10/11 bacteria?


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Modern science has revealed a startling fact that was first intimated by Anton von Leeuwenhoek scraping his teeth more than 400 years ago—you are more bacteria than you. Estimates put the number of microbial cells as constituting 10 times more of the cells in your body than actual human cells. What's worse, you better not get rid of them. Without them, you'll die.

Observations: What's in your gut?

Yep, our bodies are one big receptacle for creepy crawly things, most of them serving a purpose. But what's just as fascinating is when a strange critter tries to enter, the autoimmune system kicks in with a vengence, seeking and destroying the invader.
I am a symbiosis of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, all of which contribute to my sentience.

Thinking of ourselves as a single organism simply is not accurate.

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