10-year ban on Muslim immigration


Jul 14, 2009
A PETITION tabled in Federal Parliament calling for a 10-year ban on Muslim immigration has been labelled bigoted by a leader of the Islamic community.

ACT senator Gary Humphries last Thursday tabled the petition, signed by three Sydneysiders, calling for a 10-year moratorium on Muslim immigration and a review of Australia's immigration policy to ensure priority is given to Christians.

But the Liberal senator has defended his tabling of the "somewhat offensive" petition, which he acknowledges is potentially racist and bigoted, saying he presented it because it conformed with Senate standing orders.

"I certainly don't agree with what's in the document. I don't agree with the sentiments expressed by the petitioners," he told ABC Radio today.

"But I believe that they have the right to put that point of view in front of the members of the Federal Parliament."

Anti-Muslim petition in Parliament 'bigoted' | Herald Sun
Senator Humphries said the petition expressed a view about Australia's immigration policy and wasn't racially vilifying. He added he was a friend of Canberra's Islamic community.

But Australian Federation of Islamic Councils president Ikebal Patel said the document was bigoted.

"For God's sake we've gone beyond the white Australia policy and now we are talking about ... a policy that only allows Christians," he said.

"That's hardly a loving Christian to be very selective in whom you want to enter in your home."

Anti-Muslim petition in Parliament 'bigoted' | Herald Sun
The people and elected leaders of ANY country have the right to decide who gets in and who doesn't.
The people and elected leaders of ANY country have the right to decide who gets in and who doesn't.

Yes, true, but I always assumed these laws were keyed off one's nationality, and then refined for such things as health, income, etc.

What would prevent an aspiring immigrant from just lying about their religion?

Subject them to the pork test. Never fails!
Australia has immigration laws that key of a person's religion? That seems odd.
Not if the religion want's to kill you.

The good Muslims are in America.

I wonder. They are surely not in Turkey's leadership.

According to the Armenians, Kurds and Cypriots. Still going on.

Turks threaten to kill Armenian climbers on Ararat

Turks threaten to kill Armenian climbers on Ararat | Armenia News - NEWS.am

KurdishMedia.com: News about Kurds and Kurdistan

The accepted genocide of Kurds in Turkey

Turkish invasion of Cyprus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CYPRUS PROBLEM: The Turkish Invasion

That Turkey committed atrocities in the course of her invasion is scarcely surprising in view of her record in the Balkans, in Syria, in Armenia and in Anatolia and her long-standing policies of population expulsion and transfer and of discrimination against non-Turkish ethnic groups.
Kurds: Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity



Since the Armenian genocide, Turkey has done very well to hide and disguise its dark history from the international community. But a shady past rarely dawns a bright future.

Instead, Turkey is re-branding itself with Europe-friendly terms to essentially get rid of what it has always wanted to be rid of. Turkey’s tidy up of its language: words with a distinct Kurdish origin wiped out and replaced. Indeed, anything that is not strictly Turkish has been linked to “terrorism” – a trigger word guaranteed to win the sympathies of the international community.

The Turkish constitution does not recognise Kurds in Turkey, and so often labels them as terrorists, providing a convenient scapegoat for military uprisings and other political issues. Thus, “terrorist” becomes a synonym for Kurds.

Turkey frequently argues that the PKK is a terrorist organisation; hence all Kurdish organisations are banned for what they may imply.

Turkey is desperately in need of an imaginary threat to its “national security”, “territorial integrity” and “sovereignty”, achieved by “separatist/terrorist” Kurds. The scale of the suffering Kurds and destruction of Kurdish homeland does not fit into any “terrorist” definition. In 1999, the death toll of Kurds killed in Turkish military operations increased to over 40,000. According to the figures published by Turkey’s own Parliament, 6,000 Kurdish villages were systematically evacuated of all inhabitants and 3,000,000 Kurds have been displaced. This sounds like an elimination of a people, a culture and a homeland

KurdishMedia.com: News about Kurds and Kurdistan
The people and elected leaders of ANY country have the right to decide who gets in and who doesn't.

Yes, true, but I always assumed these laws were keyed off one's nationality, and then refined for such things as health, income, etc.

What would prevent an aspiring immigrant from just lying about their religion?

Subject them to the pork test. Never fails!
the jewish dilemma... a free Ham :lol:
Kurds: Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity



Since the Armenian genocide, Turkey has done very well to hide and disguise its dark history from the international community. But a shady past rarely dawns a bright future.

Instead, Turkey is re-branding itself with Europe-friendly terms to essentially get rid of what it has always wanted to be rid of. Turkey’s tidy up of its language: words with a distinct Kurdish origin wiped out and replaced. Indeed, anything that is not strictly Turkish has been linked to “terrorism” – a trigger word guaranteed to win the sympathies of the international community.

The Turkish constitution does not recognise Kurds in Turkey, and so often labels them as terrorists, providing a convenient scapegoat for military uprisings and other political issues. Thus, “terrorist” becomes a synonym for Kurds.

Turkey frequently argues that the PKK is a terrorist organisation; hence all Kurdish organisations are banned for what they may imply.

Turkey is desperately in need of an imaginary threat to its “national security”, “territorial integrity” and “sovereignty”, achieved by “separatist/terrorist” Kurds. The scale of the suffering Kurds and destruction of Kurdish homeland does not fit into any “terrorist” definition. In 1999, the death toll of Kurds killed in Turkish military operations increased to over 40,000. According to the figures published by Turkey’s own Parliament, 6,000 Kurdish villages were systematically evacuated of all inhabitants and 3,000,000 Kurds have been displaced. This sounds like an elimination of a people, a culture and a homeland

KurdishMedia.com: News about Kurds and Kurdistan

And it continues. Some say this kind of thing is not happening. That's because they hide their heads in the sand.

Or they agree with what is happening.

Kurds: Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity



Since the Armenian genocide, Turkey has done very well to hide and disguise its dark history from the international community. But a shady past rarely dawns a bright future.

Instead, Turkey is re-branding itself with Europe-friendly terms to essentially get rid of what it has always wanted to be rid of. Turkey’s tidy up of its language: words with a distinct Kurdish origin wiped out and replaced. Indeed, anything that is not strictly Turkish has been linked to “terrorism” – a trigger word guaranteed to win the sympathies of the international community.

The Turkish constitution does not recognise Kurds in Turkey, and so often labels them as terrorists, providing a convenient scapegoat for military uprisings and other political issues. Thus, “terrorist” becomes a synonym for Kurds.

Turkey frequently argues that the PKK is a terrorist organisation; hence all Kurdish organisations are banned for what they may imply.

Turkey is desperately in need of an imaginary threat to its “national security”, “territorial integrity” and “sovereignty”, achieved by “separatist/terrorist” Kurds. The scale of the suffering Kurds and destruction of Kurdish homeland does not fit into any “terrorist” definition. In 1999, the death toll of Kurds killed in Turkish military operations increased to over 40,000. According to the figures published by Turkey’s own Parliament, 6,000 Kurdish villages were systematically evacuated of all inhabitants and 3,000,000 Kurds have been displaced. This sounds like an elimination of a people, a culture and a homeland

KurdishMedia.com: News about Kurds and Kurdistan

And it continues. Some say this kind of thing is not happening. That's because they hide their heads in the sand.

Or they agree with what is happening.


Nobody cares about the Turks or the Kurds, its all about money and what side can give you the most benefits, right now the Turks have more to offer than the Kurds so people turn a blind eye to this and do business with the Turks.

And it continues. Some say this kind of thing is not happening. That's because they hide their heads in the sand.

Or they agree with what is happening.


Nobody cares about the Turks or the Kurds, its all about money and what side can give you the most benefits, right now the Turks have more to offer than the Kurds so people turn a blind eye to this and do business with the Turks.

Yes, but someday, they will be taken to task. Even if it is at the end of days.

It will come HG.
And it continues. Some say this kind of thing is not happening. That's because they hide their heads in the sand.

Or they agree with what is happening.


Nobody cares about the Turks or the Kurds, its all about money and what side can give you the most benefits, right now the Turks have more to offer than the Kurds so people turn a blind eye to this and do business with the Turks.

Yes, but someday, they will be taken to task. Even if it is at the end of days.

It will come HG.

When you do shit like that you will be held accountable, maybe not on this earth but when you stand before God.
Apparently, the countries that value "freedom and liberty" are learning those two things do not exist in islam societies.
And it continues. Some say this kind of thing is not happening. That's because they hide their heads in the sand.

Or they agree with what is happening.




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