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  • Sorry I insulted your boyfriend. I'll try to remain more open-minded towards people of alternative lifestyles in the future.
    wry are the most long winged excuses that can never defend patriotism, but there are those excuses for failure on your part you wear them as an honor.
    Thanks for the Neg. Rep.. I wear them as a badge of honor whenever I receive one from fools like you. Not having the intelligence and knowledge to offer a counterpoint to any argument, you and others like you - resort to name calling, profanity and jejune behavior.
    If only you would limit your comments to Neg. Reps you would provide a service to our nation. That you insist on posting and exposing your ignorance and character disorder 'live' on this message board is a disservice to all American citizens, for people around the world see you as an ugly American and that reflects on all of us.
    Thanks for the rep in the Wasserman Schulz thread. That woman seriously needs therapy.

    Belated thanks for the rep. Greatly appreciated. Also love your "take no prisoners" approach in discussions.

    Thanks for the Neg. Rep; I enjoy being called an idiot by someone like you, crusaderfrank, stephanie and other proud and loud members of the echo chamber. It's clear to me after reading many of your posts that you might have graduated from a high school but I would not be surprised if you had not.
    I won't call you an idiot, but I'm certain your mental skills are well below average, an observaton based on your syntax and vocabulary and because I've never read a post written by you that wasn't some version of right wing propaganda. You appear to be a nasty parrot, mean spirited and very poorly informed. Keep posting, you provide me some humor and a good deal of embarrassment for those who are conservative, informed and of at least average intelligence.
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