11 Statistics Show Just How Far the Economy Has Deteriorated


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Economic Collapse writes: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? Unfortunately, most Americans are not. Both political parties have controlled the White House during the last four years – Barack Obama has been in office for nearly two years and before him it was George W. Bush – and yet no matter what politicians we send to Washington D.C. things just seem to keep getting worse.

Yep no matter who we send things just keep getting worse. But then again things could be better if obama would just stop with the socializtion of America.
#1 In November 2006, the "official" U.S. unemployment rate was 4.5 percent. Today, the "official" U.S. unemployment rate has been at 9.5 percent or greater for more than a year.

#2 At Thanksgiving back in 2006, 26 million Americans were on food stamps. Today, there are over 42 million Americans on food stamps and that number is climbing rapidly.

#3 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, median household income in the United States fell from $51,726 in 2008 to $50,221 in 2009. Median household income declined the year before that too. Meanwhile, prices have continued to rise throughout that period.

#4 At the end of the third quarter in 2006, 47 banks were on the FDIC "problem list". At the end of the third quarter in 2010, 860 banks were on the FDIC "problem list".

#5 California home builders began construction on 1,811 homes during the month of August, which was down 77% from August 2006.

#6 In 2006, new home sales in the United States were near record highs. In 2010, new home sales in the United States are at record lows as the following graph from Calculated Risk demonstrates....

#7 A recent survey of last year's college graduates found that 80 percent moved right back home with their parents after graduation. That was up substantially from 63 percent in 2006.

#8 According to one analysis, the United States has lost a total of 10.5 million jobs since 2007.

#9 In 2006, the Social Security program took in somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 billion more dollars than it paid out. Of course the U.S. government spent all that money instead of setting it aside. So now more U.S. retirees than ever are ready to start drawing on Social Security and a "tipping point" is rapidly coming. Social Security will pay out more in benefits in 2010 than it receives in payroll taxes. This was not supposed to happen until at least 2015

#10 The U.S. government's debt ceiling has been raised six times since the beginning of 2006.

#11 In 2006, the U.S. national debt was getting close to 9 trillion dollars. Today, the U.S. national debt is well past 13 trillion dollars and is rapidly closing in on 14 trillion dollars.

This is all over the web and is part of a growing anti-Democrat tidal wave, which might be useful if the GOP had a clue.
Economic Collapse writes: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? Unfortunately, most Americans are not. Both political parties have controlled the White House during the last four years – Barack Obama has been in office for nearly two years and before him it was George W. Bush – and yet no matter what politicians we send to Washington D.C. things just seem to keep getting worse.

Yep no matter who we send things just keep getting worse. But then again things could be better if obama would just stop with the socializtion of America.

From 2001 to 2008, Obama made sure 2.4 million jobs were moved to China.

The Republican leadership, working with the Chamber of Commerce, with the support and funding of China were forced by Obama to give seminars on how to outsource to China. Companies were able to get subsidies and tax cuts to finance the moves by Obama who forced the Republican Party in power to give those subsidies and tax cuts.

Of course, even though all this happened during the Bush years, it was actually the fault of Obama.

You guys are funny the way you complain that I write the same things over and over again. Only I'm just responding to what you guys say. You know. The lies over and over again. They deserve the "truth". That's why I'm here. To shed light on right wing lies. Without me, you would believe all that right wing bullshit.
Economic Collapse writes: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? Unfortunately, most Americans are not. Both political parties have controlled the White House during the last four years – Barack Obama has been in office for nearly two years and before him it was George W. Bush – and yet no matter what politicians we send to Washington D.C. things just seem to keep getting worse.

Yep no matter who we send things just keep getting worse. But then again things could be better if obama would just stop with the socializtion of America.

From 2001 to 2008, Obama made sure 2.4 million jobs were moved to China.

The Republican leadership, working with the Chamber of Commerce, with the support and funding of China were forced by Obama to give seminars on how to outsource to China. Companies were able to get subsidies and tax cuts to finance the moves by Obama who forced the Republican Party in power to give those subsidies and tax cuts.

Of course, even though all this happened during the Bush years, it was actually the fault of Obama.

You guys are funny the way you complain that I write the same things over and over again. Only I'm just responding to what you guys say. You know. The lies over and over again. They deserve the "truth". That's why I'm here. To shed light on right wing lies. Without me, you would believe all that right wing bullshit.

From 2001 to 2008, Obama made sure 2.4 million jobs were moved to China.

Rdean must have a mental chip that has a malfunction
He blamed obama even when obama wasn't in the federal government.

Yep no matter who we send things just keep getting worse. But then again things could be better if obama would just stop with the socializtion of America.

From 2001 to 2008, Obama made sure 2.4 million jobs were moved to China.

The Republican leadership, working with the Chamber of Commerce, with the support and funding of China were forced by Obama to give seminars on how to outsource to China. Companies were able to get subsidies and tax cuts to finance the moves by Obama who forced the Republican Party in power to give those subsidies and tax cuts.

Of course, even though all this happened during the Bush years, it was actually the fault of Obama.

You guys are funny the way you complain that I write the same things over and over again. Only I'm just responding to what you guys say. You know. The lies over and over again. They deserve the "truth". That's why I'm here. To shed light on right wing lies. Without me, you would believe all that right wing bullshit.

From 2001 to 2008, Obama made sure 2.4 million jobs were moved to China.

Rdean must have a mental chip that has a malfunction
He blamed obama even when obama wasn't in the federal government.

This isn't a partisan issue. It really isn't. Playing partisan gotcha with our economy is treasonous imo.

We need to fix our economy a whole lot more than we need to replace the criminals in DC with the other criminal party in DC.
From 2001 to 2008, Obama made sure 2.4 million jobs were moved to China.

The Republican leadership, working with the Chamber of Commerce, with the support and funding of China were forced by Obama to give seminars on how to outsource to China. Companies were able to get subsidies and tax cuts to finance the moves by Obama who forced the Republican Party in power to give those subsidies and tax cuts.

Of course, even though all this happened during the Bush years, it was actually the fault of Obama.

You guys are funny the way you complain that I write the same things over and over again. Only I'm just responding to what you guys say. You know. The lies over and over again. They deserve the "truth". That's why I'm here. To shed light on right wing lies. Without me, you would believe all that right wing bullshit.

From 2001 to 2008, Obama made sure 2.4 million jobs were moved to China.

Rdean must have a mental chip that has a malfunction
He blamed obama even when obama wasn't in the federal government.

This isn't a partisan issue. It really isn't. Playing partisan gotcha with our economy is treasonous imo.

We need to fix our economy a whole lot more than we need to replace the criminals in DC with the other criminal party in DC.

Wasn't being partisan.
But the economy is way way way on the back burner with those in D.C.
Socialization for eveybody. it the point of order today

Yep no matter who we send things just keep getting worse. But then again things could be better if obama would just stop with the socializtion of America.

From 2001 to 2008, Obama made sure 2.4 million jobs were moved to China.

The Republican leadership, working with the Chamber of Commerce, with the support and funding of China were forced by Obama to give seminars on how to outsource to China. Companies were able to get subsidies and tax cuts to finance the moves by Obama who forced the Republican Party in power to give those subsidies and tax cuts.

Of course, even though all this happened during the Bush years, it was actually the fault of Obama.

You guys are funny the way you complain that I write the same things over and over again. Only I'm just responding to what you guys say. You know. The lies over and over again. They deserve the "truth". That's why I'm here. To shed light on right wing lies. Without me, you would believe all that right wing bullshit.

From 2001 to 2008, Obama made sure 2.4 million jobs were moved to China.

Rdean must have a mental chip that has a malfunction
He blamed obama even when obama wasn't in the federal government.

Ahh, then you admit. From 2001 to 2008, it must have been the Republicans. Funny, they knew how to destroy the economy then, but today, they have the "answer" on how to "fix it". Only they don't. They just say they do.
From 2001 to 2008, Obama made sure 2.4 million jobs were moved to China.

The Republican leadership, working with the Chamber of Commerce, with the support and funding of China were forced by Obama to give seminars on how to outsource to China. Companies were able to get subsidies and tax cuts to finance the moves by Obama who forced the Republican Party in power to give those subsidies and tax cuts.

Of course, even though all this happened during the Bush years, it was actually the fault of Obama.

You guys are funny the way you complain that I write the same things over and over again. Only I'm just responding to what you guys say. You know. The lies over and over again. They deserve the "truth". That's why I'm here. To shed light on right wing lies. Without me, you would believe all that right wing bullshit.

From 2001 to 2008, Obama made sure 2.4 million jobs were moved to China.

Rdean must have a mental chip that has a malfunction
He blamed obama even when obama wasn't in the federal government.

This isn't a partisan issue. It really isn't. Playing partisan gotcha with our economy is treasonous imo.

We need to fix our economy a whole lot more than we need to replace the criminals in DC with the other criminal party in DC.

Isn't that what Bush and the Republicans did with their trillions in tax breaks with 52% going to just 1% of the richest Americas? In fact, wasn't Iraq also "treason"? Playing with the loyalties of the American people. Gambling with the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans for a little oil? And to make a buck in no bid contracts? Iraq - now a right wing Islamic theocracy by constitution who hates our guts. Was it worth it? Did it work our the way Republicans wanted?

Republicans had six straight years of total control of every facet of the US Government. The disaster we see today are direct results of the policies of that odious and greedy political Party. Good Gawd, it was only a few years ago. How could everyone "forget" in that short time exactly what they have done?
From 2001 to 2008, Obama made sure 2.4 million jobs were moved to China.

The Republican leadership, working with the Chamber of Commerce, with the support and funding of China were forced by Obama to give seminars on how to outsource to China. Companies were able to get subsidies and tax cuts to finance the moves by Obama who forced the Republican Party in power to give those subsidies and tax cuts.

Of course, even though all this happened during the Bush years, it was actually the fault of Obama.

You guys are funny the way you complain that I write the same things over and over again. Only I'm just responding to what you guys say. You know. The lies over and over again. They deserve the "truth". That's why I'm here. To shed light on right wing lies. Without me, you would believe all that right wing bullshit.

From 2001 to 2008, Obama made sure 2.4 million jobs were moved to China.

Rdean must have a mental chip that has a malfunction
He blamed obama even when obama wasn't in the federal government.

Ahh, then you admit. From 2001 to 2008, it must have been the Republicans. Funny, they knew how to destroy the economy then, but today, they have the "answer" on how to "fix it". Only they don't. They just say they do.

From 2001 until 2007 things were good from 2007 until now things have gotten worse and the democrats controlled congress from 2007 until now.
2007-2009 democrats controlled congress 2009 until now they controlled the government.
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rdean sed:

Isn't that what Bush and the Republicans did with their trillions in tax breaks with 52% going to just 1% of the richest Americas? In fact, wasn't Iraq also "treason"? Playing with the loyalties of the American people. Gambling with the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans for a little oil? And to make a buck in no bid contracts? Iraq - now a right wing Islamic theocracy by constitution who hates our guts. Was it worth it? Did it work our the way Republicans wanted?

Republicans had six straight years of total control of every facet of the US Government. The disaster we see today are direct results of the policies of that odious and greedy political Party. Good Gawd, it was only a few years ago. How could everyone "forget" in that short time exactly what they have done?

partisans are the problem.

We should have a legal season in which all Americans can hunt divorce attorneys and partisans for two weeks each year.

Within a few short years their populations will be reduced to sustainable levels. And we can all live happier lives. Amen.
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rdean sed:

Isn't that what Bush and the Republicans did with their trillions in tax breaks with 52% going to just 1% of the richest Americas? In fact, wasn't Iraq also "treason"? Playing with the loyalties of the American people. Gambling with the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans for a little oil? And to make a buck in no bid contracts? Iraq - now a right wing Islamic theocracy by constitution who hates our guts. Was it worth it? Did it work our the way Republicans wanted?

Republicans had six straight years of total control of every facet of the US Government. The disaster we see today are direct results of the policies of that odious and greedy political Party. Good Gawd, it was only a few years ago. How could everyone "forget" in that short time exactly what they have done?

partisans are the problem.

We should have a legal season in which all Americans can hunt divorce attorneys and partisans for two weeks each year.

Within a few short years their populations will be reduced to sustainable levels. And we can all live happier lives. Amen.
What would be the punishment for out of season kills? And I sort of agree with rdean the Ds are not so much corrupt as incompetent.
a $200 fine and a 3 year suspension of hunting rights?

The dems are both corrupt and incompetent, hence their current grip on power. Once the GOP can out corrupt them they will regain power.

It's a race to the bottom.

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