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  • You are missed in the coffee shop, Mr. Ringel05. I know you're tired of the animus our country is going through, but recent events have been a revelation in why things in DC aren't working very well. I know the politics have been difficult, and my prayer is that God gives you the strength, will, and courage to let the stupid stuff roll off like water off a duck's back. You the best.
    • Thanks
    Reactions: Jitss617
    Nothing yet. they're trying an old chemo treatment and she just had her first round two weeks ago.
    william the wie
    william the wie
    being neither a pharmacist nor an oncologist all I can tell you is to ask your team about how the quantity of cannabis needed to keep your wife's weight and pain control should be every time every time her treatment changes. getting the whole team on the same page tends to be under done or sometimes overdone.
    No pain which is a good thing and as of now she will have absolutely nothing to do with cannabis, she won't even consider it.
    Any improvement in out look for your wife (I thought you had stopped posting to concentrate on your wife which is why it's I have been so long in checking back I'm glad things have calmed down enough for you to post again
    • Thanks
    Reactions: Ringel05
    No improvement yet, still waiting on news of other possible treatments, that won't happen overnight. As for concentrating on my wife I do but I also need to come here and decompress, she encourages it.
    william the wie
    william the wie
    I had a right eyelid cancer years ago and all checks for me have been great. On the otherhand Gail's major malfunctions tend to be her screwed up back she inherited from her dad but cancer gallops in her family so I do worry about that. But compared to you everything is going well for me, I pray that will be true for you and your wife soon
    Is your wife doing better?
    That's yet to be seen, started a new, targeted form of chemo on Monday. She's pretty much spent the last couple of days sleeping and nauseous when awake, not unexpected with the start of a new chemo.
    Thanks for asking.
    william the wie
    william the wie
    No problem ask about proton beam radiation the next time you go to the hospital It's expensive as all get out but it causes a lot less collateral damage
    From waling along the steep hillsides. Actually, all the trees and bushes on the north bank of the Ohio River slant southward. Because West Virginia sucks!
    Thanks! Mom's sense of aesthetics would insist that the concrete be dyed to most accurately portray natural Kentucky Blue grass and fescue making that application of hardscape more expensive than a putting green!
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