10 Things to hate about Valentine's Day

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Here are 5, go to link to get the rest:

1. Single or coupled, if you didn't make a reservation in January, your options for going out to dinner are limited to the local fast food drive-through.

2. The hour of our lives we waste every year in the greeting card aisle, looking for the perfect one.

3. The overnight tripling of the price of roses, forcing your boyfriend to choose between getting you a bouquet of a dozen or paying his cable bill that month.

4. The 24/7 romantic comedy marathon on TV during the month of February either makes you feel like a loser for being single or makes you resent your boyfriend for not being John Cusack.

5. If you've had anything resembling a date in the past two months, it always prematurely launches the "where is this going?" conversation.

10 Things We Hate About Valentine's Day - MSN Relationships - article

Ha! That's pretty funny.

I've always kind of liked V-day, at least when I'm invovled with someone, so I can't think up anything I hate about it.

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