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  • Its amazing you can type while your sucking off your boyfriend and giving 2 of his friends hand jobs at the same time.
    Where the fuck you been?? I never see you causing trouble much anymore. Am I looking in the wrong threads?? ~LoL~ Yeah well, call me a bitch, call me whatever......
    Put that dick down and get back to work. The restrooms need to be sparkling clean for the party tonight.
    That part about the Israelis needing to behead Arab prisoners was just retarded, you have the mentality of a caveman you should convert to Islam and move to Pakistan, you would fit in perfectly there.
    Thats just stupid, I have friends, you have *zero*, it was an anology moron, damn your dumb pal, when are you going to grow up, try moving from mamas house.....
    I am so sorry that you remain butt hurt over the fact that you are friendless and a friendless twat. But I do regret one thing, you sub-moron. It's a shame I couldn't neg you twice for that same revolting OP in which you called for beheading Arab prisoners. You are an immoral lowlife rat-**** scumbag.
    You idiot quiff, stupid fuckface, asslicking doucherag. Suck some more balls, but don't look to me. I reject you. Get over the pain, you butthurt imbecile. I will, of course, with or without your permission, continue to assign neg reps to your posts to the extent of the idiocy and venality contained within your posts. And I will (naturally) do so at times entirely of my choosing. You get no vote, pussy. Not sorry bout that. And I will address you, ya butthurt sphincter boi, any and every time I see your idiocy being put on such public display if it occurs to me that you need a little smackdown. So stop whining, bitch.
    Gays would think that way *Homo HG*, no huge surprise there, Liability is reaching, he's hurt, being a homo, his *butt hurts*,!!!! he's gay like you, hey maybe you should give him a call???
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