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  • Holy Butthurt batman!!! Lakeview, being butthurt on a board about being butthurt is the primordeal ooze of messageboards.
    I know that your time on the board matters to you. You think it's a good thing, I think it's pathetic. You think you're cool, I think you're a punk ass bitch. Yeah, being the guy who posts a lot is a good thing..:) Loser.
    Fail attempt at shock value is fail.

    You're not very well schooled at all, are you? How's the view from your parent's basement?
    You want to mold the law as you see fit, without regards to process, or the constitution. That is a facist asshole. And most progressives I see are "compasionate," with other people's rights, money, and property. They also propose solutions that make them "feel good" and do NOTHING to actually solve the "problem" they are so worried about.
    Define Fascist Asshole, which is nothing but a pejorative used by someone of abject ignorance.

    You fit the mold of a Callous Conservative (CC), a person who lives by the code, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you". CC's lack empathy, evaluate all ideas by the same standard, "how will this effect me" and decide ideas solely on that standard.
    Calling me a "Fascist Asshole" and giving me a negative rep. because I called you out for a dishonest post is reprehensible. At one time I had the impression you were normal, it appears gun control has put you over the edge and you're now fulling ensconced in the paranoid idiot fringe. Grow up, get some therapy and maybe then you will be able to develop empathy for the victims of gun violence (and we can rule out your behavior which strongly suggests a personality disorder).
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