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  • Hey tough guy! My visitor board is wide open. Have fun bashing me on it! Not sure where your hostility toward me comes from, I don't believe I have even crossed path with you here too frequently!
    well good morning...i was leaving a message for luissa and saw your messages to her and decided to be nosey...i was kinda surprised...you know i dont believe in your ways...but you have never gone off on me...

    now abs this isnt very taoist...of you..now is it..


    The valley spirit never dies;
    It is the woman, primal mother.
    Her gateway is the root of heaven and earth.
    It is like a veil barely seen.
    Use it; it will never fail.

    Lao Tsu

    Tao Te Ching

    ahh look at you...all cleaned up with them crazy eyes covered lol...and a nice smile...
    I love how you don't like what I have to say so you call me a slut! And you are the one who started this!By the way the Village People want their costume back terd tickler!
    Way to show your christian side by calling me a ****! I never said God didn't exsist! I just don't believe Jesus was who they said he was. I don't believe in the fairy tale the christian church tries to make us believe. So put that in your pipe and smoke it ass pirate!
    I am a fucking tard because I don't believe in the fairy tale of adam and eve? Or that I am more logical about it than you are. How about you tell me how Jesus walked on water, oh wait they got that one from other God's also.YOu Christians couldn't even come up with orginal stories for your messiah!
    Thanks. It seems to me that the logical solution to combat the unfair treatment regualrly metted out to israel is to return the favor to those dishing it out.
    Hope you weren't insulted by my earlier post today. I was pulling your leg as far you being hippielike.
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