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  • roflmao, you libtards just hate seeing the TRUTH put out for the world to see

    No problem. Canada's system is like that. They do not allow for any private competition. I would never want a system like that where the government system is the only game in town. I think it would be great if we had that so long as private insurance was still allowed as supplemental insurance giving those who are willing to pay for it that option.
    Hate to break your heart but JFK inherited vietnam from Eisenhower who was the one that sent us into vietnam.
    as always,you prove you are clueless about history in the fact that JFK signed a document two months before his assassination calling for a complete withdrawel of vietnam by 1965 which Johnson reversed one day before his assassination signing a document that called for covert wars.a document jfk never saw and never signed since it reversed his policy of withdrawing the first 1,000 of 12,000 men by the end of that year 1963.
    In an interview with walter kronkite in sept 63, you see a graphic displayed that says 82 us casultys,thats a far cry from the 58,000 americans killed under johnson and Nixon.:lol:

    comedy gold that you say Kennedy got us into vietnam.pricless. :lol:

    Johnson and Nixon were the bastards that murdered those 58,000 americans.

    Its all documented in scholar David Kaisers book called
    AMERICAN TRAGEDY.Eisenhower,Kennedy,Johnson and the origins of the vietnam war.the author poured overt THOUSANDS of documents from the Eisenhower,Kennedy and Johnson administrations before he wrote that book.

    you might actually try reading it before you make anymore asinine posts that kennedy got us into vietnam ignoring facts that it was Johnson and Dick Nixon who murdered those 58,000 americans.:cuckoo: which again,is a FAR CRY from the mere 82 casultys that happened under Kennedys watch.:cuckoo:
    Thanks for the rep homey. We are amongst the extinct breed of non partisan hack. : / ahh well.
    I might be an idiot, depending on whose definition is used and whose point of view, but without a doubt you are an intolerant fascist ass hole.
    The person who coined the phrase "teabag Washington" was a teabagger you insolent jackass. What you, like 6 years old? One who teabags is a teabagger, are they not? That's basic English. If you don't want to be called a teabagger don't joint he party that declared it would teabag.
    also its funny how when you were confrotned with evidence and facts you could not refute on that thread I made,all you could so is resort to childish need to look in the mirror when calling someone a troll.thats what a troll DOES.
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