of Americans--rather than his physical appearance, our currently seesawing-on-the-abyss American way of life might be instead safe on much securer ground.
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The witch hunt continues and all you really have is a skank porno star and a creepy lawyer as your greatest hope... :lmao:
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The witch hunt continues and all you really have is a skank porno star and a creepy lawyer as your greatest hope... :lmao:

They must be hunting at Hogwarts...
Any plan that requires more than three steps is just too hard.

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