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  • Ya..he is willing to have Americans pay whatever it takes to satisfy his hatred. Thanks!
    You are wrong. The dude is NOT a king....he cannot unilaterally decide not to take advantage of the fucked up rules that the other guys set up. The man is not stupid. You are digging your heels in on some moral high ground and are unable to admit your mistake. You CONSTANTLY call other out for doing that which you do......and your arguments are not so sophisticated that we can't see right through them. Do the right thing......go back to the thread and state that you now know.....after having the proof provided by other is the thread, that Obama supporters do hold him accountable. Just do it.
    I didn't change the subject. I threw his ridiculous assumption back on him. People should look within before they make broad assumptions about others. I simply pointed that out to him. As far as my op being wrong, its not. Obama had it right when he proclaimed them a danger. But instead of doing something about it he flipped and now embraces them. Fact.

    Ps. Thanks for the rep despite the reason.
    LL, I refer to libtards when people are being leftwing ideologues and not thinking about the issues in a rational way. When conservatives do it I refer to it as neofascism which is a much more serious charge.

    Look at my posts if you dont believe me.

    I am a moderate who leans conservative and I am not a member of the GOP by any means. I vote independent third party as often as I vote Republican nationally and more often vote Democrat locally. I voted for Carter in 76 and still regret it.

    A word isnt worng to use when it accurately describes a person. I am fat and to call me fat might be a pejorative but it wouldnt be wrong.
    Yah, but it was intentional. ;) That's his second post on Christmas cookies. Thanks for the rep.
    Thanks for the Rep.
    Post 11?
    Was there a post by you? I'll do some searching. If I'm not wrong, I believe the GOP threw in some requirements for Medicare and unemployment. I'll do some more research and thnaks for bringing it to my attention.
    hey lone laughter, This is my forst time seeing you here and I cant believe I have run acrossed a fellow poster who only pos reps too.

    I thought I was the only one to realise neg rep is for people who cant win a debate with facts.
    No. I only pos rep. I use it to send a quick message.....I think a person has to be an asshole to give negative rep.
    Thank you much for Rep *smiles* Beer=Nice *ha* I'm such a kook that way ~LoL~
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