Lumpy 1
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  • Thank you. WQ and are hoping for a quiet remainder of the hurricane season after surviving Irma, and looking forward to our annual Disney Christmas trip with the "kids". Wishing the best to your family and you.:)
    Lumpy 1
    Lumpy 1
    It sounds like you've settled into a happy family life. WQ seems like a perfect choice , a great mind and naturally comical. I'm so glad for you, you deserve the best, perhaps you may not understand what a great and rare sorta lady you are, that's probably a good thing.. lol and add a very respectful Hug..
    • Thanks
    Reactions: Sherry
    And here I thought I had exclusive rights to the Cheshire cat.

    How you doing Lumpy?
    Lumpy 1
    Lumpy 1
    lol ....I'm fine, it's harder not getting pissed on the political arenas now-a-days but still it's mostly laughs. You seem to have a Cheshire Cat attitude and smile at times, sorry, I guess exclusive's is out-ski..
    Damaged Eagle
    Damaged Eagle
    One has too keep a sense of humor even when it seems there's nothing to CHUCKLE about. Keep that chin up and hope for the best is all one can do.
    Lumpy 1
    Lumpy 1
    Yup, those fit my preferences as well. No news and no USMB does the trick usually.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Lumpy! (((hugs))))
    Lumpy 1
    Lumpy 1
    Thank You Darlin and of course always the best to You and Yours my friend.
    Hiya, Lumpy! Hope you've been well.
    Lumpy 1
    Lumpy 1
    I'm fine and thanks for asking, I hope you're doing fine or even better as well. I haven't been posting all that much, the USMB has just gotten to vulgar and adolescent to hold my interest or have much fun.
    Hey Lumpy! Long time no see...just wanted to say hello :)
    Lumpy 1
    Lumpy 1
    Hello my friend, it's nice to see you around. I don't post much anymore but occasionally I like to spir the pot for some fun. I do post occasionally on Kat's board also. Hugs Darlin..
    Lumpy 1
    Lumpy 1
    Hello Darlin, I just don't seem to have much to say anymore but occasionally I do. I guess I need regular enemies or
    Merry Christmas, Lumpy!
    Lumps of gold?? I'm sure you meant lumps of coal ;)
    Hope you're staying warm in this weird weather we're having.
    Lumpy 1
    Lumpy 1
    We had a white Christmas here and no kidding weird weather yet again this year. Merry Christmas MeBelle, I'm always glad to run across you Darlin.
    Merry Christmas, young man!
    Lumpy 1
    Lumpy 1
    Thank You Darling, as always, nothing but the best wishes to You my little snickerdoodle...
    Good to see you, Lumpy!
    A Merry Christmas, and Happy, Healthy New Year to your and yours!
    Lumpy 1
    Lumpy 1
    Gosh, thank You Darlin , all the best to you and yours as well and a very Merry Christmas. My kids are all grown up now but being a Grandpa is great fun also. Hugs and hugs,
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