
  1. Pastelli

    The Munich attacker was an Islamist neo-Nazi.

    Of course we all knew that. ### The Munich attacker was an Islamist neo-Nazi. Rheinneckarblog. Sep 6, 2024. According to research by the Rheinneckarblog, Emrah Ibrahimovic (18) is an Islamist Neo-Nazi from Austria with Bosnian roots. Apparently radicalized at least on the Internet with IS...
  2. FDR_Reagan

    German-researcher warns of alliance: Islamists & Nazis… like in the 1930s

    Comment: Merkel maybe tried to improve new Germany's image by importing a million non-Ayrans. But islamofascism hatred backfires. ÷÷ Germanarrative. earcher sees worrying alliances in anti-Semitism. DPA Tue, January 2, 2024 at 10:43 PM PST ...This false but powerful construction can be...
  3. FDR_Reagan

    Another Hitler-praising Islam-Imam pAlESTiNiAn

    Nothing to see here. Absolutely nothing. Or maybe we should ask Claudine Gay on what "context" the Islamic Imam preaches? = Nazis not just in Gaza: Imam in Shechem [Nablus] Praises Hitler HakolHayehudi | Oct 24, 2023 Hakol Hayehudi exposes: Naaman Mashaikh, an Imam at a mosque in Balata...
  4. The Original Tree

    Chopping BrockOhLee! Islam in America

    The DemNazi Resistance will again try to convince you Islam is harmless, and is a faith equivalent to Judaism or Christianity. It is not. It is a political doctrine equivalent to Nazism, and The Koran is just a 7th Century version of Mein Kampf. Doubt Me? Shocking video of children in...

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