
  1. georgephillip

    Time to Ban Cryptocurrencies?

    In this article the author makes the claim today's cryptocurrencies are "high-tech successors to the chaos of 'free banking' in the 19th century..." The Free Banking Era "If we want the benefits of digital currency transactions without the risks, one idea discussed at today’s hearing of the...
  2. T

    USMB: Which politcal party do you vote for?

    Hi folks. I just wanted to post an unofficial poll into the voting habits of our fair political message board. This is totally unscientific poll, so please, don't be shy! No judging allowed, please.
  3. LibertyThunder

    Media unreasonably attack Gary Johnson over “Favorite Leader” Question

    “Aleppo Moment” attacks catastrophizing Gary Johnson’s intellect already underway. Next thing you know, everyone will be saying he can't even name any leader at all, much less one that has views similiar to his that he respects. Media unreasonably attack Gary Johnson over "Favorite Leader" Question
  4. LibertyThunder

    Study suggests political posts on social media is useless

    The Rantic study allegedly polled 10,000 Facebook users and categorized them as Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. They did not list Libertarians for some reason, but maybe because that category isn't really experiencing those kind of problems on social media? Anyone experiencing crap on...
  5. LibertyThunder

    NEW POLL: Johnson in 2nd, Trump in Nose Dive with Voters Under 30

    Poll shows Trump in 4th place with single digit approval - SOURCE
  6. P@triot

    The sad fall of liberalism

    Of course, there are millions of instances that could be provided to show just how far liberalism has fallen in terms of being an ideology of substance, having some integrity, honesty, etc. As it has been examined over the decades and its policies have failed so profoundly, those that subscribe...

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